How do you keep track of the weights you use for each DVD?


Having just graduated from the Beginner Rotation and now starting to use the other Cathe DVDs that I've accumulated over the last 4 months.. and that's quite a few... lol

I'm trying to decide how I'll know which weights to use on the barbell and which weight dumbbells to use for each DVD that I do.

At first, I thought I would do a spreadsheet for each DVD and write down the exercises in order and then put various columns across the page so that I could write down what weights I use each time I do the DVD.

However.. the more I thought about it, I figured that that wouldn't work because I might do Muscle Max Upper Body premix today and then not do it again for a couple of weeks, so the weights that I used today wouldn't mean much the next time I do Muscle Max.

So now I'm thinking that a better idea would be to list all the exercises in all the DVDs and then write down (in the columns going across) the weights I use for each workout..... because... a lot of the exercises are used over and over again in the various DVDs. There are only so many ways that one can work the triceps or biceps or back or chest or whatever.

i.e. Bicep curls with dumbbells would only be on the list once, even though it's used in many DVDs.

All ideas will be greatly appreciated !!!!



ETA: I'm using primarily weight lifting DVDs.... like: Muscle Max, Supersets/Push Pull, High Reps, Gym Style series, Pyramid Upper and Lower, Slow and Heavy, STS Total Body, etc.

I do my cardio at the gym and I don't like circuit workouts, so mine are primarily straight weight lifting...
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I have mine set up in Excel. I have every Cathe workout that I own on a spreadsheet with multiple columns so I can see what I lifted the last time I did the workout. Comes in really handy.

It takes time to sit down and type up all the exercises and then do the spreadsheets, but its so worth it.
I too am using Excel and I love spreadsheets, so it's not a problem doing a whole bunch of them.

I'm just wondering why I would need to list Bicep Curls with Dumbbells in each DVD list, instead of just having one great big Master List of Exercises and each time I do a workout, just mark down the weight that I used that time.

Does that make any sense????? :)

I'm not sure I'm explaining it very well..

I was going to do what it sounds like you've done.... do one spreadsheet for each DVD....... but then I got to thinking that there would be a lot of repetition and if I hadn't done a DVD in a while, the weights I had marked down wouldn't be "current."
You really can't do that because each workout is so different. When you are doing bicep curls with 15 reps you can't lift as heavy as when you are doing them with 8 reps or lower. Each workout is unique, so you'd have to make a new spreadsheet for each workout.

For instance, Gym Style is heavy lifting with 8-10 reps. Total Body is higher reps, 12-15. You can't lift the same with any exercise with the reps being so different.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... a light bulb moment.

Thank you... thank you.. thank you Debbie.

I knew there was a reason.... I just wasn't thinking in the right terms...

of course.. now it makes sense.... High Reps is totally different from Slow & Heavy in terms of reps and pace..

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
I,m very low tech: I just use a spiral notebook, and write out the exercises before I do the workout, and plug in the weights. One advantage to that is I am able to write note to myself and change things while I am doing the workout (one disadvantage is that if I'm all sweaty, some of my notes are hard to read later!)

If I haven't done the workout before, or haven't done it for a while, I quickly chapter through the DVD to see what exercises there are. If I've done the workout recently, I page through my notebook to find the last time I did it. I write in weights based on the notes I've taken before (for example, I write in if I could go up in weight next time, if a weight was too heavy, or if I subbed a move).
I am the lowest tech of all... I just remember them! :cool:

I almost always use whatever Cathe's using, but if it's different, I've done the workouts so many times I just know what I've used in the past.
I have mine set up in Excel. I have every Cathe workout that I own on a spreadsheet with multiple columns so I can see what I lifted the last time I did the workout. Comes in really handy.

It takes time to sit down and type up all the exercises and then do the spreadsheets, but its so worth it.

OK, I am completely impressed. You rule and rock. It sounds like a great idea I would like to tackle, but am not so confident I ever will.

I am more like JeanneMarie, I just remember them, but then again, if I don't remember....I just "feel" it :p:confused::D for the day.
Thanks everyone for your help.

Like Debbie, I'm a spreadsheet person, so I now know what I'm going to do.

I envy those who can just remember... maybe someday... lol
Index Cards

I use an index card kept inside each DVD case. I am able to rest it up right next to the TV and can glance at it easily while working out. This system has worked great for me. At the top of the index card I list the DVD name and the time required for the workout. I also list what equipment I need (6" or 8" step, tall box, etc...) and then list the weights used in groupings on the lines below. I write the weights in pencil so I can make changes if I find I need heavier or lighter for next time.
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great idea's ladies! I have been wanting to do this, but find myself to be a little, shall I say, L-A-Z-Y. I just have to get started I suppose...
I, too, ue a spiral notebook. I write the title and equipment needed (i.e. tall bench for when I have my step on eight risers, ball, band, etc.), then below that the name of each of the exercises. I make this when I preview the tape, and I write down either the weight that Cathe uses, or what I think I can handle. When I do the workout, I make notes in pencil. If I think I can go up next time, I'll write the number with a question mark, and if it works, I'll erase the question mark. In the end I know what weight I started with, and what I'm up to now. The record also helps me set up beforehand - I put my barbell at whatever weight I'll first use and have any other plates needed nearby, and only pull out the dumbells I'll use. Way better than when I used to try and remember - as someone else mentioned, sometimes I can do 35# bicep curls, and sometimes I'm down to 20#!
I usually just remember, however for a more comprehensive rotation, I would definitely go with the Excel worksheet. If I were to do it in Excel myself, I would have a separate sheet for each workout because (as Fitness Freak put it, so I'm really just adding my 2c.) each workout is different. And while it is true that you may need to adjust again next workout, thats ok, unless you are doing STS with the 1 rep max calculator, the method of selecting the 'perfect weight' is more guess work than anything. I promise, you will know when you have the wrong weight. Its ok to put Cathe on pause and grab the right one. I promise she will never know;)
I'm with you; for most of Cathe's weight dvd I listen to my body, usually have a good idea of what's coming and go from there. That being said, I do write some for STS in the book that came with it and try to improve each of the four weeks in the cycles. Having the book to see all the exercises coming up is great. I have found that since I tend to push hard for weight lifting my "official" one rep max's are too hard to use with the program. So I just use my way.
I am the lowest tech of all... I just remember them! :cool:

I almost always use whatever Cathe's using, but if it's different, I've done the workouts so many times I just know what I've used in the past.

Ditto and Ditto (had to put in 2 ditto's because apparently my message was too short with just one)

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