KK's April rotation

Hi all,

It's been awhile since I've been online - my business partner has been on vacation so I've been really swamped this week.

I'm still on the strength rotation although I'm going to miss one workout tonight as I didn't get home from work in time and then we went out to dinner. Tomorrow will start week 3 for me. I suspect that the rotation is largely to increase overall strength although I am noticing some muscle building as well. The muscle building might not be as pronounce for everyone as I tend to get build muscle a little easier that others.

Jeanette - all that cycling talk makes me want to get my bike out. Maybe if the wind would die down a bit, I will give it a try.

Good Saturday morning everyone:

Just finished Lowmax premix 1-4 and Coremax pre-mix workout #3 tough core. What a great workout! I really like the pre-mixes (all 3 of them) on the Coremax DVD. #3 ends with planks and I can feel the improvement in strength. My pikes were better too. First time I could do all of them. Not sure I'm getting up as high as Cathe but I'm doing something anyway.

Natalie, sorry you've been so busy at work. I know how it's like when my co-worker is off, the phone rings all the time and just when you finish a call and start some work, there goes that darn phone again. And they expect us to do quality work?

The cycling was good last evening. Did 32 miles with about 2500' of climbing. And no wind for a change so the downhill was fantastic! I hate wind gusts on a downhill. Wind can be disheartening on a ride but you have to remember that "the wind is your friend". Course we love tailwinds. Makes you think you're stronger than what you are. 2 years ago myself and a group of friends did the Yreka century. On the last 16 miles back to Yreka we had a direct tailwind. We hit 30 mph all the way back to Yreka! What a way to finish! There's nothing like it!

Tomorrow will be no Cathe workout but will do a bike ride with my son's girlfriend. We'll be shooting for 40 miles for her, with some climbing. She has a goal of doing an organized metric ride (62 miles) around the end of May. No doubt she'll do well on it.

Off to Reno today to pick out countertop material for the bathroom cabinet. Weather looks lovely!

Have good workouts today!

Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! And Hi Jeanie!


No workout for me today, either. Yesterday I did do Rhythmic Step -- a really good cardio workout -- but I also think I pulled something in my hip...sigh...

Like I said, I'm trying to build up that cardio endurance.x(

Yesterday did chores all day -- thought I'd get them all done in the morning, but here in LA, the traffic is so bad -- that it took me all day to go everywhere and get everything done. So last night I did most of my housecleaning so I could concentrate on writing today. Have written 4 pages so far -- and have 6 more to go.

You know, these air purifiers from Sharper Image are really working well. When I'm inside, I'm fine. Go outside, though, and I sneeze.

Okay, Jeanette, I was just reading some posts, which I thought might interest you. One was about getting leaner legs. And the overall suggestion was to do higher reps with less weight. I actually don't go over 15 pounds on the barbell -- that's only 7 1/2 pounds in each hand -- of course I consider that I'm still building up to it, but I did notice with this -- using low weight, that my legs decreased in size -- not the opposite. So that might be something to consider.;-)

Also to get a leaner waist -- it was recommended (and I remember hearing this in the FIRM tapes) -- not to use weight on the waist -- that this can build up the waistline -- to either use lo weight or none at all. I don't use any weight on abs -- mostly because I tend to put on weight -- when I do -- around my waist first and then the tighs. Also I found Tae Bo's workouts to actually work well to trim the waist. Just a little, but any trimming is worth it to me...:+

Just thought you might be interested...;)

Natalie -- I'm sorry that you were having to cover all this time -- but it's nice that you could do this for your partner -- and he/she I'm sure will do it for you when it's needed.

Rhea, Jeanette -- we don't have to chop wood here -- thank goodness -- sounds like fun, going to pick out the bathroom counters -- I LOVE shopping -- almost any kind. It's what I do for breaks -- even shopping online -- although shopping in person is just heaven for me.

Well, it's back to writing for me.

Oh, went to order Cardio Hits, but found that they are out of stock. Am looking instead now at getting some of the Blast series -- KPC, Leg& Clutes, Supersets and Push Pull. Do any of you own these?

Okay, sorry this is long. Have a grea day.:7
Okay, my seond message for today, but I want to kinda go over the week ahead of time.

So this week, I plan:

Monday: IMAX2 -- just because I love it so much

Tuesday: ME -- again, just because I love it

Wednesday: Either a run outside or the first part (24 min) of Body Max plus a Cathe stretch

Thursday: MM -- it's been a few weeks since I've done this one

Friday: Either IMAX -- the original -- or sprinting outside

Saturday: Circuit Max -- love the cardio portion of this -- or MIC -- or perhaps a run outside.

