I am so angry!!!!!

I am sorry for what your 'friends' did this to you. I think that was VERY disrespectful of other people belongings, esp if they called you a friend. I would be extremely mad, sad, etc if somebody did this to me -- my things, my valuable things were thrown out. I would MAKE them pay to get the tapes replaced... even if you decided that Cathe is not for you anymore (which I am SURE will not going to happen!). Those are YOUR tapes!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-02 AT 06:11AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-02 AT 06:10 AM (Est)[/font]

I would make NO deals - she either gives you the money pronto, or you press charges. I would cross this person off my friends list, and be VERY firm about that. You don't need friends like that. She is not admitting that she was wrong, what does that tell you? You should ask her how she'd like it if you came into her house and stole something "for her own good?" She'd hit the roof, and you know it.

You are being sensible IF you have nothing to do with any of these people, especially the one who stole your tapes. Real friends don't do stuff like this. She sounds like a controlling idiot.

Just Do It! :)
Hi Cookiebaby,

What has happenned to you is terrible - I cannot believe so called friends would do this to you. Firstly, can you report them for stealing your property ? I would demand they cough up the money for new Cathe tapes, and then I would ditch them pronto. Get rid of them as friends, real friends would not of done this to you.

Anna :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-02 AT 07:16AM (Est)[/font][p]What !!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!! If you are easily affended here, look away, tell her to SOD OFF !!!!!!! IMHO ! :-mad

Anna :)

PS: This is in response to thread no 14 posted by Cookiebaby.
OMG that is all I can say is OMG. I'm hoping that like everyone else here has suggested that you cut this person out of your life permanently. (It may be hard though depending on how much history they was between you two) My best friend (she's like a sister though) is doing BFL and she works for GNC and she's no where near as being mentally brainwashed as your former "friend" is, we debate on our different workouts all the time. Variety is the spice of life, she should have realized that before she crossed the line. Tough love indeed, you say her mother is giving you a check? So I take it she never apologized or doesn't feels as if what she did was wrong? That is majorly warped. Now while the Pure Strength series can be easily replaced did she toss out your Crosstrainer series tapes too? I'm assuming they're the Crosstrainer tapes by the Firm (if I'm wrong let me know) which are discontinued and the only way to find them is to hunt them down on ebay? Most definitely take the check from her mother and run far far away from this person, and let the other two friends that were there and that are also on the Body for Life program what exactly went down between you and her and why you no longer consider her to be a friend. Hopefully, they too will respect your decision on this and not try to dissway you.

WHAT??????????? Tell her to pay you the money she owes you or buy you replacement tapes. The cheeky b!tch!!

I can appreciate people have different opinions and expressing them (we live in a free world, each to their own), but to sneak into your house and steal your property.......... Totally unacceptable!

So what if they think Cathe doesn't work? You enjoy it and you do it and you are satisfied with whatever results you are getting. That means that it works for you!

Personally, I think BFL and, that other Dr. that everyone on here raves about (can't remember what it's called), is rubbish! I can't stand skinless chicken breasts and hate all their diets. And I can't be asked to follow strict rountines that doesn't fit into my lifestyle.

Why don't you sneak into her house and bin her BLF books or whatever and see what she has to say?

I'm absolutely dumbfounded! Someone stole your tapes & she wants to make a deal? That is so much BS I can't even begin to tell you.

First of all let me tell you that the people that advised you press charges are absolutely right. What it boils down to is robbery. Yes, robbery. Someone walks into your house & steals over $150 (this includes your shipping) of items from your home that is a theft. And if they had walked into a store & done it, misdemeanor charges would be filed.

How old are these people? You mentioned that you called the mother of the one that stole the tapes. These children need to grow the hell up! Basically they are holding your tapes hostage for you to do BFL--there is no one program that works for everyone. Not BFL, not Body RX, not even WW (been there, done that, didn't work!).

If this is the way these girls show their love for you, RUN LIKE HELL in the other direction.

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
'.....maybe even physically......' :7 I think you've been doing too much Cathe kick box............ I feel like that when I do the tape - it's so physical.

I think we have ourselves some kick a*** gals on here.

My mouth dropped too!! Be sure they give you the money back FAST! Don't ask them to replace the tapes because it will take too long, get the cash and run.

Then get rid of these "friends". You don't need people like that in your life! They need to grow up. Laura
I read a couple BFL boards and your 'friend's' actions fit right in w/their cult mentality. I mean these people have put Bil Phillips and his concept of fitness on the highest pedastal and they worship at the altar of BFL. (And spend their money on all the products and hype that go with it)

That's FINE for them, but what your BFL-obsessed pals did to you is without question unforgiveable, IMO. The loss of your tapes is bad enough, but I imagine the betrayal of your friends is the hardest pill to swallow here.

I sincerely hope you can get your tapes replaced and I hope even more that the pain of this event will take your level of trust to a higher plane and that your fitness goals will be reached upon finding that higher plane and w/out BFL too!

Please post about events that follow for you.

I too almost did a coffee-spit when I read your post, Cookiebaby! You have some sick b*tches on your hands there, and you're well rid of them.

