KK's April rotation

Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Karen, I don't get to read much, just magazines are about all the time I make. I seem to be busy all the time. When I do read, that's all I want to do!

I'm looking forward to the Pyramids. They should be here next week. I'm heading to Reno after I "jump in the shower". Did Timesaver #1 cardio step and then Muscle Max premix Upper Body Push/Pull. What is Push/Pull? I feel like I got a good workout and it's 33 minutes long. It jumps around pretty good so you feel like it goes fast.

Karen, thanks for the kind word about my friend George. He was a man who lived life to the fullest, enjoying the arts, horses and family. It was pretty neat that members of the hunt he belonged to traveled over from Reno, dressed in their red coats and hunt apparel. It was so good to visit with them.

Yes, feeling good is an indicator of good health. Next week my husband will be working long hours so I may squeeze in a couple cardio sessions after work if time allows. We only have 1 TV so I don't like to pirate it when he's home.

Looking forward to my metric tomorrow. However, Leaner Legs might not have been the best choice yesterday as my quads are a tad sore as I've not done any squats or lunges recently.

Have good workouts today, I'll check back in after the metric on Sunday.

Ah, the metric. Woke up at 12:00 a.m. to take our puppy outside to go potty, and it's raining. Get up at 3:00 a.m. to get ready to go (have to leave at 4:15 a.m.) and it's still raining. Hitched a ride with friends down to Redding, CA (2 hours) and it's raining on the way. However, it stops before we get there.

Decided to do a modified route, instead of the 50, we did 71 miles. The weather was picture perfect, nice temperature (60's), beautiful wildflowers along the way, low traffic, some shady riding, good company (5 of us rode together)and very challenging climbs. I think we climbed 5 or 6,000'. I felt great for the whole ride and yes, my endurance and leg strength and cardio were way up there. In fact, I got a couple compliments on how strong I was riding! I attribute these to my Cathe workouts because I sure haven't put in the miles on the bike this spring. Core work really helped immensely too. All in all, a very successful and beautiful ride. Oh yeah, hit a top speed of 41 mph on a downhill somewhere. This was one of the hilliest rides I've done in a while.

The rest stops were very well stocked, lots of bananas, oranges, fig newtons, cookies, gatorade, water. Lunch was a feast of make your own sandwhiches, salads, fruit, chips, cookies, strawberry shortcake (with whipped cream):9 and even chocolate truffles. There was even an after ride dinner (which I didn't need, but couldn't resist), of burritos, salsa and peach pie. Yes, I had that too. Know I ate way more calories than what I burned, but that's okay. I had a great time and felt strong throughout. This ride will definitely be a must do next year again.

Completing this ride makes me feel better about the century I'll be doing on May 28th. That one I've done twice before and it's not near as hard as the 70 we did today.

Well, must sit down and write down a rotation. Will check back in the morning.

Jeanette :7
Hi Jeanette,

Wow, what interesting reading on your metric. 71 miles. I'm really, really impressed. It sounds like such a good day. Well done, Jeanette -- I'm sure you did impress your friends with your strength -- I know since Cathe, my strength has improved so much. Sounds like a great and wonderful day, actually. Probably better than mine...x(

Friday night, (I'd gotten a new DVD set called 500 nations to do as research). It's a 4 volume set -- about 2 - 2 1/2 per DVD. I thought I'd watch one before I went to bed -- watched all five. Finally crawled into bed by 4AM -- then up at 10 the next day -- and only 5-6 hours of sleep last night -- a friend of mine had a party -- a Hollywood party -- and it was great, but I'm missing some sleep. Was actually falling asleep at the computer, fingers on the keyes and everything.:+

Anyway, wow, what a day Jeanette. Thanks so much for sharing it. It's interesting, because in light of the gas crisis, I've been thinking about pulling out my bike and riding it places locally, instead of taking the car. Here in LA, the car still must be used, but...

Well, have a wonderful day. Will be starting a May rotation.:7
Thanks, Karen for your kind words. It was a good day.

Wow, staying up to watch all 5 DVD's, I would have drifted off long before. They must have been pretty interesting. What were they about?

I wish I could ride my bike more for utilitarian purposes, or to commute to work as I'm only 7 miles away from the prison, but I work at 6:00 a.m. and then I'd need to shower, (helmet hair), just doesn't work on this schedule. I remember when we were kids, we'd ride our bikes everywhere, to the corner store, library, exploring. I remember also taking coke bottles back to the store, and cashing them in for money and then buying candy with that money. Pixie Stix, candy necklaces, wax lips. Back then, mom and dad didn't have the worries that today's parents of young kids have.

Have a great day, will add to the May thread.

Hi Jeanette,

They were so interesting, it was incredible. I couldn't believe I did that -- the time just flew. But I'm really making up for it -- slept for 8 hours last night and will try to do the same tonight, just to make up.

I remember doing much the same as you, Jeanette, when I was a kid -- I, too, remember getting bottles and taking them to the store and riding my bike everywhere. Since I work at home, I might be able to do that -- just ride it places -- but not to the grocery store or anything, which is 20 minutes away by car...

Have a good one.:7

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