Sunday: Off -- plus stretch

In my own mind, this gives me a two days of anaerobics plus cardio and plyometrics combined into one, two straight muscle days and a couple of cardio days plus stretch.

Hi Karen,
Your rotation looks good. I'm going to change mine up this week from total body weight workouts to working a couple body parts a day. Here goes:

Monday: CTX Kickbox, Chest/Triceps from CTX Upper Body, Abs from CTX

Tuesday: Timesavers Legs & Glutes, Coremax Premix #1

Wednesday: CTX All Step, CTX Upper Body Back/Biceps/Shoulders

Thursday: Lowmax 4-7, CTX Power Circuit Abs

Friday: Gym Style Legs (floorwork), Coremax #3 Premix

Saturday: Cardio & Weights

Sunday: Cycling

I really like the CTX series, so useful. There's so much variety.

Picked out countertop material on Saturday, should arrive in 2 weeks. Looking forward to receiving it. DH will install when it arrives. Had a great ride yesterday with son's girlfriend. We did 41 miles, also joined up with 6 others so that was really nice for her. We did lots of climbing/with windy conditions, but after the turnaround it was pretty fast. Hit 33 mph on the way home on flat ground! Love to sail fast!

Back to work this week. Need to start refinishing the other bathroom's small vanity, also get in a horse ride tonite. Whew, not enough hours in a day.

Enjoy your workouts!

I'm going to go a bit easier on the squat and lunge weights to see if I can trim a little more from my legs. I've been reading those suggestions too. Actually, I've lost 1/2" since starting but would like to lose more. My legs are getting more firm than they ever have been, also inner thigh flab is minimized. Think for now I'd rather have them same size but firm than smaller and flabby. Have lost 1/2" inch on waist too, but that can vary depending on how bloated or full of water I am. I, too, saw results doing Tae-bo, but think sometimes it's so frantic that my form didn't improve. I like Cathe's slower speed for improving my form on kicks and such. Will see how I do this morning on CTX Kickbox.

Picking out the countertop was fun, but nerve wracking in a way, hoping I'd measured everything just right. Also bought a nice new faucet and a couple of lights. Still looking for a medicine cabinet and light bar.

Have a great day,

Good Monday all!

Karen - I sure hope that you get all those workouts in as planned, what a week. I'm still plowing through the strength workout.

Jeanette, thought of you this morning as I dragged myself out of bed. As I looked at the prison lights, I thought "wow, Jeanette was up, worked out and already at work."

Natalie - stop working so hard!!
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!

I'm getting a late start on the day -- due to chiropractic appointment -- funny how something like that can throw my day off -- but I'm getting to it now.

Jeanette -- I, too, have lost inches off my thighs -- plus I've lost cellulite off my thighs, something that seemed to appear by magic with the turn of life -- on the other side of menapause. I haven't noticed any loss in my waistline -- that's where I put on weight -- and I'm about 3 pounds over where I should be right now.:+ But you're having success with your waist with the new Core DVD, right?

Oh, IMAX2 went well today -- I've done it so often that I'm really getting the footwork down on it. Tomorrow is another favorite of mine -- Muscle Endurance. I'm going to buy some more DVD's but I'm really looking at what it's going to be and taking my time -- I've looked at the CTX series, but I tend to not do muscle work every day -- but I suppose that could change. I know it changes the muscle group every day -- so that would be fun. At present, I'm looking at the Blast series possibly -- I'm not sure. And then I don't have CoreMax or High Step Challenge yet and I've heard really good things about them. I'll just have to look at it all and see...

Jeanette, on the CTX series DVD's, do the premixes give you alot of different workouts?

Okay, so the countertops really look like fun. We're doing some work on our house, too, expanding the upper floor a bit -- my brother-in-law is going to move in with us and so we're making room for him.

Well, it's back to work for me -- like I said, I'm getting a late start.

Have a great evening.:7
Hello everyone:

Karen, hope the chiro adjustment helped today. A guy at work threw his back out today and he was hurtin for certain. The most, knock on wood, I've had is a slight sciatic pain, more of a pinching feeling in my buttock. No fun, for sure.

Ah, cellulite. Yes, it's leaving, but starting from my knees up. When I do CTX, I usually do 2 body parts in a day and I do them from the Upper Body Split section (2nd DVD). It's really kind of like Timesavers but I just mix and match different parts. I saw a lot of definition when I did this rotation so am starting it again. Lots of variety with CTX, don't think a person can go wrong getting this one. Lots of bang for the buck! Do you have the Pyramids? I may be interested in buying that one soon. I do like Coremax and it has firmed up my upper abs too. I now have 3 lines running down my abs (1 center, 1 on each side).

Rode my horse tonite in the wind but he didn't care, was a bit quick on his tempo but relaxed after a while.

