KK April Check-In

Hi Everyone,

Rhea, What is Bunco? Aren't rest day's heaven sent? Whew!

Jeanette, Almost 4 years ago I planted asparagus. It thrives here in the Pacific NW. Seems it only lasts just the season, no left overs to freeze. Decided another big bed would be great for the Winter. Will plant any day now, 75 more plants. Should be good to go in a couple of years, but the third year it really begins to grow a lot of wonderful asparagus. The fourth year is the best and beyond. I think I read somewhere these plants live as long as 15 or more years. We did start the Meso 2 over again.

Today we did STS disk 14, legs. OUCH!

Hi all,
Today was about 30 minutes of Imax3, then a little bit of STS Pilates abs. I somehow pulled a muscle on my upper back, wasn't even lifting anything, just turned funny. It happened while doing Imax3 so had to cut it short. Tonite was sewing with Mom and my sister. Cut the binding and sewed part of it on. Just hand finish now and a sleeve to hang it. It's a wall hanging. I'll post a picture when I'm finished.

Janie, I love asparagus. When I retire, I hope to have a garden. Now you are scaring me with Meso 2 Disk 14! Do you use a squat rack or barbell?

Rhea, I sent you a PM re: golf next week. I don't have a pullup bar, I use my Bowflex lat pulldowns instead. I doubt I could do a pullup right now, maybe a chin up though. One.... maybe.

Hi Karen, hope you are okay.
Hi There,

Jeanette, How is your back feeling? I hate it when that happens. Do take care of it so you can continue on with the series. In STS, I use a barbell for now, but strongly thinking about using my Marcy Machine when it comes to Meso 3. Disk 14 kicked my butt the last time (literally) and it's doing the same this time. When Joey and I got up, we thought for sure we had a butt lift done to us. LOL!

Plan on doing a cardio today since it's raining outside and can't plant the asparagus yet. Don't know which one yet. There are so many to chose from. Any suggestions?

Hi KK, and Rhea, how's it going?

Good evening!

Janie - bunco is a dice game played with usually 12 people. It's fun. Hope the rain stops so you can plant soon.

Jeanette - upper back stuff, yuck. Hope it gets better soon. Haven't read the pm yet, but I'll get to it next.

Karen - getting closer, HUH?

Okay, today was a cardio day, so I did Tony Horton's one on one trainer 5/6 cardio plus. It is a good fit for the STS I think. I'll know tomorrow when I try to do Disc three for the legs. But there was nothing horrendous to the legs with the cardio today.

Well, off to dinner. Have a great one!
Good Evening!

Thought I would finish today, but not yet. Poured everything I had into finishing yesterday and today. Hopefully tomorrow. I'm doing an internship, applying all the things I've learned. That's why it's not exact as to when I finish. It depends upon me getting it right. :confused:

Today was cardio only from Bootcamp 4DS -- the time is perfect for me. Wanted to do a workout tonight, but not yet -- still giving this all I got to get it done. But look at how close I am.:eek:

Jeanette, the quilts sound heavenly. I love quilts. I have one here with me now -- homemade -- it goes with me everywhere cause it can be folded up into a pillow. Sorry about pulling a muscle. I do dislike when that happens. You okay?

Janie, that asparagus sounds wonderful. We need a garden, also. Read something recently about asparagus being good for cancer. So hope you have a great crop of it -- and other things, too.

Rhea, the game sounds like fun. And your workouts look spot on. Are you liking STS?

Gotta get my little behind to bed here. Have a super day tomorrow! Oh, and thanks for all your well wishes. I'm sure it's helping.
Good Afternoon,

Did Disc 15 - Back and Biceps, and abs from Ab Hits.

KK, I read all kinds of good things about asparagus. Can't get better than that. Oh, wish you were done. Let us know, then we'll celebrate!

Rhea, Still looking like rain. I'll try again to plant the asparagus after Easter.

Jeanette, How ya doing?

Have a great Easter and a fantastic weekend,

Good Evening!

I did a full hour workout today -- the first I've done since December, I think. Goodness! I'm awaiting the results of my tests and such and if all okay... I'm excited. In the meantime, I actually had the time to do a full workout.:eek:

Janie, I love that graphic -- and I think the soap I have has oatmeal in it -- wonderful soap. I am very interested in learning how to make this very, very good product. Also am loving this toothsoap thing. Clean, clean teeth.

Rhea, enjoy this time off -- hope you get alot of yard work, sewing and exercising in.

