Keeping this site clean!

First of all - I will now heed to Cathe and her rules and regulations on her Forum - fair enough - no problem


I wont thank her for deleting certain "Adult" related threads when I personally contributed to them.

There are members here who have "thanked Cathe" almost on bended knee who themselves contributed to SUCH! posts, and have now down a completed turn around like they are innocent participants!!! and were discusted in some of the threads.

Whats that about people?


this would be the second post where I feel the "newbies" have been blamed for all the changes happening. Geez!! thats nice of you all. If you dont want new people in whats turning out to be a very "tight, exclusive Cathe Club"
reminding me of the "group clicks" at High School.............fine!

Times change people, and for certain people to complain about "how it used to be" and "its never been the same since so and so left....." is just SAD to me.
Your not going to get a gold watch for being a member here for 20 years straight you move forward please

Thank you for listening

(newbee) Marion

You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Marion...I have to agree..first of all I not sure which posts Cathe removed from the board, but I didn't see anything X-rated, but she can do that...I have to laugh at all the people, and you have put it right how they are on bended knees thanking Cathe, when they have participated with such posts in the past...I have posted a few times regarding an opinion on what type of DVD I should buy only to get maybe 2 or 3 repsonses, but when there where posts that included "Adult" material there would be 30, 40 or more!..and no one said it was inappropritate....There was a thread about birth control is that appropriate for a fitness forum? about the thread were someone asked how many partners have you had...there were alot of responses...If Cathe only wants fitness issues to be discussed on this site than she is going to have to say that...and to the people who say this site is free, don't you think you do pay and pay alot of money for Cathe's product? Cathe's DVD are some of if not the most expensive workout DVD or tapes that you can are paying for this site if you support Cathe by buying her product...I have purchased a few of her DVD's and I am approaching the two hundred dollar mark.

Many of you who post say you have all of her workouts which puts you spending hundreds of dollars, so you are paying for this site...I just found some hypocrisy with all of this...if you really want to get techincal how about some of the pictures that people post of themselves, some people could say they are x-rated, some people are half-naked in them....should Cathe remove these photos?....Censorship is a slippery slope once you go there, there's no going back. Alot of you are complaining about the new people...I am sure Cathe would disagree with you on this because new people mean a bigger market for Cathe which means more revenue for her and her company, which is wonderful for her...I hope Cathe is happy to have me as a new customer I have spent alot of money on her product and plan to spend more....
There are many, many sites on the internet where people can have "open" discussions, but only ONE that people who love to be tortured by Cathe and Co and are seeking to improve themselves, live healthier lives and push themselves just a little farther and that is this one.

I don't read the posts in question and I never post to them. I really enjoy the fitness related items and although sometimes they are hard to mine out of all of the other stuff, they are worth it.

This is a great group - I'm keeping my eye on the ball and letting the posts that I enjoy reading motivate me to be better, and yes MAYBE do the levitation move one day!

I would like to know what exactly is wrong with change. ??? For all of you who have been around forever and own all of Cathe's workouts, give stellar fitness advice and welcome the "newbies", i truly appreciate your contributions to this site. When i was new here, i had alot of questions, and everyone was very willing to help. That said, someone above mentioned how you miss knowing everyone and keeping in touch and starting a reunion. Great. But how did you all get to be such a tight knit group who knew "each other's stories" if you only discussed fitness? There is alot of growth going on around here. I have seen it, and i have only been a member for a few months. But i don't agree that it is necessarily a bad thing. We "newbies" are trying to get to know all of you and the only way to do that is to discuss life. There is an entire section of this site devoted to pregnancy! If that isn't personal, what is? People have started threads about their pets (including me) and alot of you "original members" chimed in. No one had a problem discussing that and it has NOTHING to do with fitness. My point is that there are alot of "off topic" threads on the open discussion forum. I'm glad about that, because there are only so many things to say about form, diet, reps and rotations. I respect the fact that there are those who think some topics are too personal, and in certain situations, i will even agree. I will certainly adhere to any restrictions Cathe sets for her forum. But i am confused by the sudden riot that has occurred. There are several threads that discuss sex that are still here for whatever reason. Why were some deleted and others overlooked?

