How did you find Cathe?

And Kathy H. turned me on to Cathe when she came to work in my office after being displaced during the World Trade Center attack, so I got two good things out of that terrible day.

i found here from the collage simple forum when i was browsing to get an idea of what fitness video's were out there!! there is no going back!!!
I also found Cathe through the Firm ez board forum. I had just finished the Firm's 90-Day Rotation and decided to take the Cathe plunge - everyone had been raving about her!

Cathe's workouts are a great addition to my current wokout regime and she always manages to come out with something fresh.

Took a chance on a video from Collage (Step Heat, I think) and was hooked!

I found out much later that she's located in South Jersey (me, too) and that a friend of mine had taken classes from her at a gym about 10 minutes away!!!

I have been working out and doing step in our fitness center for 8 years and have just found Cathe. I can't believe I hadn't heard about her from our instructors. They would always share their stories about the conventions they attended. Unfortunately, our gym has all but quit what I call an advanced step class. So many of our aerobic regulars, I feel don't want to work that hard, and of course you have to please the majority. We have only one advanced class in the evening. I love choreography and advanced tempo. So, now that I have found Cathe, I have bought a step for home and the more I review her videos I think I am going to work out at home. I haven't decided to quit the gym yet, I'll miss the friends. I am 51 years old and I think I better stay advanced as long as I can! I now have to care for my Mother, as she has Altzhiemers and terminal cancer, though I can still leave for short periods. I know I will be homebound soon,so it is great thing for me to find Cathe now! I am eagerly awaiting my first order (Ryhtmic Step/Power Hour), I think I will be hooked!! Oh Yeah, I found Cathe on a random search, What Luck ;-)

Connie Goodman
I found her at Collage also , who, by the way, don't carry her new stuff because of her awesome discounts. Isn't that sad? She's the only instructor I use these days! She's the best and the most user friendly for the choreograpically challenged! Ok, I do get lost on some of her moves, but overall I can do them and she rocks!
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi

Is that why Collage stopped carrying Cathe? I was wondering why they no longer had her featured on their brochures. That is where I found Cathe. Please let me know how you know this. Thanks. :D

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
I ordered Step Heat when I received my first Collage Catalog in the mail several years ago and was hooked ever since. :)
I too found Cathe through Collage I may have her step n motion 1,2,3 I know at 1 time I have bought all her tapes I have borrowed some out over the years I will look tosee if it is in the attic I would glady mail it to you as I use her new tapes now When i get home from work at noon on sunday i will have my husband take me up to the attic and see I will check back
I discovered Cathe through the old Firm forum around 98/99. It was Cathe this, Cathe that, I finally asked, "Who is this Cathe?" One person reply excitedly telling me all about her. I remember her favorite Cathe at the time was "Circuit Max" and said I should give it a try. Well I did, and now there's no turning back.

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