How do you like kickmax?....


I really love doing all of Cathe's workouts on FIT TV, KPC is my favorite. Kickmax is not on Fit TV, so I have not seen it, or tried it. I am looking to purchase my first DVD....(I can only get one right now)...Do you think I would like Kick Max, since I like KPC so much?

Hi, I love KPC also. I was actually quite disappointed in KickMax. It is not as much cardio as KPC. Its more of a leg workout and the fun factor just isnt there for me as it is in KPC. Hope this helps.
Thanks guys...that is really useful info. That is why I like FIT TV so much, because even though they programs may not be complete, I can at least try enough to make sure I would like it.

Hi Joanna! I happened to be one of the ladies that suggested Cathe put kickboxing w/plyometrics. When I viewed KM for the 1st time, I just couldn't believe that she copied moves as well as music from Janis Saffell. To me Janis Saffell is the kickboxing queen! She's so much fun to do. I suggest you look into her workouts especially the kickbox circuit one. You've already read quite a bit of disappointed opinions of this & I'm no exception. It would've felt & been a much better workout if the blasts had been more interspersed within the kickboxing combos. For instance, in KM you'll do the warmup first, then 4 kbing combos & then you do 10 blasts, then come the leg conditioning drills & then a stretch. Not very well constructed. I happen to LOVE Terri Reeves Bootcamp/kickboxing workout. There are 2 workouts & the kickboxing one has plymotric moves but done in such a fun way & the plyometric moves come right after you do a cute kickboxing combo. I had thought Cathe would've done the same but she didn't. What I do is I take the KM warmup & all 4 combos & then do all the combos to KPC; then I do abs & stretch. That made for a much better workout.

I would skip KM altogether. Just my opinion. HTH, Kathy :D
KM is not very much like KPC. I LOVE KPC as well, but I don't like KM (and got rid of it). To me, the kickboxing segment of KM is too low intensity (with pivots in that seem to reduce the intensity), the "blast" section is too high impact, and not very "kickboxy."

I found this very disappointing, because I had hoped Cathe would continue in the direction of KPC: making a high-intensity, KICKBOXING workout that didn't have a lot of high impact in it.
KickMax is kind of a weird hybrid workout. It starts with kickboxing combinations that are definitely not as intense or complicated as KPC and therefore are not as challenging aerobically. The "blast", which is the majority of the workout, is very high impact and really doesn't incorporate a lot of kickboxing moves. It reminds me of IMax3 without a step. I do like the leg conditioning drills, I find them very challenging. I would have to say if you want more of a true kickboxing workout get KPC. I do like KickMax but I had to change my expectations after doing it a couple of times.

"Don't forget to breathe!"
I don't have either workouts, so I can't comment. I only have IMax3 (which I love)and HSC from this series, but wanted to add, that as much as I love Cathe, I am growing tired of all the plyo moves. Sure, they give me a great cardio/leg workout, but It's enough already. It all becomes the same after awhile. I hope, if she has a next series, she gives us a good step/circuit type workout with no more plyos. Just a good sweaty, original workout. Otherwise, I'm Cathied out. I hope I don't sound offensive, not my intention, just hope for a little more originality.
I do not like KM at all, in fact except for Imax 3 I am disappointed by the entire series. KPC is much better in my opinion
I'm not a big fan of Kick Max either, at least not if I'm in the mood for kickboxing. The only part that is really kickboxing (in my mind) is the first section, which is kind of easy. However, if I'm in the mood for a plyo/blast type workout, the middle section is a fryer.

I've found that one way to make this workout more intense is to do the blast section first, followed by the kickboxing combos (using weighted gloves). I will also use the kickboxing section as an add-on to something else (for example, yesterday I did PLB (standing weight portion) followed by the kickbox combo section of KM).

K,P&C, on the other had, is one of my all time favorite workouts. I think I even prefer Cardio Kicks to Kick Max. (They can't all be our favorites, right?).

How about Cardio Kicks? I love that one! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! I like the workout I get from KPC (in fact I did it yesterday), but Cardio Kicks is so much fun! (did that one on Monday).