Growth is going to bring about change. Granted, that doesn't have to include "inappropriate" discussions, but only allowing fitness related threads and not discussing anything "off topic" is ridiculous. Go with the flow. So there more threads and more people....what's wrong with that?

I personally have enjoyed the humor and levity that the "newbies" have brought. Lately I've smiled and laughed at the jokes, participated in some of the polls and enjoyed meeting the people who have brought these things (Marion and Jess and Haydee, you guys kill me! :D )

Now don't get me wrong, we "oldies" were far from dull and boring, but we rarely had "spew coffee out your nose it's so funny" jokes. Smiling and laughing are great forms of mental fitness, so in that respect they are ON topic.

Yes, at times I've cringed at a few of the things brought up, but my DH cringes at the things I sometimes bring up in "polite" company. Lets just say I can keep up with the "boys" with my crudeness and sometimes it just isn't appropriate. Say in church, (hmmm, maybe THAT'S why we don't go. ;) ) Some people's humor runs a little more toward the risque and others toward the modest. There is nothing wrong with either set. We just need to respect each other's views and not condemn them.

I think I can say for certain that noone here intended to offend anyone else with their polls and comments they just felt close enough and comfortable enough with the group to ask their questions. Which actually if you think about it is kind of a compliment.

We are ALL a bunch of cool "chicks" here (old and new), and I think some "feathers" got a little ruffled <insert groan here for the pun.:)> Now, we can all take a deep cleansing breath "and iiinnnnn...........and......release" and have a Happy Hen House again (with a couple roosters thrown in for good measure!)

We don't need to stop the light, fun way things have gone, we just might need to keep it PG-13 to 17. 'Kay?

(Geez once I started I couldn't stop!!!)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Yummy Mummy, very similar to my thread (almost like it was pinched!)about why people are saying thank you. I too do not understand? But clearly where Cathe is concerened nothing is too much. Even if she is wrong.

Cathe has the capacity to remove threads but not say "sorry, we have a problem" when sooooo many people where/are having problems with the new series (re - sound).

I have to disagree about your comment on "new" people and just get over it. I for one, who have been here nearly 4 years have seen a very distint turn of lately and it isn't nice. This place used to be such a nice place, and though no one imperticular is to blame, since so many "new" people have joined the tone of this place has gone down hill.
>I have to disagree about your comment on "new" people and just
>get over it. I for one, who have been here nearly 4 years have
>seen a very distint turn of lately and it isn't nice. This
>place used to be such a nice place, and though no one
>imperticular is to blame, since so many "new" people have
>joined the tone of this place has gone down hill.

OK Wayne

Now your've really got my "goat up"!

First of all..........NO ONE pinches a thaught. We can all feel the same way and have the RIGHT to mention it..............unless thats against the rules as well?

Second ...........I NEVER said "get over it!"
I said lets move forward, MEANING getting over all the finger pointing who started what incredibly insulting I feel your remark is that with so many new people having joined, the tone of the place has gone down hill

You say "no one in particular is to blame' then in the next breath mention the "newbees!" Your fill of BS Wayne and I find your post RUDE and INSENITIVE

If its so "un nice" to visit Wayne..........perhaps you shouldnt. All the "newbees" may just upset you more


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
I joined this forum because it was an intense fitness forum focused on exercise and nutrition. The members seemed to all be focused and intense about these subjects with some OT discussion, particularly on this thread, but it wasnt overwhelming as it has been of late. This site is turning into mirror images of other sites where an abundance of OT stuff is discussed.There is nothing wrong with change but the intensity and focus of this site was moving away from what it was designed to be. If this place isn't to your liking , try another site that is...don't try to change this site. It was not meant to be a place to get fuzzy wuzzy with each other. It was always known as an site for intense fitness enthusasts.Its a place to exchange fitness advice and information, and offer support and motivation to each other in terms of realizing our fitness and health goals. This forum was starting to mutate. New members are always welcome and I believe personalities should be allowed to show through in the posts but be respectful of the intention of these forums "Fitness and Health".
Always one isn't there!

