Keeping this site clean!

RE: Bobbi, you rock!

Kathy, are you planning on hitting me up for cash? :) You are too kind and I thank you but I am simply taking OTHER things too seriously! I have posted like a mad woman today. Haven't done so in awhile. She's baaack.
Did someone just scream?

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
I didn't realize at first that this was an old thread that had been 'rehashed' :) It was driving me nuts because I couldn't figure out what threads had been offensive! I am sooooo glad you pointed out that it was old - a big 'duh' slap for me not checking the dates!
This person needs to get a life! She obviously does not have enough to occupy her time. You, dredger-upper of old posts - please, go out and buy a Sunday paper and read it. Then plant yourself in front of the TV and don't move till it's time to go to bed!

Just Do It! :)

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