By the way after all my budgeting I got some extra money (finally!) and I'm going to buy three of the new DVDs. Low Max, Muscle Max, and yes people Kick Max. I know there are mixed reviews, but I keep hearing good things about the blast segment of Kick Max and I figure I can add that segment to any other workout I want. I'm going to preview the DVD and if I feel it doesn't work as a whole I know I'll be using segments 1 and 3 a lot. Even with all the mixed reviews it got a staff favorite on, if it were bad that would've never happened.
I was on the fence for a while about KickMax, but now I am glad I got it. I agree that KPC is a better kickboxing wo, but even that I didn't really like alot when i first got it (i expected it to be more "old Tae Bo-ish'), but after doing it a few times I really love it!

KM has grown on me. It's just a different type of workout. I don't know if i'd call it "kickboxing" though. 1st portion is, then the "blasts" are intense & good, but NOT kickboxing. The leg drills are great. They are supposed to enhance kicking skills & flexibility,so i think they are more effective & you are more responsive to the drills after a kickboxing workout. I have tried adding on after weights & it didn't feel right. The other day I did them after KPC & boy, i could really get in there.

As long as you know what to expect (& not to expect) I think KM is a good addition to your workouts. Enjoy!


Keep smiling & sweating!
Do I love KM as is as a workout in and of itself? Not really. Will I keep it? Yes! I have found many ways to use KM. I like the BC Challenge Premix. In this premix you do the WU first, then go to the 10 blasts, then finish off with the combo's. I like the premix b/c my heart rate gets up there during the blasts and then the combos bring me back down and I focus on form. It is only 50 minutes and I can do a tough ab/core workout after it.

I use the KM Blasts a lot and I like the leg conditioning drills as they work my lower body differently.

I also like the idea of combining sections of KM with sections of KPC.

So, as you can see there are reasons for me to keep this workout and I think it is a nice addition to my collection. I LOVE the Blast section!!!
The leg drills is the main reason I'm getting Kick Max. Just thought I needed to clear that up. I'm sending my order next week I can't wait!!!
I'm the odd person...I really like KM. I don't do the blasts, but I love the other parts. And like others, I break it up sometimes. It really is versatile and gives a toning aspect to kickboxing. Another way to crosstrain.

I'm another odd one. I love the entire workout. I didn't like it at first. I did it a couple times and then didn't do it again until a couple of weeks ago, and now I've really warmed up to it. To me, it's almost like KP&C in reverse - Combos, then intensity, but then leg conditioning instead of abs. Although I agree the combos aren't as intense, but I still like them. I think I do like KP&C better, but I will continue to do both, as well as cardio kicks. They all have their benefits in my opinion.
i like it a lot! i have to be honest.. the first time i did it.. i wasn't crazy about it... but each time i do it.. i like it more... i just did it again monday and just loved it! i'm one othe "weirdos" that likes all three parts! i love the blasts..... gets my HR up there! the kick punch routines are fun! and i love the leg drills at the end!

i actually like the kickboxing workouts in this order:

1 (fave)-kick max
2-cardio kicks
3 (least fave)-KPC

not to say i don't like KPC.. cuz i do like it a lot! but the above is the order do them in!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I am a huge KPC fan so I bought KickMax. I did it once so far. I could not break a sweat or raise my heart rate up. Its not that I don't like the combinations, I do, but I want to feel it more. I love plyos but I also stay away from a lot of plyo moves at home as I am on carpet over cement and I really feel it in my back (so does my chiropractor, LOL). Also a lot of turning and spinning around is not carpet friendly so I have to stay put when she spins around.
I wish that the plyo moves were put in between the combinations to get your heart rate up before the combos this way you get the up and down through out the workout as opposed to all at the end. Is there a premix that slips them in between like that?
All in all I am stuck with it. I do however love the leg conditioning drills at the end and have used those a few times. Maybe its worth it just for that.
I completely agree with you. Kick max was the first one I tried from the hardcore series. Just love it thru and thru and yes it may not be as tough as the kpc. But The kpc does not have the leg sculpting drills (my favorite part) I am a person who loves to work my legs. I just love to watch them get sculpted and more lean and muscular. Love it. Just my opinion.


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