The Music Process
Hi Lorrie,
How are you? I still get a warm smile inside when I think of our time at the RT J.
The music is coming along amazingly well. It is my top priority and I work on it with the composers for several hours every day (I actually just finished up today's session before posting this) . We have increased to about 16 composers on this project right now in order to provide a wide variety of rich, high quality, music to accompany the workout. These composers bring an impressive resume to the table as they all score music for major motion movies such as Disney, major hit TV shows, and hit jingles for Super Bowl commercials and such. Working with them so closely has been a rewarding experience for me as I have always had a strong interest in music and how a show is scored and composed from the ground up.
So let me share with you how the STS music process works:
First, I have a meeting with the head composer and we watch one of the STS video workouts (ie: Meso One, Week one, Legs) with NO music and discuss each exercise, each set, and each rep frame by frame (we have been doing this for all 41 workouts…..yowsa, that’s a gazillion frames). During this meeting I will discuss and rate the specific exercise according to energy output. The higher the number I give it the more intensely the music will be scored. Then we watch and listen to the exercise and decide upon instruments to use to bring out the energy of the exercise. The composer asks me “would you consider this a general energy move or a move that calls for specific “punch”? Then we develop a repertoire of songs that fall in categories such as “general energy”, “grunters”, “intensity climbers” etc. Now with a number rating, instruments to accompany the mood, and a designated energy cue, that particular exercise segment (there are several hundred) is put into a quick time video along with specific instructions and sent off to one of the 16 composers who’s musical style best matches what that particular exercise calls for. As you can imagine this is quite a time consuming process but also why we have many skilled composures on this job to move things along with good variety.
The quick time exercise video gets a custom piece of music scored to it and it is sent to me for approval. Sometimes I like it immediately and other times it goes back for a fix or two. Once all the exercise clips with their new custom sounds are approved for an entire one hour workout, they are sent to us on one continuous hour disc to watch for flow and continuity. After that passes the test, they are sent to NFL to be audio sweetened. This is where the sound quality from my voice, to music, to background noise etc. all get smoothed over and evened out. Then we review that FINAL copy and if it passes that’s one more down in the 41 count total J… you’ve heard me “sing” on my workouts…”another one bites the dust”.
So there you have it J Oh yeah, that’s right, you asked more……As far as the next stages of editing, while we working on finishing the music we are concurrently working on the last two preproduction steps. So as music is written, scored and tweaked for each DVD, they immediately move into the next two and last steps which are Audio Sweetening (which I mentioned above) and DVD Authoring. Our goal is by the time the music for the last of out 41 DVD’s is finished we will have already finished the Audio Sweetening and DVD Authoring for the other 40 DVDs. By the way, for anyone who isn’t aware of what all of these steps are, be sure to check out our May 18th Blog post to see a complete list of all the steps necessary to make an STS DVD.