How can you drink Green tea?!?! YUCK!


I have tried it twice and I can't stand the taste! What brand or what do you do so it tastes good? I know it is extremely good for you so I'm trying to like it but it just doesnt taste good to me. Any help?
It can be an acquired taste; I think it tastes sort of like grass! Have you tried sweetening it? Also, you can buy blends, like mint/green tea, or white & green tea, that have a less "green tea" flavor.
on the package it says not to boil the water when you brew it. makes it more bitter i guess.
lemon really helps me, terrific when you're sick. sweetener if you need. but some people just dont like it.
i don't like plain green tea, but love flavored green teas. try amanzi tea. they have a store in nj, but i'm sure they have a website.
Well when I'm making iced tea, I mix green tea with regulae black tea and it's not bad. I do need to add a little sweetner.
Tazo has a few green teas that I like including Green Ginger, Zen, Lotus and a blend of black & green called Om. Add a little sweetener if that helps. Or maybe you just don't like it and that's OK. How about cold green tea. I actually like that better than hot green tea.
Seriously? I love green tea. It's nice and mellow. I like the Tazo varieties, especially the Lotus. But the plain ol' Tazo Green Tea is good. I don't find it bitter at all and I leave that bag hanging in there for quite awhile. Heh.... funny how we all perceive tastes so differently.
Green tea is like wine - the quality can vary tremendously. Maybe go to the health food store and try to find the best quality (probably the most expensive) brand, or maybe go online and check out some reviews of the various brands. I used to hate green tea but then I discovered it was because I was just grabbing it off the shelf at the grocery store - somebody gave me a great brand (sorry I can't remember which, I THINK it was Tazo but not sure) and it was smooth, delicate and delicious.
I've tried many green teas and have hated them all, but then I found Trader Joes Organic Green Tea and I'm hooked. It doesn't have that bitter, grassy taste that some have, and you can let it steep quite awhile without it getting bitter. There's also a Trader Joe's Organic Cranberry Green Tea that I also like, and I usually don't like flavored teas.

Don't give up on green tea! Everyone's taste buds are different, but I'm sure you'll find one you like.:) Good luck to you!
I LOVE green tea. When I first started drinking it, I used honey to sweeten it just a bit. Now I drink it plain. I don't like the processed stuff in the grocery store. I like the loose leaf teas from Adagio or Rishi Tea. I usually get the mint flavored ones. I drink 3 or 4 cups of green tea a day and sometimes mix it with lemon grass tea.
another place you can try is What's nice about them is you can order samples so not a big investment to try a lot of different kinds. My personal favorite is the special grade temple of heaven gunpowder since it's stout, not so grassy. But if you are finding you don't like the flavor of green tea, I'd go with a blend. Maybe jasmine if you like that flowery taste?
Aside from it perhaps being an acquired taste, as others have mentioned, don't use boiling water (if it comes to a boil, let it sit for a minute before putting it over the tea bag) and don't oversteep (no longer than 4 minutes, but sometimes shorter might be better).

I also would recommend the Tazo teas (I especially like Tazo Zen. I don't even add sweetener to it).

You could also try white tea, which has a more mellow flavor, but is even higher in antioxidants than green tea.
I don't like it either, so I take it in capsule form. I don't know if it is as good for you, but it's better than nothing!! :) Linda
I'm not sure if other people do this, but with herbal teas, I am in the habit of wringing the teabag out with my fingers a bit, just to get every last drop of flavor into my cup of tea. But if you do this with green tea, it makes it more bitter. So, no boiling water, no extra-long steeping, and no wringing of the tea bag! Even with all that, I still prefer to drink green tea in a blend w/ some kind of fruit flavor, rather than straight up.
I like Mighty Leaf. They have several varieties, and the one I like best has "tropical" in the name somewhere...can't remember exactly. So far, though, I've only found it as part of a variety pack, which is fine, but I'd rather just buy a whole box of the variety I really like.

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