I'll be passing on these new DVD's


I will never forget you, when we corresponded six years ago or so. I think of you often when I am on these forums. I remember a post you made not so long ago about one of your children taking piano lessons and how he hated them. How did that end up?

My youngest is now 7 years old already! I can hardly believe it! I never thought I would actually get to the age when I finally had a baby that would be that age. I have six children at home, yet. The other four are out of the house. I still have Tony(the one who got hit my the car). He is in a traumatic brain injury rehab in Florida. We are trying to find him somewhere to be closer to home in the next few weeks. We live in Michigan.

How are your children doing? Why don't you e-mail me or PM me back? I would like to catch up on your family.

RE: Heather and Cheryl!

>And I wanted to let you both know that my hubby, too, was born
>in 1956. Cheryl, you and I are such cradle-robbing old coots.

Well I've got you beat -- my DH was born in 1959 :eek: :7
I'm new to the forum, but not new to Cathe. My only concern about STS is the high impact moves and ab exercises that don't support the neck. I'll need to modify somehow. Other than that, I'm going to try my best to do them. I'll be 55 next month. I feel the same way as others on the forum. The older I get, the more I need weight training! It seems to be much harder to maintain muscle these days (post menopause).

However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If there's a dread factor and you don't want to work out, there's not much point in having the DVD's if you don't want to use them. Everyone's different.
RE: Hi goldenrun358!

I recently participated in an Arthritis Foundation community program (a requirement for nursing school) and let me tell you, these people were inspiring too! One woman was in her 80's and her goal was to walk three days per week for at least two miles per session. This was in January!! She did it too!! I totally believe you all will do this (and hopefully me too) until our hair is white and we're long past retirement!
Hi Olivia -- maybe after STS comes out and you can see some of the clips, etc., you might reconsider. I have been working out to Cathe since the early 1990's (at that time it was step) and I absolutely love everything she does. I do, however, have to modify things from time to time (I'm currently 43 -- about 4 months younger than Cathe!), but her workouts have produced excellent results for me. After I got married in 1987 and had my first child in 1989, I slacked off and gained about 30 pounds. I didn't work out as much and was very out of shape. About 5 years ago, I got real serious again (mostly with Cathe) and have seen wonderful results. I've lost all of the weight I had gained, plus I have obtained great muscle tone, etc. I actually feel like I'm in the best shape I've ever been. On a lot of Cathe's tapes (weight, step, kick box, etc.), I have to modify from time to time because as I get older, I just can't do the things I did 20 years ago (some of the moves I could NEVER do!). But they are still wonderful in my opinion -- maybe you'll change your mind, but if you don't, I can certainly understand!

I guess the main thing is that we just keep working out to whatever makes us happy and produces results!
I really wanted to preorder STS but I just dont have the room right now plus my DH thinks I'm getting too muscular as it is. I really don't think age has anything to do with anything I would still be up for the challenge no matter what. I think the pictures on the blog just look too intimidating but it's nothing you cant handle.

you have my support also. I understand your position. I do not read your words as "oh, I'm nearly fifty and too scared/old to do this" as others do. I read your words as those of a woman who knows her own mind, knows her body and simply wants to do something else right now. I'm with Susan L.G. in supporting you.

Our lives are frenetic. Exercise time should be something just for you and you have to make it enjoyable. If it no longer is, it stops being the haven of sanity and stress reduction we need it to be, and becomes another chore on a never-ending "to do" list.

I also have turned away from Cathe's cardio productions in the last year or so, and have turned back to running. As we move through life we change and our minds and bodies change and what we need from our exercise program may change also. It's not that we are nearly fifty and being forced to stop doing hardcore stuff, rather that we are wise enough to recognize that we just might want something different right now.

However, I am staying with STS because I am only getting stronger as I get older, I haven't yet reached my max potential with strength training and as others have suggested, it doesn't have the same impact upon the body as hardcore cardio does, but brings additional benefits to mature bodies.

Still, you know what you want to do, so good for you! I hope you find joy in your new, revamped, more peaceful exercise program.

I am 40 now.

