How did you find Cathe?

I find Cathe in the back of "FIT" magazine.It had a article written up about Body max and how it didn't give you much of a break.Since then, I have put my Kathy Roberts videos away and its only been Cathe from here on in.
I kept seeing her name mentioned on the old FIRM forum. When her website was posted there I checked it out. This was during the last phase of the CTX/Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max preorder. I preordered the DVDs even though I didn't have a DVD player at the time. Since then I've preordered all the DVDs except Cardio Hits (I ordered that several months after CTX...) and Ab Hits (since I have all the ab workouts on the other DVDs).
Right after the birth of my first baby (12/98) my sister gave me the Pure Strength series and MIC. I couldn't do MIC, but I fell in love with lifting weights.

I just wanted to correct myself and state that I got MIC first, and complained to my sister that it was too hard, and then several months later she gave me Pure Strength. (She was determined to make a Cathe fan out of me). I think PS was a brand new release at the time which would have been the summer of '99. (I could be wrong about when PS first came out).
I remember reading a video review in Shape magazine about Body Max, years ago. I wanted it, but never bought it. Then last year I started noticing people talking so much about Cathe on the Firm and Video Fitness forums. I took the plunge and bought Body Max and Power Max. It took me a while to realize that Body Max was the same video(from the review) I wanted years before. I wish I had bought it back then. Oh well. I'm so glad that I found her now. She's the best.
I found Cathe, either in 1993 or 1994, in Collage. I remember after that, every catalog that would come out, I would frantically look through it to see if there were any new "Cathe's". I can't remember when I found the website so that I could keep up with when there would be any new ones released. But thank goodness I no longer have to wait for my catalog to find any type of workout news! I now have this website and VF!

Well, way back in the early 90's, I always read about Cathe step videos in Collage, but was to broke and way to out of shape to even think about buying.
Then just over 2 years ago, on the old Firm Forum, beforer Goodtimes took over, people talked about Cathe. I remembered about wanting her videos, and they said Step Heat was a good step video to start with.
So I got it. Loved it. Over the next few months, I got PS, CTX, and Cardio Kicks.
The rest is history. I have almost all of her work. And I will continue to get her work, cause it's just so WONDERFUL!!!
These are really interesting. I would so much rather work out at home with Cathe than go back to a gym. I cannot take the Firm, the way they speak, and Cathe seems so real! I cannot wait for Body Blast to arrive.

I started a new job in 1997 and was told that I had to surf the internet during slow times in order to improve my web skills. It was because of that surfing that I discovered I was already doing Karen Voight videos (which I thought were SO tough!) and couldn't believe the things I was reading about Cathe videos. I thought that anybody who could do Power Max had to be a super woman!! A couple months later I got How to Get In Shape For Your Wedding in an exchange, and, as they say, the rest is history...

I found Cathe through Collage Video. I would read the workout reviews and really liked that they were "advanced" (because I was soooo tired of wimpy/lame/horribly produced workouts). I did a search through the internet and found her site, started ordering....and now I have all of her dvds (except the those 3 remaining workouts that need to be transferred to dvd - hint! hint!)...and the rest is history! :7

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
I discovered Cathe on a firm mailing list (this was before the web forums were developed) in 1993. I sent a message to the email list asking for something a bit more challenging than the Firm. Several responses came back indicating that I had to try out Cathe. I was recommended Step Max and was hooked ever since (well, actually, I had to work up to this tape and use Karen Voight's Energy Sprint as my training for Cathe tape).

I discovered Cathe through Collage Video. I was looking for advanced workouts and went to a page that had a lot of instructors listed. I clicked on Cathe's name and it gave a brief description and listed her website. In less than one year I ended up buying 6 vhs and 6 DVD's! And that is not including my preorder of the entire Body Blast series on DVD. So glad I found these workouts!:7
I kept reading about her on VF but didn't own a step and didn't want to buy one. (I'd been a Firmie since 1987.) About 1 1/2 yrs ago, I found a Step Co. step at a church sale for $5.00 and thereafter bought several of her tapes from the Ya Ya's swap and E-Bay. Her tapes surpassed my (high) expectations. I then bought a 5-disc programmable DVD player, ordered the Intensity Series, preordered the Body Blast series and am waiting another month till we refinance our house, and then I'm going to buy all of her DVD's. I tell anyone I can about her and, if I wasn't afraid of making an a*s of myself in my small town, I'd climb up to the widow's walk on the top of my house and shout out her name!
Hi everyone,
I found Cathe through Collage Videos, like so many of you, back in 1991. My life hasn't been the same since (in the best sort of way!!) Great thread!!

About a yr or so ago, I was searching the internet for fitness web sites and came upon Cathe ..... Didn't get serious about exercise though till this past March ..... Rhonda :7
I think if I can remember when I joined the gym I was really into the step class and did a search on learning what some of the moves were and came to her website, but then when I brought my own step for home it came with a Cathe tape which I really didn't like it was All step which for me at the time was for advance so I came here to ask questions about different video and now I own and I mean I brought everything month by month and preorder the BB, and the Tall Step, brought a 5-disc dvd player, a stability ball, workout clothes, 2 pairs of Freddy's sneakers and I probally forgot something. My CC is hurting}( but it is good for my health;-) I always did lifted weights in my basement but now It is so much fun with Cathe:p
I had been giving serious thought to finally getting fit, when I saw a K-Mart flyer advertising a small home step with a video. I had tried exercsing to videos before with no lasting sucess, but I asked my DH to buy it for me on his way home that day. The video was Allstep. I had never heard of Cathe before but I was curious about her, so I searched the internet and found VF and Cathe's site. It took me three weeks of reading the boards to work up my courage to try an advanced video! I loved it and since have bought the Wedding video, PH, MIS, MIC, and IMAX too. :+ I'm so addicted to Cathe now.
Hi Susan! I found Cathe back in 1991 when I had a personal trainer; I've been working out w/Cathe ever since. Kathy
I found her through the fitprime boards. I ordered 3 tapes from this one girl, IMAX, power circuit and MIC. This was about 1 year ago, so I guess I am still sorta a newbie :)

I thought I was in pretty good shape, not after doing IMAX for the first time.

It took about 4 months to start doing mainly Cathe videos, I still m ix in a firm here and there and am trying the slim series, but I have all the DVDs except the one with imax and mic, and have preordered the new body blast series, and the step and a hat heehee I love cathe she has the most fun videos ever. --> I tried to do a taebo just to see if I still liked it, I couldn't even finish it I was so bored :)

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