KK April Check-In

Good evening,
Today's workout was Christi Taylor's Still Steppin' (fun, huh Rhea)! Did that for about 35 minutes or so, then did STS Stability Ball Abs. Tomorrow will be STS Disk 14B for Legs.

Janie, (((Hugs))) to you, your family and sweet little Adrian. One of my girlfriends has a sister with Down's. She's a love and soooo sweet. I think she's now 53. Everyone loves her.

Rhea, hope the legs are feeling better. Nice little soaking we got today. Hope it will hold off the forest fires for a while. We have a fire going tonite. DH loves that wood heat.

Hope everyone has a great weekend,
Good Evening!


I am at my mother-in-law's in Montana. It snowed today -- beautiful -- the first snowfall I've seen this year.

Have been keeping up on my workouts, but I'm due for another strength/cardio workout. My daughter's wedding reception was beautiful. We got there late as we ran into traffic in Washington DC and also in Jersey. So we got there on time to say "hi" to other family and then help for 3 hours taking things down.:confused:

It was great. The next day we all got together -- both my daughters and there husbands -- and went to Central Park. It was magical.

And then on the road again with my DH -- it is like a little bit of heaven to be with him all the time now -- I love him so much!:)

Anyway, we'll be home in a few days or so and I can't wait to see everybody and all our animals.

Janie, I can't offer much information on Downs Syndrome -- however, according to my DH (who is a self-taught nutritionalist) it is caused by a lack of folic acid (he believes) during pregnancy -- then some gene crosses or something like that -- something to do with chromosomes -- I didn't understand this completely -- and then the child can't produce a particular amino acid which is essential for the body -- he thinks it can be lessened with good nutrition -- supplements -- he doesn't know specifically what supplements but if you're interested -- or if the parents are interested in seeing if the symptoms can be lessened by nutrition, you might write to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger -- I'll see if I can find his website and get his address if you're interested -- and perhaps he knows of more specific nutrition that can lessen the symptoms.

Rhea, the leg workouts are tough, huh? On the road, I have been using heavier weights than I usually use -- as that's all they have in the hotels/motels -- and boy, did I have DOMs. Interestingly, I've noticed that if I do somewhat heavy weights on legs, my hips can go down by almost 2 inches. And if I stop the leg work, the hips gradually, or not so gradually, spread out again. Kinda interesting.

Jeanette, hi! So good to get on the forums and see what's been going on with you and the others. Have you noticed this thing on legs? Boy, if I don't do the legs with somewhat heavy weight, my butt tends to expand, but if I do the legs with somewhat heavy weights (for me), the butt stays trim -- well, somewhat trim -- at least for me.

Anyway, thought I'd get back in touch. Soon I go under heavy deadline and goodness, I have a new book coming out in a week. Wow!

Have a super day tomorrow everyone!:D I so love being done and being with my husband all day as we drive home. Heaven!
So glad to "see" you Karen! Have a great time in Montana and drive safe home. How's Georgie doing? Is he a good traveler? Mine gain new vocal levels in their yowls in the car; if I ever have to take them further than the vet, I'm going to have to do something or get ear plugs.

I definitely get more trim with the heavier weights with the legs. I just have to clean up my eating to get more of the trimming done. I've been really concentrating n my intake the past few days. It is time consuming, but enlightening.

My legs are nice and sore from yesterday. I was going to throw in a workout today, but I have managed to start a gazillion cleaning projects and am trying to get them done. I've actually had to tell myself to go back and finish something before I start another. I have the spring clean bug today I guess. So I probably will make it a rest day.

Jeanette - had a fire myself last night. We sure need the rain, I hope we get more. I'd love to see Honeylake fill back up. Did you play golf today? It seemed a little chilly. I didn't see very many people at the course when I went by around 10:50 a.m.

