Interest Poll: what is your religious background?

I was born and raised Catholic, but like so many others, I don't agree with a lot of the teachings.

I'm very lucky in that my dh is Indian and was raised Hindu. I have had the opportunity to view another, very different, religion close up. I believe in God, and I believe in karma (that we get back from the Universe what we put in). Our children have been raised Catholic because I believe that a child should have a religion - any religion - because too many of my friends were not raised to be one thing or another - and I think they missed out on something very special.

I can totally respect someone for not believing in anything. I think that's what's great about being human - we have such diversity of opinion and experiences that there is always something interesting to learn about someone else.

As for politics... I'm a middle of the road Democrat who would like to see a leader from either party who is more middle of the road.

I respect everyone's choices. I really do. I do however think it is evil to think Jesus came into this world by his parents having sex when he was born of a virgin, Wayne. That is just sick and the comment makes me sad, that's all.

It has been very interesting and sometimes very disturbing to me to read this thread. I guess this is just from my own life experience, where I was raised, where I am now, etc. I am in the so-called "Bible belt" of the US. In my little community, there is a Baptist Church on every corner and about two Lutheran churches on every corner (due to the heavy German immigration here in the last century). We are all a product of our life experiences/upbringing but I'm so glad I am where I am. I couldn't imagine not having God in my life. It get extremely difficult at times with him, I can't imagine what it would be like without him. This is just my experiences/reflections and I would never ever criticize anyone else for their beliefs or lack thereof. I may not believe the same way that you do, but I will defend your right to believe any way you want. Free choice, free will. God came up with that one.;)
My mom is Jewish and my father is Catholic. They divorced when I was young, so I was exposed to both religions depending on who I was living with at the time. It made for some confusion, but all-in-all, it was a very good experience. I feel I am much more tolerant, understanding person because of it, especially since religion intolerance seems to be the root of all wars. But I digress. My DH is Jewish (as am I by birth) and he goes to services regularly without me. We were married by a rabbi in the congregation we are affiliated with, but I consider myself to be an athiest. Although, I do enjoy participating in the services occasionally, I especially enjoy talking to the people who attend. I live by this code if you will:I try to be a good, decent, helpful, respectful person in the short time I have been given on this earth and we'll just see what happens after that. But I am not counting on anything past that.

For the record I am also a republican.
It makes me very sad to know that there are people who do not believe in such a great and loving God, who created so many things, beautiful things that we can enjoy, he made you and I, and allow's us to live here, and enjoy all that he made. and all that he ask is that we in return obey his word and serve him with all our hearts. and if we obey, then in heaven we shall live forever when this life is over, Romans chapter 2 verse 8 says, but unto them that are contentious and obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,

and Romans 14 verse 11 & 12 says, For it is wtitten, As I live saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongus shall confess to god, So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God.

As for the Bible being another book, It says in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16, All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in, righteousness, it also says that holy men of God were moved on by the spririt of God to write the things that are in the Bible..

Out of fear and knowing that it also says in Revelation 20th chapter verse 15, and whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into a lake of fire... I know there will be no athiest there, because at that point every soul shall believe in the mighty God, and wish for one more chance to believe in God. I would love to see every one know this God, and to see how much he loves you and I, enough to give the life of his only begotten son to die for people that neither believe nor care... that we all can have life through him....

I believe in God & his word because I have physically felt the power of God and I have seen the miracles he has done in my life, through prayer and faith. I have read his word and it always amazes me how it all fits so perfectly together, specially when God opens the understanding, and let's you see.

I am Holiness... I believe in babtizm in Jesus name and I believe you must be born again of the water and the spirit. with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and you can live a life the way God intended and can have true forgiveness of sins, and a hope of everlasting life... I was raised this way, but I have to believe it and obey it for myself, my parents cannot save my soul, I will give an account of the deeds done in my body wether Good or bad, (Romans 6th chapter).
>We welcome any
>& all religions but basically are a Bible-believing church. I
>do believe in the Bible, it's teachings and that Christ died
>for our sins. In my Father's house are many mansions and I
>hope some of yours are next to mine! :7
>Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother
>If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You

Debbie, that was beautiful! :7
Thanks Dani! If I'm real GOOD maybe your mansion will be right next door! (Although I don't believe good works is the only thing that will get me there!;-))
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wayne, Wayne, Wayne. We're just trying to get everyone's backgrounds here, not attack other people's beliefs. I think it's really interesting to hear how we Catheites differ from each other, and to learn more about everyone. Attacking people's beliefs will accomplish nothing except to have this post deleted from the boards.
Just wanted to say that as someone who considers herself
>an atheist, not believing in God is not the same thing as not
>believing in anything or having nothing to hope in or for. I
>have plenty of faith in many things: the power of human
>decency, doing unto others, being there for family and
>friends, the endless possibilites in human progress and
> get the idea.
>I realize that, to a person of faith, those things don't
>measure up to divine rewards. But to me they do. Just one
>girl's beliefs :)
I consider myself an agnostic, but I don't consider myself an unethical person because of that. The French are much more accepting of this than Americans are.
>Interesting thread! I hope we don't hate eachother for this
>one though.

That's what I always worry about when I see discussions about religion. For some people, if you don't believe X, Y or Z, you are automatically a "sinner" or "damned" or whatever. Of course, I have my own opinions about THAT opinion, but I will keep them to myself for the sake of harmony!
Born and bred Lutheran-Missouri Synod. Attended Lutheran school from 5-8th grade. Married a Lutheran. Our son has attended the Lutheran school from preschool and will continue through 8th grade. Our school is large - 500 kids. We live in a German community in Michigan that was settled by immigrants. We love potlucks

Just for the record - REPUBLICAN! And I am a former Union worker.

<We are all a product of our life experiences/upbringing but I'm so glad I am where I am. I couldn't imagine not having God in my life. It get extremely difficult at times with him, I can't imagine what it would be like without him. This is just my experiences/reflections and I would never ever criticize anyone else for their beliefs or lack thereof. I may not believe the same way that you do, but I will defend your right to believe any way you want. Free choice, free will. God came up with that one.;) >

Ditto! I can't imagine my life without God either, and I see His work and presence in my life everyday.

I also was hesitant to reply to this thread and hoped I wouldn't regret it. I hope we continue to be respectful and kind to one another.
My parents are from Germany. During the time they grew up (1930's-1940's), the majority of people were either Protestant (nondenominational), Catholic or Jewish. Their families went to church but were not devoutly religious.

After moving to this country and having children, my parents regularly took us to a Reformed Church and then to a Presbyterian Church. They didn't subscribe to those particular denominations, rather they liked the particular congregations. At that point, I think they were agnostic but wanted to, as my mother puts it, "give us the benefit of a Christian education." They are still agnostics and do not attend church anymore.

Although I consider myself to be an agnostic, our family regularly attends a Presbyterian Church where I feel free to express my unorthodox opinions and not feel hypocritical for being a member. I'm always willing to listen if others are as well! Like my parents, I want to give my children the benefit of a Christian education, because, although I don't believe Jesus died for our sins or that the Bible was written/inspired by God, there are a LOT of good things about Christianity (as well as other religions).

I'm very interested in religion and love to read and talk about it.

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