Is this your hair salon experience too?


It's simple--by now I've learned that no matter what kind of hair cut I get, I look like sh** in the hairdresser's chair, and then just fine once I get home and pull it under control again. Usually it's just my bangs freakin' out--no one understands my bangs like I do. ;)

So the person cutting my hair will finish up and say "how do you like it?" and I want to be polite but really, I just kinda look crappy and they know it.

I think also I just don't look good in salon lighting, and also don't look good reflected in salon mirrors. I always think "am I aging badly?" "what's wrong with my skin?"

Truly--today I got my hair cut--looked like UGH at the salon, but look CUTE now. Maybe I should go back and show the girl that yes, I look fine, she didn't screw up.

(all I could say at the time was "it's shorter!" and she said "yes, it's very different!)

I feel the same way about the salon mirrors!
I always think, man my skin looks old.
My stylist is very good with fixing my hair though.
My hair always looks flat and lifeless minutes after I leave the salon. I've never actually figured out why, because my hairdresser does it the same way I do. I wonder if it's all the cutting and everything he's done. But the next day, after I wet it down and style it myself, it always looks good.

Thank you for posting this. I always look really bad in the salon lighting and thought it was just me. Looking old. And colorless. Now I feel better.

I also don't like the way my hairdresser styles my hair, but that's okay b/c I usually just go home and "restyle" it to my liking. I have very fine, very straight hair that is difficult to work with, and it is much more important to me to find a hairdresser who can and will CUT my hair so that it is easy for ME to work with. They can fix it however they want at the salon as long as it's a really good cut.

I have had hairdressers who did a marvelous of job of styling my hair so I looked great when I walk out of the salon but then looked crappy for the next six weeks b/c I couldn't work with it. I would rather have it the other way around.

Me too! I always look horrible in the hair salon lighting. I hate at the end when they always ask(or wait) for feedback and I think, "they are never going to believe that I really think I look good." Usually the next day when I fix it is when I can really see how 'good' it looks.
I always think maybe it is because they use like, 1/4 of the styling products, quantity wise, that I use.
I can totally relate! I hate the way hairdressers style my hair. I always leave with poofy, flipped-under hair with too much product in it. The last time I visited my hairdresser I asked if she would mind if I took over the styling...I got an odd look from her but I didn't have to go back to work with the "poof". ;)
This question makes me laugh because I feel the same way. Flourescent lighting at the salon makes me look 10 years older, thanks to the yellowish cast it emits. As far as the style job, for a while I saved lots of money by going in just for a cut. She charged less for a cut than for a wash, cut and style. Then she started charging the same price regardless, and I hated the way she styled my hair.

I'm so glad my girlfriend now cuts my hair in the comforts of my own home, with great lighting. She charges a fraction of what I used to pay, AND, she leaves once the cut is done so I can jump in the shower and do my hair MY way! :7
I agree about looking awful in the salon lighting. I look SOOOOO old!

My hair usually looks good, though. In fact, I wish the stylists could come home with me and do it every morning!
Oh MissL, I agree--I'd rather look horrid in the salon and just fine out of it, rather than the other way around!

In the past, I've gotten those $35-45 range haircuts, at the end of which the stylist has gooped on the product and styled it just so. I've had an amazing several hours! Then I go back to Blah.

But todays' cut was $4.99 at Great Clips, no product, no styling, and now it looks so cute! The stylist did say that it was a cute cut but that my bangs were freaking out.

While I was sitting in the chair, I looked at the mirror and felt like I wanted to hide. I seriously wondered if my youth was over--if my looks are just going downhill from here and I should accept it. And I'm not even 30 yet! (I can still say this because my birthday's in April)

I definitely think the lighting in salons ranks right up there with the lighting in dressing rooms when you are trying on bathing suits.:)

Oh man! I'm going to get a haircut next Saturday and I'm so scared! I've been cutting my own hair for years now because every time I go to get it cut they cut waaaaaaay too much and I don't look good in short hair. It's just too uneven and it's time to get some layers. When I made an appointment I was told that the only opening was with a male hairstylist (named Hugo lol!) I just about fainted because all the male hairstylists that cut my hair get too scissor happy for my taste. I'm bringing pictures (Liv Tyler and Fergie :7 :p ), because that's the look I want: long layers, not a 1980's layers/mullet hybrid.
You might want to take in a couple of photos of something you DON'T want--like a certain style of bangs or a shorter cut--to let them know how NOT to cut your hair. I have done this.
You might want to take in a couple of photos of something you DON'T want--like a certain style of bangs or a shorter cut--to let them know how NOT to cut your hair. I have done this.

Sorry--I double clicked I guess.
I have NEVER liked the way my hair looks at the salon! They always blow it dry so poofy and big that it looks like I have Texas hair!!! (no offense to Texans!;)) And it never stays that way!! I have a huge cowlick in the front that I just work around, but they always want to comb it over or do something that looks totally dorky. I just let them do what they want, go home and restyle it! As long as I'm only paying for them to cut it and not to style it, I really don't care one way or the other!
I've been going to my hairdresser for so long, she just lets me dry my own hair when she's finished cutting it. It would be next to impossible for her to do it with me in the chair anyway, as I have naturally curly hair that I dry with a diffuser hanging my head upside down! :D

I even bought a diffuser that I leave at her salon for my use. Nobody else uses it! :p
In college, we had a roommate that called it "fugly" mirrors and "fugly" lights.

Yep - a combination of "f***in'" and "ugly"! haha! Desribed it perfectly.
I always put makeup on before I get my hair cut precisely for the reasons mentioned. Also, I "shopped around" for a good stylist and when I found her, there's no going back. And I don't have a problem with telling her if I like something or not.

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