Jeanette, bet you'll be spending the weekend with family. I so love that.

Well, Happy Easter everyone! Have a fabulous weekend.:D
Hi girls,
Yesterday was hi-lo from a couple of Christy Taylor DVD's for about 40 minutes. Today was no workout except ladies golf for 18 holes. I had a great time there! Tomorrow will be a bike ride in the morning. This has been my rest week between STS meso 1 and 2. It hasn't been quite as active as Cathe prescribed, but oh well.

Karen, so glad you had the time to do a full workout. Doesn't that feel great? I love my weekend workouts as I don't have to rush.

Janie, how's little Adrian doing? Are you enjoying Meso 2?

Rhea, how did you like Disk 3? I've enjoyed all of the leg workouts in Meso 1. Lots of variety in them. Golf was fun today. I got to put faces to names that I've always read about. I golfed today with Mary Jo, Louise Camacho and Sophie Wages. We had fun.

Gotta run,
Happy Easter,

Jeanette, We went to see Adrian yesterday. He's already 3 weeks old? He's making faces, cooing, peeing, pooping...what a cute baby. And the proud parents are very happy too. Still don't have the test results the hospital did, but soon I hope. He seems normal right now. I'm loving Meso 2. I got up today enjoying the thought of doing it, but instead it's a cardio day.:rolleyes: Yesterday I took my rest day, so we could see the new family and had Costco pizza.

KK, If you want to make your own soap, there are all kinds of sites where you can get recipes and instructions to make your own oatmeal soap. You can't hardly get better than that. I will be starting on my book again soon and will finish it in a couple of months. All I have to do now is type out the recipes and send it to a publisher who I think might like it. And go from there. I think the recession is turning around, and might be a perfect time to get that book out.

Have a great Easter day,

Good Evening!

Thought I'd come onto the forums and was hoping there would be some posts and I was very happy to read about what's going on with both of you. :)

Today was cardio only from STP -- I didn't finish my course yet -- still am getting corrected on one thing -- I need to finish soon though as I have made arrangements now for Paul to come out and me to go home. So please wish me well tomorrow as I try once again to put what I've learned to use.:confused: Tomorrow will be a big day for me -- I might not be able to post -- but please know my thoughts are with you.

Jeanette, it did feel good to finally be able to do a full workout. How was the bike ride? Interesting that you were taking a week off inbetween workouts.

Janie, yes, I am interested in making the soap. You have opened my eyes to really good soap. I'm not sure about the recession, myself. According to the Wall Street Journal, 12.8 trillion has now been stolen with no audit and no idea where that money went to -- a fellow from the Fed was grilled by Congress -- Bernie Sanders from Vermont was grilling the man -- I forget who it was from the Fed -- and this guy refused to tell where the money went. Said Congress didn't need to know. Interesting. I'm afraid that our children and their children and their children will be paying for this in income taxes yet to come for centuries.

Probably this is not something for the forums so I'll shut up now.

Hi Rhea! Hope your time off is Wonderful!

Have a super day everyone!
Karen - good luck with tomorrow. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you so you can go home. I know you can do it. Where's that candle? As soon as I'm done here, I'll try and "work" a little magic with that candle!!

Janie - hope you had a great Easter with the family.

Jeanette - saw you this morning as you flew by! Not only was the lawn mower going, but I had my Ipod blaring country songs in my ear, so I was surprised that I could hear you! I played nine holes today. Not too bad for my first day and without my glove. My hand is a little raw from my clubs, I need to find where the heck I put my glove. Oh, and my ball marker. Geez - you don't golf for a while and you can't find anything.

No workouts for me this weekend, it was all garden stuff and golf. STS week two tomorrow.

Oh, cross your fingers for better weather by Weds. It is supposed to get snowy late Monday night and Tuesday. Errrrr.
Rhea, I sent you a PM about playing tomorrow instead at 4:30. Weather should be nice.

Good afternoon,

My stats are as follows; From Disc 16 of STS series - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps.

