KK's April rotation

Hi Karen and Jeanette!

Yes, Reno is our only place to "really" shop. Susanville has come a long way though, we actually have a Starbucks (my downfall :( )Sure hope you can make it up to the convention. Sounds fun.

GS legs. Today, all I can say is....oy. The dvd consists of both floor and standing work. The workout set in the rotation only called for the standing portion yesterday. My gluts are sore today. Wow, at least I know they are there. ;( I'm reminded every time I get up out of my chair. I thought I would have problems yesterday in court, but nope, not until today when I rolled out of bed and groaned. I'm a little afraid of tomorrow since I did that killer GS chest and triceps. My triceps are already sore today, every muscle was shaking by the end of the segments.

Karen, the gym style workouts have no cardio, just pure strength building and are more slow and heavy. I"ve enjoyed them, and they have worked each muscle quite well. It will be interesting to see if I can raise my arms at the end of the day! The floor portion of the GS legs is on schedule for tomorrow. I'll try to pop in some time this weekend and tell you how it was.

Have a great weekend everyone. Pray for sunshine! (it is snowing right now....errr.)
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanie!

Okay, so today I did High Step Advanced -- it reminds me alot of Bootcamp, but it doesn't have specific abs in it and the cardio is a little longer. But similar -- kicks my butt, it does...x(

Yes, I will probably make this particular conference -- Reno's within driving distance -- don't think I'll do the whole convention, though -- but will go and visit with friends and my editor, etc. It should be fun. It's at the Hilton, I believe.

Anyway, hope you enjoy Bootcamp, Natalie. It's beginning to be one of my favorite workouts -- even though at first, I had a hard time with it.

Am sorry that the CoreMax seemed to have pulled something -- I used to have that happen to me a lot in the FIRM workouts -- mostly I'd pull a muscle in my neck -- and then I discovered via Cathe that I'd been doing the exercise that stressed it wrong...:+ Although sometimes I just have to build up to a particular exercise. Like the Terminators in Bootcamp -- pulled a neck muscle doing those at first, but then figured it out a bit and watched their form and then did them at my own pace -- and now I don't have trouble with them.

SNOW? Oh, my goodness. In April, no less... It's a bit cool here in the LA area, I must admit -- but by cool, I mean in the 60's.:eek:

Am really looking forward to seeing my daughter today.

Well, it's off to work, I go, I go.

Have a terrific day.:7
Karen, the back/hip soreness is gone now. Thanks for asking. I also moved a bunch of computers and bulky monitors at work so that could have been it too. Just glad it's gone.

It's still snowing but there's nothing on the roads, thank goodness.

Are the terminators the squat thrust, scissor things? I'll have to be careful tomorrow when I do the workout.

Have a good one.

Good morning everyone:

Did Coremax #3 yesterday afternoon. It's a good workout, but I really don't feel like it's real tough. I've read that the premixes are good so will have to try that. I do feel like my core is getting stronger.

Did Bootcamp this morning. Wonderful workout and so fun. I did better than the last time I did it, made it thru the tricep dips, but the Terminator thingies are still tough. Someone watching wouldn't even recognize what it is I'm doing. By the last one I'm just kind of going down and throwing out my legs. It's pathetic, but I'll get better. There's very little equipment changing as far as changing barbell weights or different dumbbells. I stay at the 8# dumbbells and have 7 1/2 lbs plates on my barbell throughout. The time flies during this one. Don't know why I was so afraid of it.

Have a good day everyone. I Have a family BBQ today. Will be nice to see my sister.

Karen, know you are enjoying your daughter. So nice to spend time with our loved ones.

Hi everyone:

So busy this week this is the first day I've been back on this site.

Jeannette - sounds like you are quite a cyclist. I used to ride with a team when I was in my mid twenties but I was never really fast. It was fun, though, and great workouts!

Rhea - I started week 2 of the strength workout yesterday and my arms and chest are sore again today but I really pushed myself on the Chest & Triceps workout yesterday. Hopefully I'll start seeing some results by next week.

Karen Kay - Thanks for the kind words re: weight and size. I think you are right, I am not petite.

Well, It's IMAX 3 today!

Hi everyone!

No workout today for me but did a 32 mile bike ride with my son's girlfriend around Lake Almanor. Beautiful day for riding. She just bought the bike last week and is doing awesome! Won't be long and I'll be trying to keep up with her. We had a great time and stopped a couple time and took pictures, stretch break, etc. Next weekend will be a bit longer ride, with some more climbing. She has a goal of a metric at the end of May. Know she'll be ready for that.

