Just for fun: Unusual Hobbies/Interests???

Ok all these snake pics are freaking me out!;-) I am terrified of snakes and spiders.
I guess my hobbies are home decorating, clothes shopping, collecting Russel Wright pottery and working out.
>Ok all these snake pics are freaking me out!;-) I am
>terrified of snakes and spiders.
>I guess my hobbies are home decorating, clothes shopping,
>collecting Russel Wright pottery and working out.

Lol! Sorry Runnergirl! ;) My DH was pretty scared of them at first too, now our male pastel is his "baby" and he's more into them some days than I am. He spent hours getting that first picture right of the pastel on the hood of his other baby - his GTP Grand Prix.

I'm with you on the clothes shopping! That is one of my other favorite "hobbies"!
Please refrain from bringing your pets to the RT! I might just jump out of my own skin!!:7 I like to look at the pictures and actually I teach pre-school and 4 year olds are fascinated by all living creatures, so I am interested.
My hobby (besides the obvious exercise) is boring in comparison to your snakes. I needlepoint like a mad woman.}( It is all over the house.

Nah, that's the normal reaction! I'm more shocked when people actually like them. My DH has already joked about what several of them will end up being when they "pass away" (boots, wallet, etc...)
Herpetology is not my cuppa, but your collection is most cool!

I'm pretty boring. I'd have to say fitness is my hobby. Oh, wait (on edit) - I enjoy cemeteries. Yes, I enjoy them.
My BIL had a 12 foot python about 12 years ago. It got out of it's "cage" and disappeared. My sister in law called animal control because she was freaking out. Apparently the news stations were listening to the police scanners that day and it got all over the news for 2 weeks. The headlines were "where's lobo"? His whole neighborhood was in an uproar, not letting their dogs or cats outside and watching out for the kids. News trucks were in his yard filming his house on the evening news. It died down after about two weeks.

My SIL was sitting on the couch about 3 weeks after the snake disappeared and caught something out of the corner of her eye. The snake was coming out from under the couch cushions. He had burrowed in the couch and was there probably there the whole time. The snake had to come and live with us because my BIL was being charged with keeping an exotic animal in city limits and he had to hide it. He was in the basement. I went downstairs one morning to do a load of clothes, no big deal, and when I was ready to come upstairs I noticed the snake was climbing the stairs! I freaked out, because we were not friends! I ran by him as fast as I could and the snake had to leave that day. Anyway, that's my snake story. No unusual hobbies, just Cathe, Cathe, Cathe!

>For my hobby I renovate old houses.:7

Oooh very cool! I would love to do this someday! I'm always driving by old homes in Gettysburg and wishing I could buy one and restore it to it's original self. :)
>My BIL had a 12 foot python about 12 years ago. It got out
>of it's "cage" and disappeared. My sister in law called
>animal control because she was freaking out. Apparently the
>news stations were listening to the police scanners that day
>and it got all over the news for 2 weeks. The headlines were
>"where's lobo"? His whole neighborhood was in an uproar, not
>letting their dogs or cats outside and watching out for the
>kids. News trucks were in his yard filming his house on the
>evening news. It died down after about two weeks.
>My SIL was sitting on the couch about 3 weeks after the snake
>disappeared and caught something out of the corner of her eye.
> The snake was coming out from under the couch cushions. He
>had burrowed in the couch and was there probably there the
>whole time. The snake had to come and live with us because my
>BIL was being charged with keeping an exotic animal in city
>limits and he had to hide it. He was in the basement. I went
>downstairs one morning to do a load of clothes, no big deal,
>and when I was ready to come upstairs I noticed the snake was
>climbing the stairs! I freaked out, because we were not
>friends! I ran by him as fast as I could and the snake had to
>leave that day. Anyway, that's my snake story. No unusual
>hobbies, just Cathe, Cathe, Cathe!

LOL Sally! That's hilarious! :)
EEEEKKKKK!!! (runs away screaming)

My number one fear-snakes.x(

I was a volunteer at the zoo, and they wanted to make me a docent, a person who shows guests the animals up close and personal--I could not do it, they brought out "Mr. Blackie" a 10 foot black snake and wanted me to get "acquainted". x( Uh, that did not go so well, and there may have been a Valium involved.:)

Hey but its cool, if it is your thing, I know alot of folks love reptiles...

Don't laugh, but this is not really a hobby persay, just a few weird things I do.

I love to scrape and eat the frost off the sides of our(very clean) ice maker, it tastes like what I imagine warm wet cement smells like. :7 And the smell of the cement on the road after an warm afternoon rainshower makes me feel all cozy and happy. Hey, I told you this was weird.

I also have made it my mission in life to make sure my DH and the crater size pores on his nose stay "clean." I love to squeeze 'em, he hates it, but I do it anyway. How can one live with "gunk" in their pores?? I like to attack his back too, right out of the shower.heehee

;-) I know, I know!!! I am too gross.

And on a more normal note: I am an artist, I paint, and several people have actually offered to buy some of my stuff--they are dear friends of course, but nonetheless, its a great hobby!:)
i have been working all day and writing paperwork. just got online and saw what i missed! i love snakes. what beauties! i never imagined that they came in such wonderful colors. thank you so much for sharing.

glad i decided to sign on at the last minute.

Well, I didn't read any of the posts but Liann's original. I LOVE THE SNAKES!!! THEY'RE GORGEOUS!!!

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