Quote: "Yummy Mummy, very similar to my thread (almost like it was pinched!)about why people are saying thank you. I too do not understand? But clearly where Cathe is concerned nothing is too much. Even if she is wrong."

Did you notice my Exclamation!!! mark!!! after the pinched bit!!! Clearly not! I was actually agreeing with you, or you with me, however you look at it. Oh well... sad that my response brought such negative comments… and from a Newbie! As you put it!

Quote: I have to disagree about your comment on "new" people and just get over it. I for one, who have been here nearly 4 years have seen a very distant turn of lately and it isn't nice. This place used to be such a nice place, and though no one in particular is to blame, since so many "new" people have joined the tone of this place has gone down hill.

You'll notice I said "no one in particular". That was the truth. I cannot say that anyone is to blame for my not liking this place as much anymore (though you’re running a close first at present). But (in my opinion - which this is) the amount of people that have joined (which I’m sure makes Cathe soooo happy, more products sold), I have noticed a definite downhill slide in topics, and mostly (and this is the biggie for me) how long they stay on the board.

Quote (from you): this would be the second post where I feel the "newbies" have been blamed for all the changes happening. Geez!! thats nice of you all. If you dont want new people in whats turning out to be a very "tight, exclusive Cathe Club"
reminding me of the "group clicks" at High School.............fine!
Times change people, and for certain people to complain about "how it used to be" and "its never been the same since so and so left....." is just SAD to me.
Your not going to get a gold watch for being a member here for 20 years straight you move forward please”

Do you ever think that this place is the way it is because of the way us “oldies” have behaved during the past 2,3,4,5 years? Just a thought for you to pop into your think tank and see if it blows bubbles.

Marion, (can I call you Newbie?), I totally understand you post. Do I respect it? No. Do I think your tone was completely off as I was, after all, agreeing with you? Yes. Do I think you are responsible for this place going down hill (in my opinion)? No. So perhaps you shouldn’t take on all the guilt. Your name, after all, was not implicated.

Geeee, and I really thought I was going to get my Gold Watch... and I was sure it was in the post.
Wayne! Firstly I do apologise because I didnt see the "explanation mark" in my haste to post


Have you ever thaught of a career change to Politics? You would be a fantastic "Spin Doctor', and your sarcasium is somewhat amusing

But I stand by what I say with absolutly NO guilt, and no, my name wasnt implicated (or others!) but we dont really need "our" names in bright flashing lights or capital letters to know what the word "new" people means.

So now we can agree to disagree here and BOTH move on. I have absolutely no interest in starting a argument with you over this, on this forum. If may get nasty and then neither of us would get a gold watch

lol ... your sarcasium is actually very funny too! I think, on different topics, you and i would get on very, very well!

I agree, i don't want to get into an argument either. Thank you for your post, and i do actually respect you completely for your reply.

Marion, you are offically and oldie now!!! (member that is!!!). No more Newbie for you!
I just wish there were some rules where there was a clear line drawn. If you notice the thread "Skinny Celebrities" which was revived last night many of the people who have thanked Cathe "on bended knee" for asking everyone to clean up the site are behaving, IMHO, worse than the threads that were deleted. It sounds like a bunch of "cackling hens", in all due respect. Many of the comments are judgmental, hateful and just plain nasty. As one person mentioned her child comes to this site now and then to view her mothers posts, would that person want her children to see how nasty women can be to one another.

IMHO and with all due respect, this thread is what I would classify as poor decorum. And, with all due respect, I don't respect those comments or that behavior. I wouldn't behave like this in front of Cathe but apparently they think talking this way okay! This is very frustrating for me...I don't know about anyone else.

Can someone help me to understand, truly I would like to have some guidance!
Well said Cathy. My thoughts exactly. This is cyberspace for crying out loud. I'm not having everyone over for tea! I don't feel I need to know everyones personal business!
Jes: FYI...I have become good friends with a "newbie" here. We email eachother almost daily and talk on the phone. :D We discuss many personal things off the boards.