I have a bike time trial on Tuesday so I'm giving my legs a break tomorrow and Tuesday morning. Will work my upper body with an Upper Body Pre-mix from Muscle Max and do some ab work too. Will have to check my fabulous Compendium by Lunacat for the time on the pre-mix. This document is very handy to have.

Natalie, keep us posted on the strength rotation. Think I may try one soon. Dumb question, does the strength rotation add mass or strength? I get confused sometimes. Does the PUB DVD help with mass or definition? Mostly that's what I'm looking for is definition, not more size.

Take care everyone, Rhea it was a great day to garden and Karen, I know you are enjoying your daughter.

HI Karen and everyone!

Yep it was a wonderful day, got a sunburn in spots that I didn't know were exposed to the sun.(well and parts that I just plain didn't think about....arms between the watch and the sleeve. Gotta remember that I can still get sunburned in April here.

Hope everything is doing well Karen and you enjoyed your weekend with your daughter. Finally finished Wolf Shadow even though the cat thought that I should have paid attention to him instead of the book. He kept sitting on the book. So when's the next one supposed to be out?
I guess I could visit the website and check, duh.

Well, must at least pretend to work. Did Low Max this morning. Took about 20 minutes before I was really awake enough to "get into" it.

Am logging on really late -- first chance I've had to look in on how you all are doing. Sounds like some great weekends.

Thanks for your thoughts, Jeanette. Yes, I had a lovely time with my daughter -- she flew back to the East Coast this afternoon, and I was really sorry to see her go.:-( Wish she lived closer...but she loves the East Coast.

Jeanette -- I think the terminators are those lunge thingies -- I can't do them at Cathe's pace -- I did find, however, that if I omit the jump I can keep up somewhat...:eek:

Have been fighting a bug -- and so the workouts have been a bit tough, but have kept them up. Did only the first 5 intervals of IMAX3 today -- and even those were though.;) But hopefully I'm on the mend and will be up to doing full workouts soon -- I hate it when I'm not feeling up to par and so either don't exercise or have to cut it short.

Rhea -- how sweet of you to read another one of my books. That is such a compliment. The next book is out in September and is called THE ANGEL AND THE WARRIOR. But right now I'm settling in and am going to do nothing except write -- and of course exercise and visit on the internet...:7 :eek:

Natalie -- great that you're doing that strength rotation. It's what I'm going to emphasize after I build up my cardio endurance a bit. But, like Jeanette, I was also wondering if a strength rotation builds more mass or simply gives you more strength. So far with Cathe workouts I've just noticed that I've gotten more strength and have toned considerably.

Okay, so I'm in the process of looking to buy a few more Cathe DVD's. Does anyone have a favorite? I'm looking at High Step Challenge or Kick Max? Also maybe some of her older cardio DVD's. Most of her cardio I have in anaerobic form -- but would love a few more cardio endurance videos. Would any of you know if Kick Max is more cardio endurance or more anaerobic?

Okay, so it's off to bed for me. Gotta get an early start tomorrow.

Have a lovely day.:7
Good morning everyone!

Karen, so glad you've got some time to get back to us! Know you enjoyed having your daughter with you. Our son lives about 1 1/2 hours away in Reno, NV but is here almost every weekend and we so look forward to seeing him. Guess he's a country boy and likes getting out of the "biggest little city" of Reno.

Terminators, I'm going to have to try to do it without the jump at the end. That's the killer I think. By the end, I'm just kind of flailing and falling to the ground, kind of spastic like. I love Bootcamp, though. Hoping you are feeling better from your bug. I was pretty wiped by the end of the day yesterday but took a quick nap and mowed (riding) the lawns and did a few household chores and felt better.

Tonite at 6:00 is my 12 mile time trial on the bike so yesterday my workout was upper body and abs from Muscle Max (resting my legs). I really like MM even more every time I do it. Today I did the first pre-mix from Coremax (balanced workout) of 22 minutes. I feel like I could kind of concentrate on the moves more, instead of the first time where I'm just wondering how tough it will get. Kind of the mind/body thing which is much more effective. I have kind of a nice warmness in the core area now. No, I never got sore with any of the workouts from Coremax but I know they are really good for me. Wondering if you have this DVD. I'm still going thru the pre-mixes and thinking maybe I need to really concentrate more on the moves to have them be as effective as they are intended. Do you have PUB/PLB? I've read good reviews on this one too. I do have the Classics DVD and have only done it once, and not all of it. Will have to review that one again. It does seem easier choreographically. I would guess these are more aerobic in nature than anaerobic. Don't know anything about the High Steps or Kickmax. I may someday get Rhythmic Step as it's supposed to be fun.

