Oh my gosh! You guys are angrier than I am!! Thanks for all the love and support. I really needed it. Well, here is what happened. I refused the check from her mother because it is not her fault, why should the mother pay? I told my "friend" that our relationship is very negative and we don't need it. By the way, this is just one thing on a list of insane stunts she's pulled. I guess I was her friend because I felt bad for her. We became friends at 16, we are both 24, I grew up and she didn't. She has finally agreed to pay back the money. I am going to get Cathe's weight lifting tapes, I can't do the step anyway because of knee problems. She is still oblivious to it all but she also bought me the BFL book and success journal, which is cool. So all is good in that regard. I told the other two girls that I didn't need this aggravation. What is good for one is not good for the other. So I think I'll buy the new intensity weight lifting tapes, slow & heavy and ctx upper body and leaner legs. How's that sound? This might should crazy but I pray for my friend and I feel sad for her than I do myself.