KK's April rotation

Good morning everyone,
Late start today, but it is my day off so guess I can start any old time I want. Did the floor work from GS Legs and premix #2 from Coremax. Had been having some neck tension I believe from pulling on my neck during core work. It's much better today and I focused on not pulling. Love the pre-mixes on Coremax. GS Legs really got me in the chi-chi's last time I did it. None of my other Cathe DVD's gets me like this, love the feeling with the band. I really need that outer and inner thigh work too.

My bike ride is this afternoon at 4:00 with 2 other ladies. Looks like the weekend won't be too nice for riding. Kind of makes me glad I'm not doing the Chico Wildflower on Sunday. Last year it was in the 90's in Chico for it. Crossing my fingers that my metric on May 1st is nice down near Redding.

Karen, glad your headache is gone. My husband can fix most anything too, but his solution for me would have been to have a beer or two. :p
Think I will do a circuit type workout tomorrow like Bootcamp or Cardio & Weights or something like that.

Rhea, hope you can get some yard work in this weekend. Think there's a chance of showers here but you never know about this area. Sometimes the storms just go around us!

Everyone have a great weekend, I need to start housework and taking apart the bathroom cabinet to start refinishing. I'm having a hard time getting started.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie! Hi Natalie!

Wow, you are all here so early today. Well, just ordered bookmarks and postcards for the new book. Sigh... Promotional activities already...x(

Did I tell you that a friend of mine and I --we're going to be touring together in September -- anyway, we're thinking of promoting the tour as "The Road to Romance" a take off the old Hope/Crosby Road films -- we're looking at getting our picture taken on a camel of all things...:eek:

Anyway, Jeanie, you're tempting me with those workouts, too. Can you tell me a bit about them -- are they the same thing as the FitPrimes -which I heard that they were -- or are they different? And are they mostly weight work or is there cardio, as well? I definitely am interested now.

Yes, I think the headache is from the tension, plus the pull I did in my hip...sigh...

Jeanette -- lucky you to have today off -- I'd get a late start, too, if I had the day off... Have fun with the rides and cabinets over the weekend. I'll be working, but that's a given when deadline pends.;(

Workout wise, I IMAX the original this morning -- that's a tough workout, but was very good. Then went immediately to work on ordering the bookmarks and getting them all ready.

Have a good one. It's down to work for me now.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Today was Cardio & Weights, the whole thing. I've only done this one once before, but it sure is a good and fun workout. I really like the step part of C&W, but adding the weights made it pretty challenging. I was sweating pretty good! The music is awesome on this too. Very satisfying workout! There's not a lot of leg work on this one, lunges are done while working your arms with weights. The ab work is great. I don't do circuit workouts very much but this one is great. Highly recommend this DVD, Imax2 is fun and C&W is fabulous.

Had a good bike ride yesterday. Did 28 miles but it was mostly climbing for 1/2 of it. My cardio was good and because I just did floorwork from GS Legs in the morning, my legs were pretty fresh for climbing. I pushed at the summit pretty hard (sprinted to finish, heart rate soared, but recovered pretty fast). Have to say my cardio is much improved from last year for less miles riding. I owe it to my Cathe workouts. Yahoo!

Karen, hope you get lots done on your writing. A tour sounds great and a picture on a camel to boot! I remember my Grandma went on a tour in the Mediterranean and had a picture taken of herself on a camel too.

Well, it's on to cabinet work again. No workout tomorrow, but may manage a bike ride if weather permits. Hope everyone's workouts are fun and productive.

Hi Jeanette!

Wow, that bike ride sounds great. It's interesting to read about how much stronger you are on cardio after doing Cathe. I had my chiro comment to me today about how strong I was compared to other people -- he asked me if I did abductor exercises, cause I was so strong, and I of course said, yes. Made me feel good, though.

Today was my day off. Had a bit of an allergic reaction of a friend's perfume and so was up really late last night calming the old body down. Don't take drugs, but a good shower, and vitamin C right under the tongue had me doing better. So with so little sleep, I decided to make this my off day.