Going to do Gym Style Legs tomorrow. I've heard a lot of responses that there is major DOMS with this workout. If I do it tomorrow, hoping the soreness will be gone by Sunday's ride.

Karen, what is your website? I'd like to take a peek and see what you write about.

Natalie, like Karen, I have gotten stronger, but don't have more mass, which is okay. Still wondering if a strength rotation is supposed to build mass or just give more strength. Actually, my bicep measurement hasn't changed, but it sure is curvy and toned now.

Rhea, hope you have a good workout today. Hope it warms up, yesterday was not so pleasant. I thought about riding my horse yesterday after work, but with the breeze, I talked myself out of it and took a quick nap. Weekends always wear me out!

Hope everyone has a great day today. Love all the variety with Cathe workouts. How could anyone be bored?

Karen, I see your website on your profile. Will check it out


Good morning all!

Karen, I have almost all Cathe's workouts except the slow and heavy series. I just got Kick Max, but haven't done it yet. It is one of her first kick box type workouts. Rythmic Step is a blast, one of my favorites. You could stay aerobic, but would hit anaerobic in it. I also just got the CTX dvd which has two dvds with the entire series of workouts in it. I really like the few that I did on it, just can't remember the name. I think it was Intervals.

Well, I did the GS biceps, shoulders today. Had to skip the Core Max section. Didn't have enough time.

Have a great day everyone.
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanie!:)

What a day. Got started early with other things other than working out or writing and so am trying to gradually push myself back on track.x( Am making my way through laundry right now after having finished watering the plants and flowers, and then will go for a run and then hopefully a workout. Will probably be up very late tonight working since I'm so late getting started. Anyway, I'm considering doing PUB today -- yes, I do have that workout, and I think it's a killer -- in a good way.;-) Would love to do ME because it is my favorite workout, but I think I need a little space, so a run would be good, too, I think.

Soon, Jeanette, you'll be out there doing that 12 mile time trail -- it's only about 4:30 right now -- wow, I am so impressed by your doing this. You'll have to let us know how it all went.

Also just made a blueberry cobber -- without any sugar -- I have a horrible sweet tooth that I never satisfy with sugar, but rather with stevia -- an herb that doesn't have any calories or the side effects of the chemical sweetners. Cooking also relaxes me for some reason and I use it often to kinda put myself on an even keel.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Wish I could get all the Cathe's at once, but I can't -- although gradually I'm sure starting to have a good collection. I do have Rhythmic Step and I, too, love it -- the step work is a bit more challenging for me, but it is alot of fun -- I think I'd classify it, also, Rhea, as more cardio, although you're right -- it does get you up into the anaerobic zone a little.

Jeanette, it's great that your son lives so close. One of my other daughers also lives close-by and I love that -- I get to see her much more often.:7

Well, gonna get the rest of the housework done that I put off over the weekend and yesterday and get down to work before the day gets too terribly late.

Have a terrific one.:7
Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd check in and report on my WINDY 12 mile time trial tonite. There were 9 of us that showed and I was the only woman there. The ages ranged from 23 on up to 50. It was windy but not the gusty kind so that was good. I almost wimped out and didn't show but thought, oh what the heck, I can always turn around if it's dangerously windy.

They let me go first as I'm the slowest and then each of them left 1 minute apart. I was pleased that no one caught me by the half way point. It was pretty fast going for the first half, but dramatically slow for the second half as we turned into a cross/headwind. Then I started getting passed and passed and passed. I ended up coming in last, but that's okay. My time was 3 1/2 minutes slower than last year's last time trial, but today was so windy that no one's time was good. My time was 41 minutes for 12 miles and the fastest time was 30 minutes. I had a good time (after it was over), but the thing that made me really happy was my endurance, leg strength and short recovery after it was over. Cathe's workouts are really helping! Glad the time trial is over, but they really are good and force you to stay up in a higher aerobic state. Kind of stretches you some, which is good now and then.

I came home and stretched out my legs pretty well. Will try out Gym Style Legs tomorrow (depending on how mine feel).

Cobbler, mmmmm sounds great. I love to cook outdoors in a Dutch oven and cobbler is one of my favorites. What do you use for the dough part? Could you include the ingredients? I'd love a healthy recipe to make while camping.

Well, must get to bed.

Hi All!