Well, I had better get back to work or my house will look like a total disaster area for the rest of the week. Have a great rest of the day everyone!
(((HUGS))) Janie, I sure hope his bowel problem will be corrected soon. I can't offer any advice about the downs syndrome, but the downs syndrome children that I have met are very loving and extra sweet. So I know Adrian will be just that way. Plus how could he be anything else with such a loving family.

Leg workout went well. I was going to do the added conditioning and decided that it might be a little much with a sore knee/hamstring. I could tell in the workout what was pulling on my knee the most, the hamstrings. Tight, tight, tight. I did the extended stretch and I think tomorrow I will at least do my Fountain of Youth yoga from Tony H. I haven't been able to try that one. I probably should be adding in some stretch every morning. If I could just drag my hiney out bed, I might be very flexible!

Have a great rest of the day. I'll light a candle for little Adrian this evening and send well wishes his way.

Rhea, thank you for your support about Adrian. There is something that might help with your tightness. It's called a roller. I use it all the time for prevention of tightness, soreness and when I've pulled something. Very useful. Here's the link: Video results for exercise rollers. Sometimes stretches aren't enough. Thank you so much for lighting a candle for our little Adrian. That's wonderful.

Good evening,
Today's workout was Christi Taylor's Still Steppin' (fun, huh Rhea)! Did that for about 35 minutes or so, then did STS Stability Ball Abs. Tomorrow will be STS Disk 14B for Legs.

Janie, (((Hugs))) to you, your family and sweet little Adrian. One of my girlfriends has a sister with Down's. She's a love and soooo sweet. I think she's now 53. Everyone loves her.

Jeanette, Good to see you are having fun with Christi's cardio and STS. WHew! Thanks for the hugs. I know, how special these children with challenges such as Adrian's, we're going to enjoy the heck out of him. Thanks for your support as well. I knew I could count on my friends. It helps so much.


It was great. The next day we all got together -- both my daughters and there husbands -- and went to Central Park. It was magical.

And then on the road again with my DH -- it is like a little bit of heaven to be with him all the time now -- I love him so much!:)

Anyway, we'll be home in a few days or so and I can't wait to see everybody and all our animals.

Janie, I can't offer much information on Downs Syndrome -- however, according to my DH (who is a self-taught nutritionalist) it is caused by a lack of folic acid (he believes) during pregnancy -- then some gene crosses or something like that -- something to do with chromosomes -- I didn't understand this completely -- and then the child can't produce a particular amino acid which is essential for the body -- he thinks it can be lessened with good nutrition -- supplements -- he doesn't know specifically what supplements but if you're interested -- or if the parents are interested in seeing if the symptoms can be lessened by nutrition, you might write to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger -- I'll see if I can find his website and get his address if you're interested -- and perhaps he knows of more specific nutrition that can lessen the symptoms.

Anyway, thought I'd get back in touch. Soon I go under heavy deadline and goodness, I have a new book coming out in a week. Wow!

Have a super day tomorrow everyone!:D I so love being done and being with my husband all day as we drive home. Heaven!

I'm glad you were able to see snow fall this year. It will be over with soon. It was so nice to help clean up the reception area. I bet it was beautiful and you must have had a great time. Central Park is always magical. Wished I could have been there too. It must be so wonderful to be near your husband all the time. Congratulations for getting through the classes and on your way to your beautiful home finally. Thank you for the info on what you've learned about this syndrome. It happens at conception, the cell divides and becomes 47 chromosomes instead of 46. I've ordered a couple of books from Amazon, I need to read more about it. One of them helps communicate with child and the other are beautiful stories about their lives. For now, I've been searching the web and found out a lot about his syndrome. Will know more as we go along.

I definitely get more trim with the heavier weights with the legs. I just have to clean up my eating to get more of the trimming done. I've been really concentrating n my intake the past few days. It is time consuming, but enlightening.

My legs are nice and sore from yesterday. I was going to throw in a workout today, but I have managed to start a gazillion cleaning projects and am trying to get them done. I've actually had to tell myself to go back and finish something before I start another. I have the spring clean bug today I guess. So I probably will make it a rest day.