I enjoy working out with Cathe for Strength and just because she is Cathe. I used to workout blindly with home workouts doing "toning" and "cardio". Cathe's little explanations in her workouts inspired me to find out more about fitness and the effect of various kinds of training. I think her workouts are safe if you use your head and listen to her cues on modifying. I also think I turned some kind of corner on fitness with her. But that still cannot get me to do choreography intense Step or Hi-Lo anymore! I just dont like choreography now. I used to love it until about 5 years ago. I like the down-time in concentrating that running / cardio machines / athletic drills / kickboxing provide.

I used to hate yoga until a couple of years ago. Now I love it for its awareness on alignment and its deliberation.

My knee joints are beginning to protest at certain kinds of impact movements. Running is fine so far, but hi-impact step is not. Limited plyo is OK.

So I am with Clare of how things that appeal to us change with time. I am glad there are so many options out there that let us workout in ways that feel good to our bodies and minds.

~* Vrinda *~
Olivia, I'll be 50 on April Fool's Day, so 1958 was OUR year, eh? Did you know the Burger King Whopper turns 50 this year too? We are in GREAT company! :+

This is an awesome topic thread - so good to see the love and support among those of us in our 40's and 50's.

It's hard to admit we need to modify some parts of fitness isn't it? But that's just the way it is. Modify and move on to what DOES work for us. With Cathe's workouts, I'm another poster who is stronger and more fit than I ever thought possible.

I'm doing a round of S&H now to get ready for STS, and I'm picking up 8's when Cathe is grabbing her 15's and still struggling to get all three sets in . x( :eek: But I KNOW that next week, or the week after, I'll be hoisting those 10's and LOVING it!

So I'll be thrilled that when STS gets delivered to my house in a few months, I'll know what weight to pick up, and I'll know that it's my personal best.

I have no "advice" for you, but I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do. AND I wish us both a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :7
<<I'm doing a round of S&H now to get ready for STS, and I'm picking up 8's when Cathe is grabbing her 15's and still struggling to get all three sets in . But I KNOW that next week, or the week after, I'll be hoisting those 10's and LOVING it!>>

And that's the attitude of a winner! You go, Gerl! :7

My motto: Smart people modify when they HAVE to. ;-)
Wow! What wonderful support you all are giving me with such kind words of encouragement, which is having the effect of perhaps I should reconcider!

Perhaps I should go back to the blog again and read how the whole STS concept works, maybe my lack of understanding how to make it work for me is putting me off! In the blog Cathe and crew do look a little scary with their power and strength, but it's true I certainly can modify, I should know that by now!

Thank you all once again so very much for your kind encouragement.

Just piping in to tell you all "I am a modifying fool!":) I had hip replacement surgery last July, and am back at it hard without pain. But of course I modify those tuck jumps-were they ever good for anyone's knee's to begin with?:eek:

I am in great shape and am turning 42 this May.;-) Olivia, you are awesome in whatever you decide to do. And I agree, I hate a workout that lasts over an hour,I have never done BM2 in its entirety for that very reason, its just too much to do all at once. I work out twice a day, but never for more than hour each session-cardio am and weights pm...

Oh, and I thought I remembered Cathe saying she injured her knee during a kickbox workout? I could be wrong, but I thought that is what she told us.
<<In the blog Cathe and crew do look a little scary with their power and strength>>

You can say that again!!! Holy Cow!!! :7

<<I had hip replacement surgery last July, and am back at it hard without pain. But of course I modify those tuck jumps-were they ever good for anyone's knee's to begin with?>>

ANOTHER SMART PERSON!!! ;-) BTW, my tuck jumps are more like tuck hops. Gotta modify for the old joints ya know. I wish I'd had these workouts when I was in my 20's any my joints were still good!
>I just wanted to pop in here and say that I find each of you
>inspiring. I'm 23 and I aspire to be able to workout twenty
>years from now. I have always made it a priority, but I just
>hope that as life gets rolling (job, kids) that I will still
>be able to do it. The fact that you ladies make it happen in
>your 40's, 50's, and 60's is great! All I can say is that
>your outlook on fitness is refreshing!

Dear at 46 I run circles around most 23 year olds. Just keep working it and you will too!
>Just chiming in to say that a few of you need to know that
>THE YEAR was really
> [font color=steelblue size=+2]1958[/b]
> :7

What she said ^^^^.


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