I guess we've come to know eachother better off the Cathe site. I also talk to a few other people I met here off the boards. Just thought I'd share.

I just wish there were some rules where there was a clear line drawn. If you notice the thread "Skinny Celebrities" which was revived last night many of the people who have thanked Cathe "on bended knee" for asking everyone to clean up the site are behaving, IMHO, worse than the threads that were deleted. It sounds like a bunch of "cackling hens", in all due respect. Many of the comments are judgmental, hateful and just plain nasty. As one person mentioned her child comes to this site now and then to view her mothers posts, would that person want her children to see how nasty women can be to one another.

IMHO and with all due respect, this thread is what I would classify as poor decorum. And, with all due respect, I don't respect those comments or that behavior. I wouldn't behave like this in front of Cathe but apparently they think talking this way okay! This is very frustrating for me...I don't know about anyone else.

Can someone help me to understand, truly I would like to have some guidance!


Honestly, I don't get it either. I try to treat everyone well and fairly and politely and I try to stick to these standards.

I didn't realize there were minors reading this site before, but now I know. Threads about birth control, etc are related to the thread I started that got deleted. However, becasue those that objected to my thread are participating in it and not offended by that thread and not complaining about that thread, it will persist. I think threads only get deleted when there are numerous complaints. I don't think Cathe even has time to read this board regularly. It seems the precedent of medical related issues but not emotional related issues are allowed is being set.

Apparently, the majority here are very much of the mindset "lets not talk about these issues" because it is a fitness board. Related issues can be discuessed (i.e., birth control, recovery of the pelvic floor after childbirth), but no one really wants to know if people are struggling with the complex social issues regarding the physical process that necessitates these threads. Ok, that is fine. Got it now! (still stinging from the harsh assumptions and judgements and general nastiness in that thread, by the way. I think Cathe would have done well to encourage people to treat each other with respect)

Now here is what is knackering around in my mind. Low Max contains the song by Frankie (?spelling?) "When you want to Come". Honestly, I was quite surprsided to such a blatant sexual song on the DVD. This is a wonderful example of the mixed messages in our cultural. Sexuality permeates EVERYTHING we in our culture (yes, including the "workout" clothes people wear!), yet we still as a country refuse to acknowledge it in the open. I wish someone could help me understand why it's ok to have such an explicit song on the that apparently some children of the members here workout too...but discussion in a general (certainly not graphical or x-rated) sense about social sexual issues is condemmed.
I just wish there were some rules where there was a clear line drawn. If you notice the thread "Skinny Celebrities" which was revived last night many of the people who have thanked Cathe "on bended knee" for asking everyone to clean up the site are behaving, IMHO, worse than the threads that were deleted. It sounds like a bunch of "cackling hens", in all due respect. Many of the comments are judgmental, hateful and just plain nasty. As one person mentioned her child comes to this site now and then to view her mothers posts, would that person want her children to see how nasty women can be to one another.

IMHO and with all due respect, this thread is what I would classify as poor decorum. And, with all due respect, I don't respect those comments or that behavior. I wouldn't behave like this in front of Cathe but apparently they think talking this way okay! This is very frustrating for me...I don't know about anyone else.

Can someone help me to understand, truly I would like to have some guidance!


Honestly, I don't get it either. I try to treat everyone well and fairly and politely and I try to stick to these standards.

I didn't realize there were minors reading this site before, but now I know. Threads about birth control, etc are related to the thread I started that got deleted. However, becasue those that objected to my thread are participating in it and not offended by that thread and not complaining about that thread, it will persist. I think threads only get deleted when there are numerous complaints. I don't think Cathe even has time to read this board regularly. It seems the precedent of medical related issues but not emotional related issues are allowed is being set.