Well, I had better get back to work or my house will look like a total disaster area for the rest of the week. Have a great rest of the day everyone!

Need to work myself up in weight when I do legs. They are so tough for me.

Good Evening!

Am here at my mother-in-law's in Montana. We'll be heading out for home first thing in the morning. Georgie doesn't travel very well. He mostly howls at first and then goes under the passenger seat and pretty much stays there for the journey. I always put out water and dry food at the foot of the passenger side, but he never eats it until we stop for the evening and we're in a motel room.

Paul wants to try to drive straight through to home, so we'll have to see about that as far as Georgie is concerned. He seldom eats or drinks anything when we're on the road, so we're just have to see.

Janie, am glad to see that you're searching the net for info on Downs syndrome. Isn't the net wonderful for all kinds of information? I'm sure you'll find much information that you'll find helpful. Yes, it was wonderful to see snow -- haven't seen it in many years. Here's a big hug for you, Janie. You're a real trooper.

Rhea, ah, so you know what I'm talking about on the legs. Had I not experienced it firsthand, I wouldn't have believed that the heavy weights can make the difference (without losing weight) of 2 inches on the butt. Amazing. I, too, have to clean up my act on eating. Amazing how -- here at my MIL's, I've gone off my diet -- I was looking at my abs today and sighing. The only thing I know for flat abs is truly to lose the weight I've gained. Another deep sigh.

Jeanette, I know you probably had family over for the weekend, or if not, your own family at home. Gotta tell you, it feels so good to be with family. When we were in NY and surrounded by family, it was such a good feeling. Whatever else family may be, when they're not there, we sure do miss them.

I'm still playing it by ear on the workouts -- yesterday was Intensity series Bootcamp and today was cardio on my MIL's rebounder. That was fun, boy, you sure can jump on those things.

Have a super day. I gotta get to packing and then to bed. Hugs to everyone.
Good evening!

Today was Disc 7. Lots of push-ups, wow. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Not sure what is in store for the rest of the week. I have a massage planned for tomorrow and then I travel on Weds. I might try to get up in the am on Wednesday and get Disc 8 done. If I can get to sleep early tomorrow night that might work.

Hope everyone else is doing great. Travel safe Karen.
Hi all,
I had a nice weekend, lots of golf and a Reno trip to watch family members compete in an archery competition. Also got some much needed yardwork done.

Today was STS Disk 15B (Back and Biceps). Felt really good. Tomorrow will be a cardio of some kind, with abs following. I had hoped for a bike ride, but it was windy after work so opted out.

Rhea, yep, lots of pushups, but so far (1st 3 disks), of Meso 2, no pushups at all. Enjoy those DOMS! I rarely get chest DOMS but have been having them with STS.

Karen, hope your trip home is safe. Glad you enjoyed the rebounder. They sure help with the impact, don't they? Bet you are excited to be home. Wonder if your dogs will remember you? Hope you can get back into your regular length workouts soon. You sure deserve a rest from rushing around.

Janie, does little Adrian live far from you? Why am I thinking he lives in Vegas? Know you will be great grandparents for him. I have to watch the deadlifts too. I try to be pretty careful.

Must run, will be posting every couple of days as I'm trying to keep my time on the internet down a bit.

Janie, am glad to see that you're searching the net for info on Downs syndrome. Isn't the net wonderful for all kinds of information? I'm sure you'll find much information that you'll find helpful. Yes, it was wonderful to see snow -- haven't seen it in many years. Here's a big hug for you, Janie. You're a real trooper.

KK, Do be careful driving all the way through. I know you want to get home, but just be careful. Poor Georgie, he'll be home soon. Glad to see you are still doing your workouts. I'm impressed with that. I love the rebounder, but my grandson loved it more than me, so I gave him ours. He's having a blast. Hugs to you KK.