Writing is going, but much slower than I would like - hopefully it will pick up next week.

You know, I just may do Cardio and Weights tomorrow -- I haven't done that one in a while, and you have reminded me of how much I liked it.

Hope those bathroom cabinets are going well and that you're having a fabulous day. Have a great one!:7
Time to post this coming week's rotation:

Today, I did no more than take a 22 minute run outside, complete with about a 6 minute warm up and a 5 - 10 minute cool down and stretch.

It's been cloudy and a bit chilly here today.

Okay so rotation for this coming week: (Have decided to put the Cardio endurance on the back burner until I get more cardio oriented DVD's -- and Cardio Hits -- the one I want -- is on back order.

Monday: IMAX3 -- will really need to pace myself on this -- I find this workout hard

Tuesday: MM -- it's been a while since I've done this -- so this should be fun.

Wednesday: Short cardio (perhaps Tae Bo -- it's been a while since I did Tae Bo) and stretch

Thursday: ME -- gotta get this one in.

Friday: IMAX 2

Saturday: Cardio & Weights -- or simply run

Sunday: Off

This of course is always subject to change, but it's a good guideline, nonetheless.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

I find it kind of fun to think up a new rotation for the week. Karen, I see your ME in here. Know you like it a lot. I do too and MM also. This week I have a bike ride on Tuesday and my metric on Sunday so trying not to tire the legs out too much beforehand with weight work. Here's my rotation for the week:

Monday: CTX Step & Intervals, CTX Chest and Triceps, CTX Leaner
Legs Abs

Tuesday: GS Legs (floor only), Coremax Pre-mix #3

Wednesday: CTX 10-10-10, CTX Back, Biceps, Shoulders

Thursday: Imax 2 Pre-mix 1-5, Coremax #1

Friday: CTX Leaner Legs, Bootcamp Core Only

Saturday: Muscle Max Upper Body Pre-mix

Sunday: Cycle (metric)

This morning's Step & Intervals was good, Chest workout was easier for some reason. Good workout. Yesterday no workout, but did cycle about 16 flat miles (with wind). Timed it so I'd return with a tailwind and boy was it a good one.

Still working on the cabinets, need to put another varnish coat on tonite, grocery shopping, ride my horse. Boy, our days are full, aren't they? And a 10 hour work day before it all too. Without these Cathe workouts no way would I have the energy to do everything. I love the variety we have, no boredom setting in here!

Karen, how long have you been running? I've never liked it but truly can't say I've ever given it a chance. Think last time I ran was in the late 70's. Maybe I should look into light running as a way to mix things up?

Have a great day today!

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanie!

Am up earlier today so am checking this a bit earlier in the day. Your rotation looks really fun, Jeanette. Does adding on the CTX upper body make your workouts long? Just wondering because I like the way you mix it up -- but I know I can't really go much over 60 minutes. Just can't fit the longer workouts into my schedule -- sometimes on Saturday I might be able to do a longer workout, however.

Anyway, got up this morning and couldn't talk myself into IMAX3, which is a little difficult for me. So I did IMAX2 instead and promised myself that I will try to do IMAX3 later in the week... :+

So I'll probably do ME tomorrow and put MM to later in the week.x(

I've been running/walking outside for many years. Started about 20 years ago -- and then switched to fast walking as I got older, but now that I'm back up to doing plyometrics with Cathe, I find that running is just fine again.:) I don't always have it in my workout, but usually get in a walk in addition to Cathe everyday, just because I'm inside all the time and getting out and looking at things (after staring at a computer screen all day long) seems to be a good thing to do -- gets my attention outward. Usually when I walk or run I like to have music, but it's not completely necessary. I enjoy just running and listening to the sounds of birds and water running and even the distant hum of traffic.