If your ex-friends don't make good on FULL REPLACEMENT VALUE of your vids within the next 24-48 hours, via certified check, make a police report immediately. Depending on the original purchase price or replacement cost of the vids they stole from you, they could be looking as misdemeanor or felony charges. And pull your ducks in a row to file a suit in your local small claims court just as an additional procedure; criminal charges and convictions often do NOT result it appropriate restitution to the victim. (I'm a criminal prosecution paralegal.)

Don't make any "deals" with these BFL Pod People. They stole from you. They're the ones who are in the hot seat, not you.

Man, I'm angry too!

Annette Q. Aquajock
How about this for a scenerio!!!
Fast forward a few years with your so-called friend who is trying to control you.
Say you have a little girl (or boy) and you want to raise them in a certain religion. Your friend is furious and thinks you are crazy to want to do such a thing because her religion is THE best. So when your so-called friend gets the opportunity she kidnaps your child because in her mind, this is for your own good.
Granted this is a worse case scenerio for you, but this does really happen in real life. I have a newspaper clipping from two years back to prove it happened in New York.

Right now your so-called friend took you precious Cathe tapes, what would she do next if given the chance? Would she interfere with Your boyfriend, your family? Seems She wants to make all the decisions for YOU.
This kind of controlling mentality is dangerous.
I agree with the girls who posted above. Don't accept a halfway point. Get you money back and dissolve this "friendship".
And if her mother doesn't give you a check...that clears the bank....you can sue. It is called Small Claims Court.

I wish you all the best.


Yes make sure you get full recompense for the tapes and this shows that maybe you will need to revaluate the place these "friends" have in your life.

The scary thing in this is that the "one size fits all" it doesn't. You tried it it didn't work for you taking away your tapes isn't going to make BFL work for you actually as we can read it has done the opposite.

My friends didn't say anything about my being overweight but when I told them I was trying to lose weight they have been supportive (even if they don't agree with my Cathe obession)that what friends do.


Hello Babs,

I have actually managed to persuade a couple of friends to give Cathe a go. I bought some DVDs for them.

One girl is hesitant because when I showed her photo of Cathe and her crew from the Intensity Series, she said they looked too muscular. I told her it takes years to look like that and she should relax. She said she will wait till after xmas before buying the step and giving it a try.

Another is really keen to get started with Power Hour DVD. I helped her buy the step and advised her where to get equipment. I hope she will become addicted as much as I have.

I have also been doing PS regularly now and I must say, even with heavier weights, I have only noticed minor changes but my body is looking slimmer. I think it's a combination of running and weights.


Hi Yen

I had some good news myself at the gym whilst designing my programme very happy with get to us stability ball. She had to give my heavier weights and more tougher programme she also had me sprinting on the rowing machine.

This all due to Cathe and her workouts I even look slimmer (sorry no real weightloss yet). But I am not going to give up having way to much fun and too addicted to Cathe.

Me too

I am still angry after reading your post.

Now, take action. Remember that "people will do to you what you allow them to do to you." If you stay passive and mildly and meekly forgive them without taking a VERY firm stand (pressing charges...ending relationship). It will happen again. That is what controlling people do. Get your money back and end the relationship. What happened will probably hunt you in that you will no longer feel you can trust them. Not worth my time in a friendship.


How much weight are you lifting now?

For PS I use up to 20kg barbell and 5-8kg dumbbells for legs, 17.5kg barbell for chest presses, 14kg for biceps curls and 3-8kg dumbells for the rest.


I am not sure I will email you on Friday when I go again they have free weights and I can find out better what I can lift. Today because of the fact that I was using the stability ball as well as lifting I went down but I wasn't as fatigued as I am when lifting with Cathe but I can do 5kg on my shoulders so my biceps should be heavier about 7-8kg.

Oh my gosh! You guys are angrier than I am!! Thanks for all the love and support. I really needed it. Well, here is what happened. I refused the check from her mother because it is not her fault, why should the mother pay? I told my "friend" that our relationship is very negative and we don't need it. By the way, this is just one thing on a list of insane stunts she's pulled. I guess I was her friend because I felt bad for her. We became friends at 16, we are both 24, I grew up and she didn't. She has finally agreed to pay back the money. I am going to get Cathe's weight lifting tapes, I can't do the step anyway because of knee problems. She is still oblivious to it all but she also bought me the BFL book and success journal, which is cool. So all is good in that regard. I told the other two girls that I didn't need this aggravation. What is good for one is not good for the other. So I think I'll buy the new intensity weight lifting tapes, slow & heavy and ctx upper body and leaner legs. How's that sound? This might should crazy but I pray for my friend and I feel sad for her than I do myself.

I remember reading an article on this very subject what happens when you grow up and your friend doesn't. The conclusion is that you realise that you have moved on they (for whatever reason haven't) and to let them go (still stay in touch) but realise the problem is theirs in that they need to allow themselves to grow and you can't do it for them. Nor can basically put with the immaturity especially when it hurts you.

I guess I feel annoyed because you were taking postitive steps for yourself and then they came along an undermined you. Really they should have been supportive and looked at how you were developing under Cathe. The books sound cool keep them.


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