Rhea, Yes, those are a lot of push ups, but it does get better than that, but all are very challenging. Love the STS series. Enjoy your massage. Where are you traveling to? Have fun wherever you go.

Jeanette, Sounds like you did have a great weekend. I have a bow with arrows. It's a 35 lbs. when you pull the arrow. I love it! I need to pull more weeds, I guess I'll do that tomorrow. You are probably thinking that my son doctor lives in Vegas, but Adrian lives here in the PNW. Only a couple of hours away. We'll be able to see a lot of him. Good job on STS Disc 15B.

We did legs today. Wednesday is back and biceps then a week rest then on to Meso 3. Can't wait!

good evening!

Janie - I'm traveling to the Bay Area. Will be taking STS with me.

Great massage today. Needed it. I'm going to do Disc 8 tomorrow before I go, somehow. Then I can do the leg disc while I'm at DH's. I think I'll take the ab circuits with me too. Then I can try it out. Haven't even looked at it yet.

Well, I had better get packing. Have a great rest of the week and I'll talk to y'all when I get back.
Hi all,
Today was STS Disk 16A (Chest, shoulders & tri's). Great workout. DH spotted me for the barbell chest presses as they are getting too hard to get the barbell down into position. I was afraid of getting hurt. He suggested I get a weight bench so I ordered the Power Tower from Cathe! Am excited about that. Tomorrow is a cardio, maybe I'll do Rhythmic Step and abs. Have a bike ride with the ladies after work. I haven't been able to go for a while due to other stuff going on. It's been so darned windy too. Played golf tonite with a girlfriend and had a nice time. Very relaxing and I played well (for me anyway).

Janie, glad little Adrian lives near to you. Yes, I was thinking of your doctor son in Vegas. Isn't STS wonderful? This is the first program that is really making a difference, though I did have a successful round of P90X. I dreaded it after a while, too much repetition. I like having the workout card and it "making" me increase my weights. Guess I was too comfortable in previous years of working out. I have some nice DOMS right now in my shoulders and chest, and triceps from today's workout. Nice.

Rhea, enjoy the bay area this weekend.

Karen, hope you made it home safely.

Must go, good workouts to everyone!

Good Morning!

I'm home!!!! I'm home!!!! I can hardly believe it!

And my cats and dogs still knew me. :eek: One of our cats, Kali, is still very timid of Georgie, although he is being a perfect gentleman. I think he's happy to have some other cats around, to tell the truth. He's known only me.

But goodness the cleaning. I've been cleaning and putting things away since we arrived. Hopefully that will be done today and I can then settle in and get to work.

For myself, I did Intensite series Bootcamp on Wednesday and nothing yesterday as I was so busy cleaning and putting away, time ran away from me.

Hi Jeanette. It's been really windy up there, huh? We ran into quite a bit of wind in Montana and also on the way home, too. But here in LA it's not so windy, although it is cloudy today. That's so cool that you've ordered a bench. Interesting that you were afraid of hurting yourself because you're going so heavy. Great on your workouts.

Rhea, have fun with your DH and workouts. I know you will.:)

Janie, I have to praise your soap again. When I got home, I started washing my hands once again -- as I used to always do -- with dishwashing detergent. They became dry, dry and drier. So I put a new bar of your soap out and they are smooth again.:D Hope your workouts are going well.

It's still a bit early here -- relatively speaking -- so I'm going to have some breakfast and get going on the rest of the cleaning and putting away (I have my BIL's old room to do also -- I didn't do that when I was here before -- yesterday I took his clothes to Good Will -- and then it's back to work for me. My book comes out on the 5th and I have so much to do on it.