Yes, we certainly do have full schedules, and I think that the exercise energizes me. I find I don't have to nap as much if I exercise before I start writing. Not sure what it is about writing, but sometimes it takes so much out of me, that I have to nap for 15-20 minutes and then get back to it again.:+

Anyway, have a good one.:7
Just got in from a good horse ride, but thought I'd answer the question about the length of the workouts. I usually don't go much over an hour. The CTX upper body parts are each around 10 minutes I think. CTX Abs are about 10 minutes also. The CTX aerobics are about 30 minutes so it works out to around an hour if I do aerobics + 3 upper body parts, or aerobics + 2 upper body parts + abs. I too don't like to go much longer unless it's my day off or Saturday. The CTX workouts are short, but intense and do get my heart rate up. They are so versatile and so many different routines all on 2 DVD's.

Thanks for the info on running. I may try it one of these days. Actually, how does a person start? What should I keep in mind?

I've gotten into a little habit of a 15 minute catnap about 5:30 in the evening if I'm not doing something else. Not sure I need it or if it's a habit. Feels pretty good though so maybe I do as I get up at 2:30 a.m.

Will post again in the morning.

Good morning everyone!

Did GS Legs floorwork and Coremax Pre-mix #3 (tough core). Have a bike ride after work so didn't want to stress my legs too much. Last Friday I did the GS Legs floorwork and it didn't affect my bike ride. Love the stretch in GS Legs at the end. With Coremax, I have to be careful I don't compromise form and start pulling on my neck. I was pretty focused on this today as I had problems last week with this.

Karen, timewise the floor work (including warmup and stretch) was about 35 minutes, with core work at 18 minutes.

Hope everybody has a good day, looking forward to my bike ride tonite with a couple gal friends.

Good morning everyone!

Haven't been posting too much lately as I've been completely out of sorts and just too darn busy. I really need a vacation that I don't stay at home and work the entire time. Took the last two days off from working out, feeling a bit better and not so darn bushed.

Well, back to the grind. Talk to y'all later.
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie & Natalie!

Thanks for all the info Jeanette -- I guess it just looks more complex than it is -- I was thinking the workouts might be about 1 1/2 hour, which is more than I can do per day. Just schedule wise.

I love those cat naps, too. But writing seems to really make it necessary somehow... It's interesting.

Just got the proofs back on my bookmarks and postcards. They look really pretty. I'm happy with them, so will send the proofs back right away.:)

Gosh, Rhea, sorry you've been feeling bushed -- did I spell that right? But on the other hand, I'm happy to see you here again.:)

Wish I could help, but not sure I can.

Oh, today I did my favorite -- ME. Great workout. Well onto work now.

Anyway, have a terrific day.:7
Hi Jeannette, Rhea, Jeanie, and Karen Kay!

Had a busy weekend - helping my son with some cub scout activities, company picnic on Saturday and started repainting my son's room on Monday.

I'm in the middle of week 4 on the strength rotation and have found that I'm able to increase the weights on some of the exercises. I 'm not sure what to do next month. Any opinions? I did 3 months on cardio rotations and then this strength month.

I believe it's GS chest&triceps today and I work 1/2 day today.

Hope you're feeling better Rhea.

Good morning everyone:

Did CTX 10-10-10 and CTX Back, shoulders and biceps. 10-10-10 is 10 minutes of kickbox, 10 minutes of hi-lo, and 10 minute of step. Fun workout.

Natalie, have you noticed more muscle definition or size with the strength rotation? I just ordered the Pyramids last night. Couldn't decide between GS upper body DVD's or Pyramids. I'll probably have them all eventually. Natalie, have you done a circuit workout rotation or total body? I enjoy the total body weight workouts, that was my last rotation.

Had a good bike ride last night, 22 miles with a couple girlfriends, hill climb. Windy at the summit, but I thank the corework for the descents as they can be tricky in the wind, but the corework has helped me to feel more stable in windy conditions. Rode strong up the hill. Probably won't ride anymore before my metric on Sunday, just Cathe workouts.

Karen, glad the bookmarks and covers are looking good. Will write more later as I have to go to work now.

