I really STINK at Meso 2 Leg Workouts


OMG - I just did W2 Legs for Meso 2... I couldn't even make it through the 3rd round of trisets... it was just too much for me. I feel like such a failure ... I know I worked my legs hard - as I sit here drinking my protein shake I can feel the quivering and the twitching. My legs have always been my strongest bodypart, but this type of workout is something I'm just not used to. I don't necessarily reach failure in the muscles before I reach failure with my heartrate. My HR gets WAY up there. Should I just take longer breaks in between the trisets? I know the whole purpose of the trisets is to work the legs since we aren't using extremely heavy weights ... but it just kills me cardiovascularly. Just needed to whine here and see if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks!
I don't have any advice, but I understand, those tri sets are evil evil. By the end of those Meso 2 legs it was pure willpower that got me thru. You aren't alone.

I was so glad to see this post!!!!

In Meso 1, I could sometimes move my Legs workout two or three days early, to accomodate a travel schedule. In Meso 2, I need every last day of a week to recover. My legs have never worked so hard!!!

It's pretty cool :)
I have had to cut back to only 2 sets of those paper plate exercises because they are just really advanced for me (and I don't even hold weights when I do those). Last week I did all 3 sets and I was sore for 3-4 days afterwards, too sore for any kind of cardio. That's just not an acceptable price to me. So this week I cut back to 2 sets of the paper plate exercises and I was sore the next day but not paralyzed for days at a time like last week.
Oh, I'm SO glad I'm not alone - but it seems that everyone can pretty much finish and I just pooped out. I did finish the W1 Leg workout, so maybe I just couldn't "bring it" today - I do usually workout first thing in the morning, but had some stuff to do this morning and got my workout in around 6 hours later than usual. I thought I'd be stronger cuz I did get to fuel myself before and usually I am up at 4:30 to workout by 4:45 before work and typically don't eat beforehand...I'll see what Week 3 Legs brings.
I start Meso 2 tomorrow, I'm scared! Also, I've been so exhausted during this week of rest between Mesocyles! I'm thinking I might have done too much cardio during the first Meso that I've burned myself out...hoping it's just from the change in weather. :(
I'm not finding that I'm in a greater degree of pain for days afterwards. It is that "you've worked us nearly to failure and if you try one more rep of that weight we will leave you on the ground looking up" feeling that is lingering for days :)

Part of it is is probably lifting so heavy. I've never done squats and deadlifts at over 100 before, and it seems like keeping that up for so many exercises within an hour is a big step up in how my body is being challenged. And, honestly, my mind is feeling it too. I am still looking at that much weight and kind of mentally gasping. In the meantime, I'm trying not to think about Meso 3 :eek::eek::eek:

What's helping me get through the workout is drinking water throughout, after every single set, treating it much more like a long cardio workout than a strength trainining workout; really taking the time to stretch, walk around, breathe deeply in between sets; and carefully doing 20 minutes of yoga stretches afterwards when my HR drops down. Using my weighted vest rather than using just dumbbells is helping me manage the paper plates, but I'm still having to slow those down - and I'm pausing the dvd for a few seconds so as to get my full minute of rest in between. It also helped when I started taking my weighted vest off in between sets. In Meso 1, I usually left it on.
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Oh Mary! Don't get frustrated. There are several factors which could be to blame:

Lack of sleep
Not enough food or water
Too heavy on the weights

Everybody feels this way every once in awhile. Don't lose the faith and give up, K?! :) You can whine anytime! :)
Oh Mary.... you are not alone. Those trisets whipped my rear end and legs like no other. Do what you can, keep at it and you will reap benefits. I have said it many times on these boards, my 48 year old rear end is now lifted to heights it hasn'r seen since my college days and my thighs are definitely more defined. Drink your water and if you need a SLIGHTLY longer time between sets, take it!!

Brenda in Indiana
I am just getting over achilles tendon surgery (April 09), so I did Set 1 Legs with no weights and am doing Set 2 Legs with about 50% of my 1 rep max.

I am planning on doing the next round with the recommended % of weight.

The paper plates are a very new exercise for me, so again, for the first round I did them with no weights and right now I am using about 50%. I still work out hard, my technique stays perfect, but I can still go to work the next day and not crawl....

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