Apparently, the majority here are very much of the mindset "lets not talk about these issues" because it is a fitness board. Related issues can be discuessed (i.e., birth control, recovery of the pelvic floor after childbirth), but no one really wants to know if people are struggling with the complex social issues regarding the physical process that necessitates these threads. Ok, that is fine. Got it now! (still stinging from the harsh assumptions and judgements and general nastiness in that thread, by the way. I think Cathe would have done well to encourage people to treat each other with respect)

Now here is what is knackering around in my mind. Low Max contains the song by Frankie (?spelling?) "When you want to Come". Honestly, I was quite surprsided to such a blatant sexual song on the DVD. This is a wonderful example of the mixed messages in our cultural. Sexuality permeates EVERYTHING we in our culture (yes, including the "workout" clothes people wear!), yet we still as a country refuse to acknowledge it in the open. I wish someone could help me understand why it's ok to have such an explicit song on the that apparently some children of the members here workout too...but discussion in a general (certainly not graphical or x-rated) sense about social sexual issues is condemmed.
Come on, kids, lighten up!

Over the years, there have always been times when some oldie Catheites have been accused of having a proprietorial attitude toward Cathe. It's true and, I think, perfectly natural when Cathe, her workouts and this website have been an important part of our lives and we have developed relationships here. The fact that participants at other forums tune in to criticize the site and take jabs at Catheites is really a testament to how nicely it all came together. The thing is, I have watched many a newbie join the ranks and being here since the inception is not a criteria for becoming an oldie. Returning day after day, learning and sharing is all that's required. Some of you seem to have your backs up but this isn't the first time a contoversial thread has arisen and Cathe and SNM decided it was inappropriate. It has nothing to do with how long you've been here. Sure, many of the oldies chose not to respond but that doesn't mean none of us have never been taken to task for our opinions or gone too far in a thread. Oldies too, at least THIS oldie, have had to learn what is appropritate and what isn't. And to learn that arguing with an edict is futile. This is And that right of censorship is important when threads go too far. The fact is, the deleted threads were making many uncomfortable with their content. We are on an open forum and not everything goes. There are many many of us here; some you know very well, some not. Would you walk into a gathering and have such a discussion in front a gathering of aquaintances and strangers? We are not girlfriends sitting around a table, chatting. But it does fell like that sometimes. Some things are better kept private. I would have to cite politics and religion as two, because they imflame passions and have often gone to sour. We can now add sex to that. Which isn't to say we can never discuss it, only that it must be couched in language appropriate for such a place. Don't be upset or defensive. This is a teachable moment. Now we know. And trust me, I have put my foot so far in my mouth, I believe that may be why I have developed TMJ related tinnitus. I once invoked free speech! And, kicking myself, I realized I was wrong and we need boudaries and guidelines to adhere to and it's Cathe and SNM's call and we should abide by them.

Conni asks if the discussion of birth control is appropriate and I say yes. Off Topic, any issue that affects a participants quaility of life is a good topic. We have asked for and received support and many options for dealing with the things that arise which affect or everyday lives and, therefore, affect our fitness lives. If someone posted about sexual disfunction that was affecting her life badly, I don't thing that would be problematic here.

The only thing constant is change and this place has naturally evolved, right along with Cathe. As she has produced more and, more amazing, series, she's attracted new followers. I am proud to have known Cathe's work for such a long time, as silly as they may seem to some, but I am also happy to see her soar to the ranks of a fitness star because she deserves the recognition. That means lots of new fans here. And new fans need to understand that old fans have fond memories of different times. It doesn't mean we don't want new members, that we're a clique. I have a special place in my heart for some particular Catheites, the one's I have gotten to know well. I don't know everyone here as well but I love this whole, elite club because everyone has something to bring to make this a better place. The first time anyone posts and says they did their first Cathe workout and old and new Catheites alike cheer them and say welcome to the fold, it can only add to this wonderful place. It does make me warm and fuzzy. :) Things get negative, at times, yes, but think about it; hasn't this place given us all very positive feelings and enhanced us? Let's move on and forget this. I will proudly tell you I discovered Cathe early on but believe me, I have wooed many a friend and aquaintace to become a Catheite and I love how this place has changed even if I sometimes miss the old days. The more the merrier! Let's get back to business as usual. Nobody has done anything wrong. It's simply turned out that we need to be careful what we say and how we say it. This isn't the first time and won't be the last. Cathe and SNM have all our best interest at heart.

