There is so much to be said on this, but one of the most important things you must work at is your diet along with your workouts. You can workout all day, but if your diet is lousy and full of fat and sugar, you'll not see the results and get frustrated. Concentrate on eating clean, and that is NOT easy with a family, I know! But those little bites here and there from the kids' plates, can really add up. When I had my first child, I went from 130 pounds to 245 pounds, it was a disaster that I thought I would never recover from. I went at it full boar, and ended up losing it all within the year (I was 31.) I did it by writing down everything that passed my lips, got myself one of those comprehensive calorie books and learned as much as I could about nutrition. That is half the battle! Then I began working out first aerobically 10 minutes a few times a day, up to finally 2 hours a day. I added different activities such as biking, running, and lifting weights. I WISH I had Cathe back then!
Realize you will go off course every now and then, or need a couple of days to relax. Just don't lose site of your ultimate goal (which should be written down and constantly in sight.
My first dvd from Cathe was Pyramid Upper & Lower. I added on Slow & Heavy and went from there. If your goal is to lose weight, you should lean more towards aerobics for a while, be it step, boot camp, kickboxing, walking, running, biking, etc. But you do need to lift weights, I just think its very important to add this in to the mix shortly thereafter. Not to mention what it does for your self-esteem when you can open up your own pickle jars. Adding into this is getting adequate sleep. Your body needs to repair itself and sleep really can help the body shed fat. Drink plenty of water also.
Keep coming back here and read as much as you can. There is so much inspiration here, and when you have some dvd's and can relate, all the better. Good luck!
Realize you will go off course every now and then, or need a couple of days to relax. Just don't lose site of your ultimate goal (which should be written down and constantly in sight.
My first dvd from Cathe was Pyramid Upper & Lower. I added on Slow & Heavy and went from there. If your goal is to lose weight, you should lean more towards aerobics for a while, be it step, boot camp, kickboxing, walking, running, biking, etc. But you do need to lift weights, I just think its very important to add this in to the mix shortly thereafter. Not to mention what it does for your self-esteem when you can open up your own pickle jars. Adding into this is getting adequate sleep. Your body needs to repair itself and sleep really can help the body shed fat. Drink plenty of water also.
Keep coming back here and read as much as you can. There is so much inspiration here, and when you have some dvd's and can relate, all the better. Good luck!