HELP ! 10-10-10 !!!!! CTX !!!!!!


Hi All,

I previewed this tape last night, I didn't do it as it was a rest day (I was aching soooo much from Kickbox ! :)).
How the heck does anyone get through the aerobic section ????????
The kickbox bit looks OK as does the Step bit, but the aerobic bit ???? I don't know how Cathe's ladies kept up !!!!!!!! :-wow Any recommendations for what I can do while Cathe and co are levetating for 3 minutes during those constant leaps ????? :eek:
I just sat and watched with my jaw open !!!!
And if anyone on Cathe's forum can get through those leaps without stopping, I take my hat off to you, again, and again, and again..........

Anna :eek: (who is very scared)
It's not so bad, you'll see. It's short. That blast in the middle is tough, but not as tough as IMax or Circuit Max. This is a tough little cardio, but it's not very long and you'll get through it just fine. I think you were so sore it just got you intimidated.
The thing that keeps me going when do it is that it is short yo will see improvement quickly I modified to start with especially if you do the tapes in order and it is after Kickbox.

I would just say modify and try to keep the intensity you will improve very quickly.

You have my word for it (oh I will admit it is the one where I do glare at Cathe as she goes through the work all that bouncing really, when I can bearly keep up and I have no kids).

Go girl :-jumpy

OK, Mogambo and Babs,

I feel a little more confident after reading your posts :)
I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow :)o)

Ok, Anna , don't read this until you have done the workout!
Here is my opinion-
10-10-10 is one of the hardest CTX videos, and I think it has one of the hardest cardio segments period! Truthfully, the hi/lo segment is real hard, and going into the step segment, I am usually out of breath for a second!

I do like this video though! And, everyone is right-it is shorter cardio, so at least it isn't for 1hr right? :)
The tricep section always slays my arms though, eek!

I think this video is good at improving cardiovascular ..(endurance, I dont' know if that is the right word I want to use, but..) I feel that I can get some good cardio gains during this workout b/c it is intense!

I wouldn't be skeert of this workout though, it goes by fast! ;)
O-Oh, Jaime, if I hadn't read the top line of your post, i would of read the whole thing !!!!!! LOL :7

Anna :)
LMAO! Right now Anna! It's sadistic I know, but 10-10-10 is so freaking hard the first time you do it til you almost have to laugh at it! :)
I still remember looking at the clock and being only 12min into the workout, panting and gasping for air and thinking, "she's got to be @#*&ing me!" But you'll get through it, just modify where needed and you know my motto, "when in doubt~heel jack it!"
I'll be waiting for your "post 10-10-10" workout post! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: DONNA.......


Is heel-jack where you look like you are Irish dancing at full speed ?????????? :7

I am not very good with the terms as I am too busy keeling over in a work out to take notice of what Cathe says !!! LOL

I love your little quotes, I am going to add that one to,
'It is better to maintain than gain !'

Anna :)
Re: I love this workout

I just got the CTX series and must say that this is my favorite for cardio. I must also say that I did Kickbox and didn't feel the way that I felt with 10-10-10, so I did the Hi/Lo section :-jumpy . It is fast and fun and definitely gets my heart rate up there.

Enjoy your new series, I am!


Water your fitness level every day and watch it grOW!
I had no problem getting through it the first time. Time just flew by and it was over in no time. I did have problems getting all the way through Body Max the first time though. :)

I got 10-10-10 in a trade the other day
and I'm doing it today backing it up with PS BBA
I'm really looking forward to this workout especially
her CTX cardio.
Every time I hear how hard a workout is I'm up for the challenge
and I end up having the best workout and I feel totally kicked butt. I'm having so much fun with these workouts.
I will post and let you know how I did, cause I already know I'm going to like it.
Enjoy your workouts ladies.
Anna~Just go for it! 10-10-10 is my fav CTX cardio! (Well, it might be tied with Step'n'Intervals) It won't be long and you'll be posting in the "Remember When?" thread about how scared you were to try it. You'll be sooo glad you went for it. FUN, FUN! LET US KNOW!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
OOOH! Step and Intervals! MY FAV! Also Power Circuit is just yummy! :9 The side lateral movements during the "low impact" segment (which I like to do high!) where you kind of do leap-ish things to the side (where cathe puts in a side step to collect your thoughts) that is so FUN!!

Please do post your post-10-10-10 workout report Anna!

:) jaime
mini step

hi all!!! I'm new to this site and hoping you guys out there can help me out.I'm looking for a mini step that Cathe Freidrich uses on some of her videos.If you go to her website and click "Leaner Legs" you will see her doing leg lunges on one of them.I've looked everywhere you can think of and such luck!!I even tried Fitness Wholesale and Escaladesports(which you used to be Step Co.).Anyway, I'm really desperate for one and if any knows where to get one please reply soon!!I'd really appreciate this-Big Time!! Thanks,
RE: mini step

hey I'll reply b/c I just posted above!
I think SNM said (correct me if wrong!) that they will be selling the mini-step later on, and this one was a prototype?
Anyway, I don't think it is available yet. Some people have been making their own "mini-toppers" out of the step, but I am gonna wait for the new step to come out!
10-10-10 I believe this stands for 10 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes of complete blackout, and 10 minutes to uncurl from the fetal postion, finally make it to your hands and knees, and crawl to the couch.

Seriously, 10-10-10 is a blast. Cathe made the step segment so fun that you WANT to finish the kickbox and hi/lo just to get there. And remember Anna, it is only 25 minutes long.

Some ideas:
1. During the kickbox segment think to yourself, 'this is tough, but it's only 7 minutes long. Cardio Kicks is 40 minutes of this!' Believe me, this will help.
2. During the hi/lo think, 'there are some intervals coming up, and I can handle them!'
a. High Jogs, no problem!
b. Plyo heal digs - bring it on!
c. High kicks - Look at me - I'm a Rockette!
d. Airborn jumps - okay, I'll admit this is a tough one. But just say to yourself, this is the last interval! The intervals come after the mambo and jog on the left side of the step so have fun during the rest of the hi/lo and think, once the intervals on the left side of the step start, they go by fast and then I am done with the hi/lo!
3.During the step, just have fun! No intervals and it is a blast!
Have fun!
I have been delving into CTX lately. Power Circuit did suprisingly kick my butt..very ala Circuit Max..but I have not had the misery of doing CTX 10-10-10 yet. I think I will do it tommorrow after the ol' legs recoversome.. I am just oh-so-glad those tapes are only 30 min cardio!!!
With Step and Intervals I thought, "Wow, that's it??!!", but with Power Circuit, I was like " Finally!!!". I assume I will feel the latter for 10-10-10!!
I did 10-10-10 for the first time yesterday.
I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!
The time just flew by and the variety was well thought out.
I was breathing quite hard after the kick boxing then came hi/lo
which to me was fun!! Then came step I was drenched by that time
All that packed in under 30 minutes makes a humdinger of a workout.
I have not been disappointed with any of her workouts yet.

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