Have a great day,

Good morning everyone!

Another rest day for me, but glad to see that everyone else is working out enough for all of us!

Well, got to make this short, have to run to the jail....yuck.
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanie!


Jeanette, it's interesting hearing about the CTX rotations. I don't have those DVD's and so it does peak my interest.

And Natalie, I would have to chime in with Jeanette and suggest a month of total body workouts -- that should be fun. They are really some of my favorites. Cub scouts, huh? What fun. You know the book I'm writing now is about the Indian scout -- I think the scouts are based on many of those skills. It's so interesting to read about what these men were able to do.

Hi Rhea! Hope you're feeling good -- as my husband would say (who is very literal -- just for the fun of it) -- did you "run" to jail? Most people would drive...:+ I know, I know -- my DH's sense of humor.

Oh, Jeanette, I realized I didn't answer one of your questions on running. Actually I never thought about it, just one day decided to start running, and did. The things I do notice is that shoes are very important in running and I never run on sidewalks -- hurts my knees -- pavement is best or a dirt path, but here in LA, those are hard to find. Generally, I try to run at one pace up and down hills -- unless I get too winded going uphill.

Then there's also the sprint run -- and these are probably what I'll be doing when on tour in September -- which is a short run of 10 minutes to warm up the muscles and then a 70 yard dash -- as fast as you can go -- then walk back to the start (recover) -- then sprint again that 70 yard dash -- and do this about 15 times -- Cathe recommends sprinting just a bit longer and making it 20 times -- but so far I've never gotten up to 20. Then a walk to cool down, and stretch.

This last, by the way -- the sprint, is a classic anaerobics workout -- where as the first -- steady pace for about 30-40 minutes is a straight cardio (aerobics) workout.

Okay, well it's off to work for me, too.

Have a good one.:7
Good morning everyone,

It was Imax 2 premix 1-5 for me today. Felt really good and the music is great on this. Felt I could have gone on, but wanted to get Coremax premix #1 in.

Had to chuckle at the running to jail comment. I have a habit of saying "jump in the shower". My husband always says, "why do you want to jump in the shower, most people wash up in it". Rhea, hope you are getting rested up. Sometimes it all just catches up to us, or we just need a change. Most of the time I enjoy the exercising just cuz of the fun routines or I like to listen to Cathe, but sometimes I do it cuz I know it will help my cycling to be better.

Karen, I appreciate the info on running. Maybe someday I will just start. I can almost picture that happening. We have great trails around here to run on and not so busy streets too. A lot of my cycling friends run too. Actually, many of them cycle now because they can't do as much running anymore, bad knees, etc. I think the anaerobic work is really good. I've been trying some of that in my cycling. It's sure raising my power levels. I'm anxious to see if this metric on Sunday will be easier than when I did it in January (before Cathe workouts). Of course the saying is "it never gets easier, you just go faster".

Must "jump in the shower" and get ready for work. Hope everyone's workouts are fun and satisfying.

Hi Jeanette!

Had to laugh at your "jump in the shower." Sounds like my hubby...:7

I'll be really interested to hear your comments on your cycling after the metric on Sunday. Cathe workouts do really give you endurance, I think. It's incredible the strength gains -- again my chiro -- a different one -- commented on it...;)

For me, I'm just thrilled to be in shape and able to keep up with Cathe.x(

Love IMAX2, by the way. Okay, once again you have got my interest on the CoreMax DVD -- never have been interested in the core workouts before, but these sound good. Eventually I'll probably have almost all of Cathe, but it's one by one right now.

Did IMAX3 today -- had MM scheduled, but since I didn't have a workout yesterday, I wanted to really jump back into it today. Boy, that is one tough workout for me. And on most of the blasts (when I do the entire workout) I do some lower version -- even still... It's one for me to work up to.x(

Tomorrow I plan on MM and then a short cardio and stretch on Saturday.

Wish the writing were going easier. It's like pulling teeth right now. Am doing some research to try to see if I can discover why it's so tough right now.