Must get off, have a 3 way call coming in from my sisters. We need to plan a 50th wedding anniversary for Mom and Dad. That should be fun.

Take care all. Have Legs & Glutes (from Timesavers) and Coremax premix #1 tomorrow.

Jeanette :7
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!

Sounds like a great evening, Jeanette -- riding on the horse. Perfect end to the day, actually.

Yes, my cellulite is in the same place, but with steady work, I've noticed that it is dramatically decreasing -- to the point where I'll wear shorts outside again -- not far away, mind you -- but around the house and out in the yard. I figure if I keep this up, in another year or so, it will be gone.

I do have the pyramids -- and I love them. I've just not figured out all these fancy things that people do on their rotations -- not an keep my time to within what I need in order to get my work done. But then, I probably should think about change a little bit...once I find something that works, I generally run it into the ground...:+

I looked hard and heavy at the CTX series, but in the end opted for the Intensity series. I'm looking again, as I'm ready to try something new.

Anyway, have a bit of a tough target ahead of me today. Need to write 18 pages, as I was off yesterday in my page count...x(

Exercise wise, did ME today -- it and IMAX2 are my favorites.

Oh, another exciting thing...just got the cover flat for my new book coming out in September. It's a really good cover -- very pretty. That's always exciting. Now, time to order bookmarks... Sigh...:7

Have a great day.:7
Hi all,

Thanks for the kind words regarding me covering for my partner. She is back from Key West looking very refreshed and I am taking tomorrow off!

Planning on a liitle core tonight only and GS legs tomorrow with 20 minute run. Weather is finally beautiful here.

I've got to throw in my experience with leg firmness vs. size. Unfortunately, I apparently can have big flabby thighs or big firm thighs so I decided back in my cycling days that big and firm was o.k. so these days I load up that barbell and rejoice in my strength.

Hi Natalie!

Nicely put, Natalie. I agree.

So glad to see you back.

I keep creeping my weight up there. Started with little to none and am up to 15 lbs now on the barbell -- I use a body bar. Slow but sure.

Tomorrow is a short cardio and stretch for me -- either a run outside or maybe the first part of BodyMax -- I love that first cardio section.

Have a good one.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie,

Hope all are well and workouts going good. Amazing how getting on the scale can still make me be up or down for the day depending on the results. Well, it's TTOM so there's always the couple pounds of water weight, yuk. I'm not going to let it get me down, though. As experience has shown that it always goes away (eventually).

Today was CTX All Step and CTX biceps, back and shoulders. Boy is my left arm weaker than the other one! Will have to do a couple more reps on that side. Feel really good, though, have a nice burn going in the biceps right now.

Karen, I too like the Intensity series. Just need PUB/PLB. Boy, with all the talk of back orders, may wait on that one. Guess I'll have to check it out and see. I do like CTX as the crdio is not too long, great for combining with weight work afterward. I do miss ME and MM though. Something about those total weight workouts. Guess we have to switch up sometimes. So good we have all the variety with Cathe! Hope the writing is going well and you're meeting daily goals. That's exciting about the book cover!

Well, must get ready for work. Have a great workout today.

Good morning all!

Yesterday was so busy that I didn't even have time to check in, rats.

Jeanette, I have the PLB and PUB, I've only done PUB once and PLB is on our rotations this month. PLB floor that is. I've enjoyed them a lot. Great weight workouts and nice and tough. PLB floor is very similar to the floor work in GS legs. Uses the stability ball, something I was not very graceful with.

Well, yesterday was GS BSB, I've gained in strength I think. Barbell curls was not too bad with 25lbs. Today was IMAX2, even in the morning hours it was fun. Took me a little to get going, but got into after about 10 minutes. Was careful on the higher impact stuff because my knees just don't like to jump so much.

Have a great day!
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea!:)

Well, for me today, it was a short cardio -- did the first part of Body Max -- and then stretch. Woke up with a headache -- pulled something on Saturday during Rhythmic Step -- it's why I saw a chiro on Monday -- but it seems back again today. Maybe tomorrow it will be gone. Hope so...

Jeanette, I'm also a little over in my weight right now and I, too, dread that scale. But for me, I tend to put it on when I'm under deadline, and as soon as the pressure it off, I usually don't have a problem taking it off. I need to increase my water intake -- always helps under deadline.

ME & MM -- can't say enough good things about them. Also like Power Hour. I'm not as crazy about MIS, however. Not that MIS isn't a good workout, but the others are just so outstanding...

Had a pretty good day so far today, however, writing wise. Tomorrow I plan to order bookmarks since I now have my cover.

Yes, it does appear that some of the DVD's are out of stock. I tried ordering the Cardio Hits from collage, but even they were out of stock. But I have enough workouts to keep me busy for awhile.

