
I have HSC and am wondering if it is worth also getting HST advanced. I love HSC but am thinking that maybe they are very similar. What do you all think?
funny you asked this b/c i was wondering the same thing today. can't wait to hear the answer. hopefully they are different and it gives me an excuse to buy another workout LOL:)
Your wishes have been answered. They are different. HST-AD is actually harder cause it has more leg presses. The cardio drills are also different in each of them. HSC moves at a very fast pace.
IMO, both are very good workouts and different enough to have them both. I asked this same question when I was a newbie...I just did HSC tonight.
I have both too. They are differenct workouts, but really very similar. If you are trying to add variety to your fitness library, this might not be the best choice, even though they both are very good circuit workouts.

HST has lots of leg presses, at least one set in every cycle, has no core work per se and moves at a slighter slower pace overall. I really like both, especially the UB work in each one. (I love the side tricep push ups in HSC and the cross over push ups on the step in HST) I don't think they are that similar in feel, other than being circuit workouts. JMO.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I just did both of these very recently and have to say that I loved HSC, but could easily do without HST. I found HST to be way to repetitive with all those leg presses....."Not this again," I kept saying. If I never did HST again, I'd be just fine!!!!
I have HSC and really like it. I bought HST to have for Dec. rotation. It was HARD! I hated/loved all the leg presses. I probably won't do HST again until its on another rotation.
I love both workouts, but I find I use HSTA more. The premixes are great in it. I find HSTA more difficult than HSC, and it is probably due to all those leg presses.

To me, the sequence of exercises is more straightforward in HSTA. In combo 1, we work triceps, etc. Whereas with HSC, I never know what I am going to be hit with even though I have done the workout several times. Keeps me on my toes.:p

Good Luck,

I really like HSC. It is one of my favorite circuit workouts. I did HSTA 2 times before I sold it. So many leg presses, OMG! Also, the music is not that great. Though I really did like the format of the workout. All of those leg presses were just giving this workout too much of a dread factor for me.
Oh, I love 'em both and find that I reach for these more than most of my other circuits. HSTA works my legs like no other circuit. All of the leg exercises are tough - especially because they follow a set of leg presses. But Sit and Stands and hover squats are the two I dread more than any of the leg presses. I'd say between the two, I do this one more.

HSC is fun and very varied. I really enjoy it, too. I guess it depends on what you want. I like to focus more on lower body, so I love the demands of HSTA, but if you just want a fun circuit, HSC is a blast.
I prefer HSC to HSTA. I, too, have a dread factor with the leg presses. With HSC, it's a great workout, but it's also FUN! But make no mistake: it'll work ya. The hover squats at the end slay me every time! HSTA I've actually only done once whereas HSC is one I reach for frequently. It's my absolute favorite circuit workout.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

Forgive my ignorance... but, by HSC, do you mean High Step Circuit or High Step Challenge?

I always get confused by that...

I am in the minority, but I like HSTA more -however, I do each cardio 2x's, which makes a wonderful kick butt workout!! The cardio in HSC is a little more impactful on the joints for me. They are BOTH winners, though, and I get find it worthwhile to have both in my video library.
I haven't done HSC in ages but HSTA has AWESOME upper body work in it! I think it's worth the cost just for that alone!

I am actually going to do the cardio only from both of them today. Should be a short but challenging cardio work out!}(
I got HSTA for Christmas from my kids and love it! It's different enough from HSC to keep my interest.

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