Wiggie, great timing with the question and discussion.
I have just come to this realization myself that I need to add more weight work for my lower body because I have lost some weight, but it is not showing up in my pants size.
Just this week, I got on the scale and I was surprise by the number. "If that number is correct, why are my pants not starting to feel looser." "When I was at this weight before, they were practically falling off".
Part of my problem, I am sure, has to do what Cathe mentioned in her response. I started wearing the bodybugg. Weight workouts don't come anywhere near to burning the same calories as cardio workouts, so I was going heavy on the cardio to make sure I was burning the amount of calories I needed to burn in a day.
And according to the scale, I was and am loosing weight.
Before, I got the bodybugg, my typical rotation either would be 3 cardio and 3 sculpt workouts. Or it would be 3 cardio, 2 sculpt, and 1 cardio/sculpt or circuit workout.
So now, I need to do a bit of rearranging for my September Rotation.