Okay, so I'm back to work now.

Have a great one.:7
Good morning everyone!

Karen, hope your headache is gone by now and that the chiro is helping. I too must have strained my neck because I wasn't really having pain but I could tell something wasn't right. Seems to be all okay now.

Did Low Max pre-mix 1-4 this morning. But, I did challenge myself and used 8" risers. Did make it a bit harder, but not like I had anticipated. This is a fun workout and I really like the music especially on the interval with a leg extension squat, really motivates. Also did CTX Kickbox Abs. This one has a few planks, which I like to challenge myself with. Feels so good.

Interesting phone conversation with my mom last night. Asked her (this subject has never been spoken of with her before by her girls!) when she went thru menopause and how her symptoms were. She only had a few hot flashes, no other real symptoms she could remember, started in her late 40's, never had to take any hormones, periods just tapered off and she was done. Said that her mother was the same way. She also couldn't remember having a problem with weight gain either. This sounds pretty encouraging to me and I will relay to my sisters (we're 48, 46 and 45, a younger one in her 30's too). Don't think any of us are experiencing any symptoms yet, but we're all wondering about this subject.

Yesterday was somewhat stressful at work, but I feel today will be better, and it's my Friday!!:7 I love my workouts on Friday as I can take my time setting up, disassembling equipment, etc. Must start that other bathroom vanity refinishing. It's a much smaller one so won't be as bad. Just have to get started on it. Will cycle with a couple girlfriends in the afternoon. A climbing workout. Following Sunday, May 1, is my metric down in Redding, CA. Hope the weather is okay for it.

Hope everyone has a great day and satisfying workout!

Hi everyone,

My triceps are still sore from GS C&T yesterday but I did increase the weights on most on the exercises. I think the band exercises really get my triceps in that workout. I think I am definately gaining strength from this rotation.

I'm doing one Core tonight and then Kickmax tomorrow.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie!


So my big news today is that I actually made my page count -- most days I come close but don't actually make it. Yea!:7

Jeanette, that's really interesting about your mom and I hope your time goes like that, too. I must admit that it was a bit of a tough time for me. I did experience the hard time trying to keep off weight -- didn't really gain any because I watch my weight so carefully -- but it became almost impossible to keep it off. Plus, I had those periods that don't ever end. Went to the doctor, went to my chiro, finally my hubby -- who's a bit of a nutritionalist got me on some nutritional supplements and the periods without end went away and have never come back. I still take herbs that are phytoestrogens and phytoprogesterones -- made from plants -- but only a little. And I'm not longer bothered by night sweats or anything any more. But hopefully you'll go through it with no problems.:) What I noticed is that cellulite seemed to attach itself to my legs almost overnight. With Cathe workouts, though, this is so much better...

Natalie -- it's great to see you again. You'll have to let me know what you think of Kick Max -- I've been reading the posts on it -- would love your opinion.

How did the bike ride go today, Jeanette? And those cabinets sound great. After deadline, I'm hoping to do stuff like that again.

Okay, so today was Power Hour -- I hadn't done that workout in a while, and I don't know why. What a terrific workout. My muscles were shaking a bit afterwards -- which I take to be a good sign.;)

Oh, the headache is gone -- sometimes I think my hubby can fix anything, be it in the house, or cars, or just anything. He had me ly down with a rolled up towel just under my lower back -- for about 10 minutes -- the whole thing with the back and head settled right down.

Okay, so gotta run, edit what I wrote today. Have a great evening.:7
Hi Karen Kay, Jeanette, Natalie and Rhea!

I've missed chatting with you ladies! Luckily, I still get to talk to Rhea over at WHFN (FitPrime). Speaking of WHFN, I am loving the entire 12 pack series! I've been doing these almost exclusively (throwing in a Cathe cardio at least once a week) and my butt and thighs are looking better every day! I don't know if its the workouts themselves, or if my body is just liking the change.

Karen Kay, I'm glad your headache is gone. I can deal with almost anything, but a headache really does me in. I usually have to just go to bed and sleep them away!

Yesterday was Low Max, my favorite Cathe right now. I hope she considers doing a Low Max II.;)

Well ladies, back to work. Have a great weekend!


Hi all!

Jeanie - you are really tempting me with those 12 packs! Like I really need more videos. But after this rotation I might be hankerin' for something different.

Karen - sounds like you had a muscle tension headache from all that desk work. I get those all the time, expecially if I'm sitting there with my shoulders up around my ears!

How was that ride yesterday Jeanette? I sure hope the weather stays nice. It, unfortunately, is supposed to be yucky again this weekend. Errr.

Nat? You've been missing lately, how's it going!

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