How do you like kickmax?....

The more you do KM the more you will like it!! The first time I did it I was like ???????? Then I did it again and I liked it a little better and then again and again and now I really really like it!! Btw I did not have my hr up the first few times, but now that I know the routine I am able to keep it up the WHOLE time. Athough it does go up and down during those legs drills. Hope this helps!!
I cannot get any aerobic benefit from the kickboxing part of this DVD and the intensity blasts are murder on my knees. As a result, I don't much like this DVD and have only tried it twice. I love KPC, though, and CK is also good.
Thanks Nicole. Since I am stuck with it eventually I'll pull it out again maybe on a light day. The combos are fun, could be good for extra conditioning after a cardio workout.
>Thanks Nicole. Since I am stuck with it eventually I'll pull
>it out again maybe on a light day. The combos are fun, could
>be good for extra conditioning after a cardio workout.

Why do you feel you are "stuck with it"? If you don't like it, someone else might be very willing to buy it from you. I sold mine to someone who wanted it much more than I did!

Though remember not to list it for sale here, as that's not something this forum is for. Instead, perhaps someone --hint, hint!--who is reading this thread wants to buy it and will contact you via PM or email? Otherwise, you can try Ebay. That's what I plan to do with Stretch Max, which is not my cup of tea, and Hardcore Extreme, which seems too repetitive to me.
Hi Kathryn, Now would that someone be you??? LOL. Stuck with sounds harsh doesn't it? Although the bulk of the workout is not my fav I did mention in an earlier post that I do love the conditioning at the end. Its worth keeping it just for those. Sorry I will keep it. Thanks for the advice on selling though, will keep in mind should I ever get rid of another.
>Hi Kathryn, Now would that someone be you???

Absolutely NOT! I got rid of my Kick Max already. I just thought I'd drop a hint to anyone else who was reading this thread.
Hmm..I'll have to try it again... I agree it was way too much on my knees. KPC is my fave so I was disapointed. Let's see what a 2nd try does.
I really like KM. I'm not really into kickboxing in general, so maybe thats why. I like all the jacks, plus the leg drills at the end. Some of the pivot turns are hard to do, for me, since I have carpeting in my workout area.
I really like Kickmax. I like it on it's own, I love the Bootcamp Premix and it's really good to take pieces of it and mix them with other workouts. You can mix it up with KPC too. For instance, take the Bootcamp premix from Kickmax, and then do the punching and kicking combos from KPC. The other day I did the Low Max blast only portion, followed by the KM blast only premix, and then the MM upper body push pull. It was great.
I love and use the KM BC Challenge Blasts a lot. I also like doing the premix on KM that goes right into the blasts after the WU then finishes with the combo's. I have to say I'm not wild about doing KM as produced but I will not give it up as I need variety and one of these days I will need some easier cardio and the combo's will probably fit the bill perfectly.

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