Anyway, have a terrific rest of the day.:7
Hi all,

Karen Kay : I 've never heard of the indian scouts but you are probably right out it's having some influence on the scouts. Do you have any book titles regarding the indian scouts? My spouse and I will will be leading our den starting this summer and it might be fun to incorporate some stories into our meetings.

I took today off from workouts as I got home late from work which is usual for Thursdays but am planning on Lo Max tomorrow (I love that one, too).

Regarding the strength workout, I don't know about actual muscle size but definately more upper body and abdominal definition for me and I think lower body looks more firm.

Thanks for the input on my May workout, I think I may do a total body month.

I was thinking or ordering the pyramid DVD this summer. Anyone who has it - what do you think and how does it fit it to your workouts?

Have a great Friday everyone. It is finally warm here which makes me so happy.

Good morning all!

My day off today so didn't have to work out so early. Did CTX Leaner Legs and the core work premix from Bootcamp. Been a while since I've used weights on my lower body, I could feel it, but went a bit lighter than Cathe due to my metric on Sunday.

Have lots to do today, housework, another coat of varnish on the cabinet, the countertop will be delivered this afternoon. Have a funeral to go to this morning, an old gentleman friend I used to foxhunt and ride with. He looked just like Berle Ives. He will be missed. I think he was almost 90 but only quit riding in the last 6 or 7 years. What an inspiration he was!

Funny thing about muscle definition and size, sometimes I seem more firm than at other times, wonder if it's the water retention? This is what frustrates me. My upper body (shoulders, arms, chest), seems to be bigger, making my lower half seem smaller. I know my biceps are bigger and my tricep muscles are really wide. Still, it's not a bad look to me. Could eat a bit cleaner, downfall is the natural peanut butter. Know I'm eating way too much of it. Oh well, I feel great.

Have a good day everyone and good workouts.

Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie!

Wow, so much to talk about. First, let me give you some books that would be good for your scouts, Natalie. Anything by Tom Brown, Jr. -- he was a man who was trained as a scout by an old Apache Indian -- and he actually has a school and writes about many, many things. There's the book,THE WAY OF THE SCOUT, and also the book, GRANDFATHER -- I think he even has books for the scouts. You can look at half.com or borders.com and see what looks good to you.

My last book, THE PRINCESS AND THE WOLF is very much about scouting, as is this book that I'm writing now. But it is romance -- and you might like it, but it's not for young boys. However, it could give you some ideas on the scouts. But anything by Tom Brown, Jr. -- his books are an inspiration.:)

I have the Pyramids mostly because I love the Intensity series so much, that I wanted the whole thing. I think you could work them into your workouts very well. You seem much more knowledgeable about doing that than I am. I pretty much take it one workout at a time. When I do strength training, I am so pressed on time usually that I like to do the whole body, just to save time. But I think you'd really like the Pyramids.

Jeanette -- Hi! Sounds like you had a terrific workout today. I'm sorry that your friend passed on. At least he had a long, full life, by the sounds of it. Burl Ives, by the way, grew up in my hometown of Newton, Il. My mom knew his sister well. Just an interesting bit of info. Might I suggest a good walk if you are down and out after the funeral? Sometimes just getting out and looking at things helps.

Sounds like you have alot of fun ahead of you today with the cabinets and everything...something I'm looking forward to doing, myself, when out from under deadline.x(

You know, Jeanette, when you feel good about something, that's a really good indicator, don't you think? While you can always work to improve, sometimes that peanut butter is just the item -- the next day you can always cut back -- but boy, if you're feeling good, why get onto yourself about it? Just keep working at it little by little and I bet your body will get into whatever shape you want it to be in. Just my humble opinion.

Well, made my page quota yesterday -- will try to do the same today.x(

So my workout today was MM -- boy that's really a good workout.

So either tomorrow or Sunday, I'll be starting a May rotation -- new link -- just so you know.

Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie, if you should chance by!

Have a good one.:7

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