P.S. I get a real thrill when a brand spanking new Cathite shines. I have shared stories of your triumphs to encourage others. You are remarkable women and men and Cathe and SNM and the crew rock!
Bobbi "Cathe and Catheite's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Come on, kids, lighten up!

Over the years, there have always been times when some oldie Catheites have been accused of having a proprietorial attitude toward Cathe. It's true and, I think, perfectly natural when Cathe, her workouts and this website have been an important part of our lives and we have developed relationships here. The fact that participants at other forums tune in to criticize the site and take jabs at Catheites is really a testament to how nicely it all came together. The thing is, I have watched many a newbie join the ranks and being here since the inception is not a criteria for becoming an oldie. Returning day after day, learning and sharing is all that's required. Some of you seem to have your backs up but this isn't the first time a contoversial thread has arisen and Cathe and SNM decided it was inappropriate. It has nothing to do with how long you've been here. Sure, many of the oldies chose not to respond but that doesn't mean none of us have never been taken to task for our opinions or gone too far in a thread. Oldies too, at least THIS oldie, have had to learn what is appropritate and what isn't. And to learn that arguing with an edict is futile. This is And that right of censorship is important when threads go too far. The fact is, the deleted threads were making many uncomfortable with their content. We are on an open forum and not everything goes. There are many many of us here; some you know very well, some not. Would you walk into a gathering and have such a discussion in front a gathering of aquaintances and strangers? We are not girlfriends sitting around a table, chatting. But it does fell like that sometimes. Some things are better kept private. I would have to cite politics and religion as two, because they imflame passions and have often gone to sour. We can now add sex to that. Which isn't to say we can never discuss it, only that it must be couched in language appropriate for such a place. Don't be upset or defensive. This is a teachable moment. Now we know. And trust me, I have put my foot so far in my mouth, I believe that may be why I have developed TMJ related tinnitus. I once invoked free speech! And, kicking myself, I realized I was wrong and we need boudaries and guidelines to adhere to and it's Cathe and SNM's call and we should abide by them.

Conni asks if the discussion of birth control is appropriate and I say yes. Off Topic, any issue that affects a participants quaility of life is a good topic. We have asked for and received support and many options for dealing with the things that arise which affect or everyday lives and, therefore, affect our fitness lives. If someone posted about sexual disfunction that was affecting her life badly, I don't thing that would be problematic here.

The only thing constant is change and this place has naturally evolved, right along with Cathe. As she has produced more and, more amazing, series, she's attracted new followers. I am proud to have known Cathe's work for such a long time, as silly as they may seem to some, but I am also happy to see her soar to the ranks of a fitness star because she deserves the recognition. That means lots of new fans here. And new fans need to understand that old fans have fond memories of different times. It doesn't mean we don't want new members, that we're a clique. I have a special place in my heart for some particular Catheites, the one's I have gotten to know well. I don't know everyone here as well but I love this whole, elite club because everyone has something to bring to make this a better place. The first time anyone posts and says they did their first Cathe workout and old and new Catheites alike cheer them and say welcome to the fold, it can only add to this wonderful place. It does make me warm and fuzzy. :) Things get negative, at times, yes, but think about it; hasn't this place given us all very positive feelings and enhanced us? Let's move on and forget this. I will proudly tell you I discovered Cathe early on but believe me, I have wooed many a friend and aquaintace to become a Catheite and I love how this place has changed even if I sometimes miss the old days. The more the merrier! Let's get back to business as usual. Nobody has done anything wrong. It's simply turned out that we need to be careful what we say and how we say it. This isn't the first time and won't be the last. Cathe and SNM have all our best interest at heart.

P.S. I get a real thrill when a brand spanking new Cathite shines. I have shared stories of your triumphs to encourage others. You are remarkable women and men and Cathe and SNM and the crew rock!
Bobbi "Cathe and Catheite's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

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