I thought of you last night, Jeanette, around 6PM and hoped that your trial run was great. Sounds like a good aerobic workout, which is what I'm hoping to work up to this month. I did my workout late -- sigh -- but at least I got one in. Went for a 40 minute run (about 23-24 minutes cardio) as I felt I really needed space, which going outside always does. Then came back and stretched with Cathe to Stretch Max's first stretch -- no equipment.

I love the music -- I bought the music from Musicflex, but I can't get the CD to play...:+ Guess I'll have to send it back.

Hmmm. Recipes. I love cooking. Okay, so it is a healthy recipe -- and here it is -- you can substitute the fruit of your choice actually, although if you use apples, you'll need to add some cinnamon and a touch of nutmeg to the apple mixture.

Here it is:

1 lb. frozen blueberries -- if use fresh -- wash well
1 cup filtered water
1 tablespoon arrowroot powder
1/2 teasp. pure stevia -- more if it's a stevia mix
1 tablespoon pure butter

Put blueberries in a pot -- mix in arrowroot powder and stevia with water. Put butter on top of blueberries -- pour in water, arrowroot powder and stevia mix and cook over stove for about 1/2 to 3/4 hour.


1 cup pure butter -- whip this up
1/2 teasp. pure stevia -- more if using a stevia mic
2 tblsp. vegetable glycerin (can get at Health Food Store)
3/4 cup oat flour
3/4 cup brown rice protein (can get at Health Food Store)
3/4 cup egg white protein (I use JBRobb protein -- it tastes the best)
1 cup pecans put in a food processor until they resemble a flour mixture

Mix all together.

Pour blueberries into a pan that goes into the oven -- dot dough on top and cook for about 20 minutes at 300 degrees or until browned on top.

Note: you can leave out the glycerin if you can't find it in a store, but don't add any more stevia -- it will turn out well with just the stevia, too. But adding the glycerin gives it more of a sugar taste that we're all used to.

Anyway, have a wonderful day. I'm off to work.

It's a lo carb, hi protein, good-for-you blueberry cobbler...:7
Hi everyone,

Karen, thanks for thinking of my time trial yesterday. It was hard but good. I love cycling and I love exercising with the goal of improving my cycling. I'll never be fast but it's realistic to think I could still increase my average mph some.

Thanks for the recipe. Arrowroot powder, I'm not familiar with so assume that I would get this at a Health Food store. I'll try this one soon and will let you know how it turns out.

I did Gym Style Legs this morning (standing and floor). I did like it and could really feel a burn with the bands on some of the exercises. The soreness I have today (developed this afternoon at work) is in the hip joint area. Not intense soreness though. My calves are not sore a bit, but could be because of my cycling. Am wondering if I will be more sore tomorrow but so far it's not bad at all. There is a standing deadlift where you stand on the topper and take the barbell down lower than your feet. I didn't do many of those because I felt it in my lower back and thought I was probably doing them wrong. I like that you can do either floor or standing work. I've read where some of the gals are bulking up too much with the standing work and are going to the floor work. I have large thighs and don't need to get bigger so I may go to the floor work instead. The jury's out on that one still.

Tomorrow is a cardio and abs day. Think I will do Step and Intervals from CTX and an abs from that one too. Seems like it's been a while since I got out the step. This week was a bit disrupted due to the time trial, but will be thinking about next weeks schedule and what I want to concentrate on.

Weather is supposed to start getting warmer (think I've said that before). Will be doing a 45 mile bike ride with hills on Sunday. Have a metric bike ride (actually it's a 1/2 century) on May 1st to get ready for and just have this weekend and one more before it to get in the longer rides. I definitely haven't put in the miles I usually do, but think the Cathe workouts are very useful in the meantime.

Take care,

Good Karen, Natalie, Jeanie and Rhea:

It's my Friday today (I have Friday's off) so that's a good thing. Did Step and Intervals from CTX this morning and then the complete core #2 pre-mix from Coremax. I'm getting to like Coremax more and more. I find I have to really concentrate on the moves to feel like they are effective. I do like the tips that Cathe gives for this workout and for the GS Legs. Today I really felt more while doing the stability ball moves. I'll have to try the tough core pre-mix next.

I was thinking I'd feel a lot more DOMS from GS Legs but still just have a little sorness in the buttocks/hip joint area. Maybe I'll have to tighten that band a bit more.

Looks to be a nice day today. Will try to ride my horse after work. When it's winter and consistently bad, I don't have a problem getting outside. It's when the weather turns nice for a while and then goes back to lousy and windy that I have trouble wanting to get away from the wood stove after work. I have a bike club meeting tonite so have to choose whether to skip it and ride the pony or attend and ride tomorrow on my day off. Decisions...

