How did you discover Cathe?


This might have already been done a year or so ago, but it's a fun thought. I'm especially interested in people that have been doing Cathe since before the internet. Hint, hint! ;)
For me I had a fitness buddy over at VF her name is Leela and she told me that I had to try Power Max by Cathe. I wasn't hooked right away, it took me a good 6 months to get all the choreography down and get myself in good enough shape to finish that workout. But I'm very grateful that she pointed me in this direction, now gosh, 3 years, almost 4 years later.

I guess it was around '92. I was had been working out for about 8 months and I needed more than the 30min beginner workouts the local Musicland carried. I saw the Collage add in Shape magazine, called for a copy and a few weeks later 20 advanced 60 min VHS tapes arrived. I had ordered Victoria Johnson, Kari Anderson (Sweat Express, Bench Works, and Moving Up), Candice Copeland and a bunch of others from instructors I had never heard of. One was "Cardio Step Challenge" from Cathe. I instantly liked the smooth and casual way she cued the workout. A few years later I ordered "Power Max" from Collage. The video came out before the covers were ready so I got the video from Collage, and a few weeks later I got the cover from Step N'Motion, along with a catalog that had a bunch of soon to be discontinued videos. I went ahead and ordered all the videos in the catalog and a new Cathe-ite was born.;-)
Internet for me at videofitness. I had stumbled across a Billy Blanks video at Wal-mart or Target, had it for a year before I finally did it. Did some research on the internet, found a yahoogroup, got to chatting, discovered VF and my checkbook has never been the same :)

At videofitness.I was allways seeing previwers and posts about cathe friedrich.I saw she had lot of step workout in th hall of fame of the home page.I wrote cathe friedrich in geeogle and I discovered this home page, I saw the video-clips, I asked to cathe company if the dvd was multizone or only zone 1, they told to my the dvd are multizone, I ordered the ctx dvd and the timesaver dvd and time has never be the same after that moment.I have now all the dvd of cathe and I have preorder the 11 hardcore.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I discovered Cathe by watching FitTv. I was always watching Gilad & Sharon Mann, until one day I saw Cathe and the gang working out, and that's all it took for me to get hooked. Didn't take me long to buy a dvd player and Cathes dvds.

Isn't she wonderful.

I found Cathe shortly after the birth of my daughter, about 6 years ago or so. I found her MIC in the Collage Video catalog. I couldn't wait to get more of her tapes after that.:) She is in my opinion the best of the best! Susan
Hi Ladies,

Jillybean recommended Cathe on The Navy's Wives web in January of this year and I have been hucked since.

I tried Cathe about 10 years ago, using PowerMax and MIC. I developed a bone spur in my foot (from stupidly doing MIC on an uncovered concrete basement floor), stopped high intensity stuff and gave both videos away. Eight years after that I thought to myself, "Now that my foot has healed and I have padding on my floors, I wonder if that Cathe person has come out with anything new". I checked to see if she had a website, and blammo! I hit the motherload. I've been doing nothing (for the most part) but Cathe ever since. Blessings to Cathe and the inventor of the floor pads that make it possible for me to workout with her!

It was 1997. I had been an aerobics instructor for 4 years until I got married and relocated from WA to TX (my husband was in the army). I didn't get another teaching job so I had to work out on my own to keep fit. I only had half a dozen videos at the time -- all were too easy and boooring! (Remember Cher's video?) I needed a workout like the one I got when I taught classes! I had gotten the Collage Video catalog for years and had read Cathe's video descriptions - but never ordered until then. I tried Power Max first and my first time through I couldn't finish it. That had NEVER happened to me before with a video! I was hooked. I contacted StepNMotion directly and over a couple of months I ordered every title they carried (at the time). Since then I have pre-ordered every new title that has come out. I went back to teaching for a short time in 2000, and used my experience with Cathe to create some very challenging classes.
My favorite step workouts are still Power Max and Step Jam :) I love the music on those two tapes.
I hate to say this, but I discovered Cathe on The Firm website. A lot of people were talking about the new BSS3, and how they did not have the add ons that were being advertised now, and how Goodtimes had terrible customer service. One person spoke about the Cathe website, and said she had just ordered the Body blast series, and customer service was great at Cathe's. I have not looked back, and am about to sell my Firm videos. Cathe is much harder and I am finally getting the shape that I want. :)
I found out about her on the Collage website. I was a Firmie, and after they came out with Super Cardio and I saw how much fun decent cardio choreography could be, I wanted more. I was very disappointed with the new Firms and was looking for something more challenging. I checked out this web-site and was saving up to buy. And then, fate stepped in. I actually found Power Max, Step Works, and Body Max at a thrift store! Body Max hadn't even been opened. How lucky is that?!? I was so excited I was practically jumping up and down in the store--my kids thought I had lost it!

I was severely humbled when I first tried them (Super Cardio was listed as advanced, right?), but I fell in love with Cathe's style. It took several months (and Gin Miller's Intense Moves) to work up, but the rest is history.

Carol F
I love my story because sometimes it makes me want to cry how I just stumbled on her and how by some weird twist I might still be languishing in the world of substandard fitness videos- I just discovered Cathe last year, and am amazed that you all found her on Collage. I did searches for advanced vids on Collage and Cathe NEVER came up (anyone know why?). But, when I'd read reviews of the advanced videos I was interested in, everyone compared them to Cathe, and in a way that made it clear that for a video to be considered good, it had to get close to the intensity of Cathe. Thank God someone put her last name down and I searched for her on Collage and found the few videos of hers they sell. Started with MIC and couldn't believe how much fun it was (someone else mentioned being a Firmie, which was what I was doing at the time, and talk about boring compared to Cathe!). I don't do anything else and have made Cathe's Christmas this year a little more special with my many contributions...
Collage video used to carry Cathe's videos several years ago. I believe they stopped because Cathe references her web site in her videos (Collage didn't want her to reference her site). Collage, however, still carries some of her videos (look to the back of the catalogue to the list of videos that aren't in any other portion of the catalogue).

I discovered Cathe 1996 or 1997 (I believe it was the year Energy Sprint with Karen Voight was first released). I know it was prior to VF's website being formed or before the web was really utilized by the general population. There was a firm mailing list on the Internet of which I was a member. I was looking for something more advanced than the Firm and a member suggested I try Step Max. I was immediately hooked and the rest was history.

I have always been into aerobic exercise and had studied ballet seriously but had never done any weight work until I started the Firm many many years ago with the Firm Volume 1. I mostly kept up with the Firm Videos and some others (Gilad, alot of step videos by others, Kathy Smith)and joined the Firm Site when the BSS videos started to be released. In 1993, on the Firm Website were posts about Cathe. I tried my first Cathe workout in 1993, posted my first message in early 1994 and the rest is history. Cathe is the best in my opinion for aerobics and strength work.
They were talking about her on the "old" FitPrime forum, so I came over to see what the fuss was all about. That was around June or July of 2002.

In 1992, back when Shape magazine used to do a yearly review of the latest exercise videos (there were few enough in those days that they could do that), there was a very positive review of Cathe's "Step in Motion 3" (which I wish I still had!). That was my first intro to Cathe.

I didn't visit the website until maybe 2 years later, since I didn't have a computer that was connected to the net until then.

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