Incline Bench Press (barbell) 35 lbs. 12/12 reps
Incline Bench Press (barbell) 45 lbs. 12/10/8 reps
Incline Bench Press (barbell)35 lbs. TF@10 reps
Incline Fly (rotate Pinky in) 2 dumbells @ 20 lbs ea. 12/10/8/reps
Incline Fly (rotate Pinky in) 2 dumbells @ 15 lbs ea. TF@10 reps
Flat Bench Press (barbell) 45 lbs. 12/10/8/ reps
Flat Bench Press (barbell) 35 lbs. TF@10 reps
Standing Barbell Front Press 35 lbs 12/10/8
Standing Barbell Front Press 25 lbs TF@ 8 reps
Standing Lateral Raise 2 dumbells @ 8 lbs ea. 12/10/8 reps
Standing Lateral Raise 2 dumbells @ 5 lbs ea. TF@ 8 reps
Seated Rear Delts 2 dumbells @ 12 lbs ea. 12/10/8/ reps
Seated Rear Delts 2 dumbells @ 8 lbs ea TF@10 reps
Flat bench Triceps Extensions 2 dumbells @ 12 lbs ea 12/10/8 reps
Flat Bench Triceps Extensions 2 dumbells @ 8 lbs ea TF@10 reps
Side Leaning 1 arm Overhead Extensions on Ball 1 dumbell 8lbs 12/10/8 reps
Double Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball 2 dumbells 5 lbs ea TF@12 reps
Kickbacks 1 dumbell 8 lbs 12/10/8 reps
Kickbacks double arms @ 5 lbs ea. TF@12 reps

Ab work from Step Heat, 7 min.

Will get to personals a little later, need to soak in the hot tub and make my protein drink. Whew!

Good evening!

Wow, Janie - what great weights. I'd be super sore after that. Glad to see that you are enjoying STS.

Karen - hope you are done!

Jeanette - It was fun playing golf tonight! I'm going to try and make it Saturday, but since it is DH's last day here, I don't know yet. If he has work he has to get done, I'll leave him all alone in the house so that he can have no interruptions. :D

Did Disc 4 of STS today before that nine holes of golf. Today I also painted the grape arbor! I might be a be stiff tomorrow morning. My back and shoulders aren't used to all that movement.

Well, I had better get busy with some chores. Have a great rest of the evening.
Good Evening!

I am still not done. Another mistake I had to correct this evening -- gee, keep that candle and all the fingers and toes crossed, okay?:eek:

It's gotta be tomorrow.

Today was another fast workout as I was back on track today -- it was cardio only from 4DS Bootcamp.

Is your home page for Cathe different now? Or was this some fluke? I'm so used to the old home page, I was startled by the new one.

Rhea, gee you sound so busy -- and it sounds like your time off was productively used and fun!

Janie, what tremendous weights -- I can't do 45 pounds. So wow!

Hi Jeanette! Hope all is great with you.

Oaky so I'm off to bed -- need that 8 hours again. Tomorrow is another day!:D
Good Evening, I was just in the hot tub and it was snowing the biggest flakes I've ever seen. It was slushy and have already melted. But Still? The middle of April almost?

KK, Candles are burning and finger and toes are crossed.

Rhea, You started STS! And you did a lot of extra stuff too. You are a wonder.

Hi Jeanette, What are you up to?

Mornin Everyone,

Will be doing a DVD for cardio, will report back on how it goes when I'm done.

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Finished my Cardio and did 15 min. of MIC and 15 min. of on the treadmill. For the first time in my life, I did 1 mile in 15 min. Yeah! Now I only have to beat that every time now.:confused: We'll see. Off to the hot tub.

Have a great day everyone.

Good Evening!

Today was a rest day for me. Tuesdays are tough because of Farmer's markets and such.

Janie, I can just visualize the big snowflake drops. Mid April or not, I bet it's beautiful! Wow! That's great that you did that in 15 minutes. Did you pat yourself on the back.

Can hardly believe that I'm not finished yet. But tomorrow is another day!

Jeanette and Rhea, here's a big hug for you both. Have a super day!:D
Just got back from sewing at my Mom's tonite. Yesterday was my rest day and today was STS Disk 13 (Chest, shoulders and triceps). I have some nice DOMS happening for a change. Woowee, that was a doozy workout, definitely different than the last mesocycle.

Karen, hope you enjoyed the Farmer's Market. Did you find out if you passed the course yet? When is your DH coming?

Janie, good job on the running. I heard on the news you were getting snow up in Washington. We have flurries tonite, cold today it was.

Rhea, golf was fun last night. I'm shooting for playing Saturday with the ladies, had such a good time last Saturday too. Bet you are getting lots of stuff done this week. I can tell you are a high energy person!

I just posted a couple of new pictures of my sister's quilt top. Check it out in my album.

Must get to bed soon.
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