I am so angry!!!!!

I'm coming into this discussion a little late, but here's my take: which workout/eating plan is superior to the other is totally beside the point here. No one has the right to steal your possessions and destroy them in the name of "what's good for you."

You were wise to decline the mother's check. Ultimately, this woman is probably at least partially to blame for raising such a person, but she is not helping the situation by trying to atone for her daughter's behavior. My guess is this isn't the first time she's felt like she had to do this, either.

The "friend" owes you the price of the tapes she stole. Unfortunately, confronting her and demanding repayment has evidently not taught her anything since you say she's "still oblivious," and has the gall to continue to force her ideas on you.

I wouldn't accept anything from her except restitution for your stolen property, then I'd end the relationship. As Ann Landers used to say, "Ask yourself if you're better off with or without her." You say she has a long history of "insane stunts." Sounds like you know the answer.

1. Look at Cathe and tell me - who wouldn't want that body for life?
2. Your friend (if that's what you want to call her) is a klepto and a liar. She probably did one of your Cathe tapes this morning.
3. Did your trio of bitties have on green shirts that day? Well tell them that jealousy is not a pretty color.
You deserve to have bad days, but you also deserve to choose your own path to fitness! How rude! I'd love to push Cathe on my friends that take Metabolife or smoke to stay thin, but I don't. I 'suggest' but I don't force it. I wouldn't even take their drugs or cigarettes to the dump, and those things are actually bad for you. Cathe is good for you!?! Just where does your friend get off? Sorry this happened. But maybe it just showed you that these gals weren't really friends in the first place.

I think you must be a very good person to still have enough room in your heart to pray for her and have sympathy.
It sounds like you really took the high road here.
OMG!!! I can not believe that they would do something like that.What does you doing cathe tapes have to do with anything pertaining to your "welfare".I love the body for life programs and had wonderful results.I still follow the 6 meal a day plan and probaly will forever.However every plan does not work for everybody.I have worked out for years but love to do cathe because she is at the level I want.It seems they are very controlling and I would make them pay me back.unless --they are closet cathe users and keeping them for themselves.
What they did amounts to theft.

What you do is: next time they are drunk or head to the bathroom, you take a look in the wallet of this girl, make a note of her credit card number and expiration dates, then order all new Cathe DVD's, shipped to you and billed to her.

Now, when the bill comes through, she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

You have a right to be angry, this girl is not your friend. Real friends show respect for eachother.

Hhhhhhmmmmmmm. Maybe I should read BFL again since a lot of people seem to love it. I personally did not like the inside cover of the book where there were lots of before and after pictures because I thought they look too muscular (even more muscular than Cathe). There were also too many supplemented protein drinks I thought.

Hey sneaky..... What you suggested doesn't amount to theft? Two wrongs don't make a right, but an eye for an eye eh?

All of you on this message board are awesome! Thanks alot for your replies and love and support! You are all my friends!!!!!!
It is nice that you felt for me and offered lots of hugs. I got my money back and I'm okay. It is sad that my friend did this but it is not surprising. She has been like this for a long time. It was sort of like being in an abusive relationship, you think it will change but it never does. She needs prayers and forgiveness, but I have decided to really limit our contact. And I found out that she didn't throw away my tapes but she sold them, so she'd be able to buy myoplex!!!!!
That doesn't sound like friends to me. What is this body for life some kind of cult or something? What is wrong with exercise???? That is a horrible thing. I would hold the "friend" who threw them out responsible to replace them!
Oh my God! Is there no limit to this 'friend' of yours? Dear oh dear, I think you should just cut her off altogether! I have dumped friends for less than that.

I will tell you. I used to know this girl who owed me money (not a lot), but she never returned it. What awoke me to the selfish little cow that she is, was when we went shopping and she bought a pair of shoes. She asked me to wait till the end of the month because she didn't have any money right now, but right there before my eyes, she bought herself a pair of shoes that was worth more than what she owed me. I just thought 'This is not something I would do. If I owe money I return it first before I spend on luxuries', I just knew from there on that this girl was a type who's selfish and shallow (there were other things that she did that confirmed it to me). I just thought I would get out now before my generosity get the better of me and she will take advantage.

I am surprised you and her stayed friends for so long, you must have a very forgiving nature (I understand you because I am the same). I feel rather sad for her that she will be losing such a generous friend and even sadder to think that she doesn't even realise what she will be missing.

Dear Cookiebaby,

I am so glad you got your money back!! I've been checking in for updates. I really felt for you. I could just imagine how upset I'd be if this had happened to me. What a betrayal!

This "friend" is treacherous. Now we really know why she took your valuables! You're right that you can't change people like this. You are a kind and compassionate person to forgive her, but you are wise to protect yourself by limiting contact.


Wow! That is amazing. I would demand my tapes back and get some new friends! She does know that stealing is illegal? It's is really great to love your workout/lifestyle but that's going a bit far if you ask me! Live and let live is my philosophy and you know how we forumites love Cathe. Your friend is a jerk and a silly one, at that. Boosting your tapes is laughable. Laugh it off and get those tapes back and hang out here with the rest of us Cathe Crazies as I have seen some posters call us!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi
I can not believe this!!! :-mad Your "friends" should reimburse you for each and every one of them!! I did BFL at the beginning of this year. I didn't see significant results til I started doing Cathe's strength tapes! I've been weight training for 13 years! BFL may work for some people but it's not for everyone. I'm sorry that your friends treated you the way they did. Man, I can't believe it!!
I hope and pray your friends come to their senses and pay you back. I am so sorry this happened.I don't know what I'd do if I lost my tapes. :-( Take care- Susan
I would not "limit" my contact with her, I would "eliminate" my contact with her. You don't need anyone in your life like that. She will not change because she does not own what she did - she admits no guilt. I hope you see that now.

Just Do It! :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-02 AT 10:33AM (Est)[/font][p]She sold your tapes so she could buy Myoplex?!!!! OMG!!! This just gets more and more awful! You know, I think even Bill Phillips would be upset about that! She sounds like a very sick and immature person...She stole from you, she lied to you about what she did with the tapes and then she decided it was still okay to profit from you?!!! Man oh man, and I thought I'd heard it all!
Karen :eek:
Plain and simple...

she stole your property and needs to reimburse you for it. Murph
PS--if it were me, I'd make a real stink and take her to small claims court to teach her a lesson.

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