Have a super day everyone -- oh, and on workouts, I plan another circuit workout for today -- not sure which one yet.
Jeanette, Yes, I love STS. I have gained muscle, slimmed down and finely seeing a tad bit of definition. I love it when I feel DOMS too. I hear what you are saying about being spotted. I have the Marcy Machine to spot me, so I've been fortunate having enough equipment for STS. Especially when you want to go heavier safely. I also ordered the Power Tower and a pair of slanted risers for my Joey. Glad you had a good time golfing. Rhythmic Step is so much fun. Have fun! When the wind dies down have fun with your biking, I know you will.;)

KK, SO GLAD YOU ARE HOME! Yes, get settled in and enjoy your life again. So glad everyone remembers you. Do you need more soap? If so I'd like you to try several from my book in hopes you will review it for me. I'll need your address. I may need that review for my book. Will be writing again starting this week and try to finish it by the end of May. All I need to do, is put it all together, write out the recipes...There is one that is called black soap, (it's amazing, no science involved in this one, just wonderful soap), also one that helps prevents wrinkles, another for dry skin, and others I'll list later on.

Rhea, How ya doing?

I'm doing okay Janie, back from the Bay Area. I was very bad at eating and did not workout, but oh well.

I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow. Glad you are home Karen. It sure feels good to be at the place you are supposed to be. Well, I had better get back to putting things away. Have a great rest of the evening.
Good Evening!

Glad that you're back, Rhea. Boy, I understand on that bad eating thing. On the up side, since I've been back, I've managed to lose those 2 lbs. I gained on the trip. Now if I can only lose 5 more lbs., I'll be at my favorite weight. IF I can do it -- I've been trying to lose these 5 lbs for a few years now.:confused:

Janie, I would love to review your book. Your soap is some of the best I've experienced. Leaves my hands feeling soft -- truly you can't believe what my hands felt like when I returned and was just using the dish soap like I usually do. After July 1st would be best for me. That's my deadline and up until then I'll be a little crazy.

I'm doing CTX right now. I need the shorter workouts and need a break from what I was doing -- breaking up workouts in order to get them so that they were no more than 30-35 minutes long. That and I just love CTX -- so that's pretty much my workout plan this week is CTX.

I'd love Cathe to do another CTX type of workout series. Okay, gotta run -- house is now almost clean -- now for my office -- get the bills in order and -- well, I have a stack of reader letters to do, not to mention that my book comes out in 2 days -- and I have much to do on that.

Have a super day everyone!
Jeanette, How ya doing?

KK, I PM'd you.

Rhea, Don't worry about your eating to much. You'll get back into it soon enough. Enjoy for now.

On of my grandson is here and it is so much fun playing. We took him into our hot tub and by the time we finished playing it only half full of water. LOL, he's so cute.

See you all later,

Good Evening!

Quick question -- what does PMed mean? I looked at this and looked at this and just couldn't seem to figure it out.:eek:

Today was a continuation of CTX series, which I love. Getting back into writing is much more difficult than I had thought -- so much to do. Must get back into it tomorrow no matter what.

Have a super day, everyone! Terrific workouts and all good things.:D
Good evening!

Just finished doing TH's Core Cardio with the medicine ball. It was fun and a great short workout. I think I will be doing the STS in halves for a while. I'm just not that into them and I think it is because they have so much equipment that I have to keep dragging out and they are much longer with not enough time to do the nice long stretch at the end. So I'm going to switch things up and get myself back into them, but just not so exclusive.

Hope everyone else is doing great! Was going to go do the Tuesday golf tonight, but too darn windy for me.
Good Evening!

Oh, of course a private message. Duh!:eek:

Today was more CTX -- All Step -- a good workout. You know I went a little heavy yesterday on the chest and my goodness! DOM's...

Hi Rhea, I understand about the half's. I just couldn't do full workouts when I was in Florida -- I might slip into that again as this deadline draws nearer and nearer. I think you're right. You gotta listen to your body.

Hi Jeanette! Hope all is well with you.

My weight is not cooperating again. May have to get in that extra workout at night if at all possible.:confused:

Have a super day tomorrow everyone!:D

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