Thanks!! Awesome post!
I just had this discussion (actually it was more like a disagreement) with a friend the other day. I would much rather stay home on the weekend...all weekend. I work 55-60 hours through week and I just live for the weekends. I sometimes get so frustrated because it seems like one of my friends or family members always wants to do something and I never do. I do go out on occasion but it frustrates them that I don't want to do it more often and it frustrates me because they keep asking. How do you guys handle this? I mean I do go out every so often to appease them but I would just so much rather stay home! I never ask them to come over or go out so I don't know why I get "sucked" into so many dinners, get-togethers, parties, etc. I need my weekends to re-charge for the week ahead of constant nagging, whining, complaining at work -- I live for my peaceful weekends plus I do a lot of healthy food prep for the week on the weekend, without that time I'm for sure going to have a junky food week. I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one.