Everyone enjoy your workouts, I sure like reading how everyone is doing.

Hi Karen, Jeanette and Natalie!

Glad your trials went well Jeanette. I just got CTX recently and thought it was a great series. I'm really trying to stick to the strength rotation though, so it won't be until next month when I can play with that series again.

That's so funny about getting away from the wood stove. I was exactly the same way yesterday. Just cold all day. And I had to go outside again to fix a panel in the greenhouse. At least the greenhouse was nice and warm.

Karen - are you working too hard again? I have to tell you that the Zone way of eating is really working for me, at least I think it is. I've actually noticed a great improvement in my skin (could be just my imagination, but I swear that my forehead wrinkles aren't as deep.)

How's that little "bug" of yours? Did you every get rid of it?

Natalie - are you still sticking to the strength rotation? How's it going?

Okay, must stop procrastinating..........err....back to boring work.:+
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie!:)

Wow, Rhea and Jeanette, you both are doing so much! I'm doing a bit of procrastination, myself right now. Writing could be going a bit better...x( But also , sometimes I have to step back from it -- so hopefully that's what happening...

The bug is almost gone -- the stomach trouble is almost gone -- but went to the dentist yesterday and the drugs really had an effect on me -- would almost rather have the pain -- at least that's gone quickly with no side-effect...

Arrowroot powder is like corn-starch -- it's an all natural way of thickening things. I like it a little better than corn-starch and so I tend to use it more often.:)

I love that you're doing so well on the cycling -- since I've discovered exercise videos, I so seldom exercise outside anymore -- I do go for walks, however.

Anyway, did the premix of LowMax today -- 4 of the intervals -- didn't feel quite up to a 10 interval day -- and that actually did go well. Tomorrow is the legs/weight work from BodyMax -- it'll be the first time I've done it -- although I've had the workout for months now. (Usually I just do the first cardio section.)

I really admire you for doing the Zone. I think it's one of the smartest eating plans on the market -- and I actually follow it more than Atkins. I like the small 6 meals a day -- it really works well for me -- and I like the way he presents things -- he has so many books out that are really in my opinion, spot on.

Jeanette, I don't have CoreMax, but you are really sparking my interest in it. There's so much to get from Cathe. I'm sure eventually I'll have all her workouts, but I have to take it in steps right now.

Okay, I must get back to it.

I always look forward to coming here to see how you both are doing.:7

Have a great one.
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie! And Hi Jeanie!

Okay, so today, I got a bit of a later start than I'd like, but I'll just have to work with it.

Did the last 2/3's of Body Max -- thought it would be about 60 minutes, but turned out to be about 70 minutes -- very good workout -- did about 4 intervals and cardio -- it's an endurance workout, which is what I'm wanting -- only the 90 minutes kinda throws me off a little. But it's the first time I did that part of the workout -- I usually only do the first 24 minutes of it for cardio.

BodyMax is one great workout. I'm impressed...:)

Tomorrow, I plan pure cardio -- am thinking about doing Rhythmic Step -- again I'm stressing cardio endurance this month -- as opposed to interval training that I've been stressing for about the past 3-4 months.

Well, it's off to work for me -- am hoping to write 10 pages today -- it's not that easy for me as I'm not particularly fast at writing -- I just love it. Did 8 pages yesterday, but it took me all day.x(

Well, I'm off to pay bills and settle down to work.

Have a terrific weekend.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

My day off today so get to start my workout any time I want (as opposed to the usual 3 a.m. start). Today I did Muscle Max. Love this workout very much. Will be cycling with a couple friends this afternoon. Will be climbing hills so I'll get my cardio in then. Rode my horse last evening, he was such a good boy and seemed to enjoy the work too. All I can say is that the core work is paying off big time in the way he's traveling and staying balanced.

Karen, I was thinking about Coremax, some exercises you don't feel a whole lot, but I find if I move my body a fraction of an inch one way or the other and then squeeze, I target the muscle. That's why I have to concentrate on the ab work. Even my husband commented that I'm looking pretty solid in the midsection, abs and back. Of course he thinks I'll be in prime shape for helping him cut firewood, pack rounds and hoist them into the truck. He does have an alterior motive for encouraging me.

Rhythmic Step, is this as fun as they say? Hope you enjoy your workout today. I admire people that can sit and discipline themselves to write or work at home. I'm all over the place, have a hard time concentrating. I better start concentrating on that vacuum cleaner as this place sure needs it!

Have a great day!


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