Have to Apologize


Ladies... I have thought long and hard about this post over the past weekend. I am leaving this post to let you know I sincerely apologize and hope you will forgive me.

I guess I didn't realize there were so many people so close to the staff and other things on this board. I meant absolutely NOTHING by and sincerely never meant to offend anyone:) I look back now and realize I maybe should have used my words a bit more wisely. I really do promise I am a nice person! I guess I just hit the nerve for many of you, and really didn't mean to. Then, I read your posts and I felt I was getting bashed etc. etc. and it just escalated from there.

I will not bother you on this site anymore. I am a very experienced exerciser who maybe should really spend more time at the gym, as some of you said. I am fortunate to ahve the luxury of time to do it as I know many people don't. I work out with a trainer approx. 5 days a week and use Cathe as a 2nd workout in the mornings. (I workout with a trainer in the evenings and Cathe in the mornings)

I now realize how special Cathe and her staff really are. I guess maybe I needed to find that "softer" side in me and should have paid more attention to the "tone" of these boards before I opened my mouth. I thought I was submitting an opinion to a blanket type list that would only get read by producers etc. I have been using Cathe videos for almost a year and have a ton of them, so obviously I like them. I really think her staff is AWESOME and wouldn't want any of them to leave. They are all very fit or else they wouldn't be able to get thru any of the videos. I finally just made it thru IMAX without modification a couple months ago! So, again FIT was probably not the right word.

Anyway, I just want to sincerly say SORRY:(!!!!!!! The long post of 65 notes was keeping me up at night because I felt so bad!!! Truly! I am a better person than how it came out. I guess the best I can do is learn from the experience.... and I promise you I DID!

I don't think I will frequent this board anymore except maybe to learn about the new videos. I think there are just too many hard feelings. I know my words hurt many of you and I sincerely apologize. Just know I think you are all wonderful and really never meant to criticize any of you or any of Cathe's staff. Keep up your good work in fitness!


Don't give up on posting. You sound sincerely sorry. Stay around, and give the board another chance.
Hi SC!

Wow, what a nice thought on your part. I have been away the past week or so and was just catching up on the posts. It's hard because sometimes words do not come across the same way when written. I think it took incredible courage for you to post and I can tell you this...This group of gals and a few guys would love to have you join us and forgive and forget. (Not to say that you were right or wrong) You are 100% correct when you say that Cathe & her crew are so special to us and I guess it just hit a nerve with some to think that you may not feel the way we do. Please reconsider joining us. We'd love to hear what you can share with us all. We all have sooo much to learn from each other. Thank you for your apology. I accept it!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi SC!

Please dont leave! We're all accepting of others opinions and value them entirely. It's to be expected that things like this happen time and again, so please continue posting!

:) Stacy
SC - It was very gracious of you to apologize. You should stick around, even if you just lurk. The people on this forum are overwhelming supportive, generous and kind. And PROTECTIVE of Cathe and her friends. Believe me, when I read that post of yours, my hackles rose in indignation for Cedie, Rhonda, Pat, Lisa, Brenda, Jai, Hope, et. al. I think we all consider them as friends, even though we've never had the pleasure of meeting them. Pain--as in the kind resulting during power scissors during IMAX--can make you bond with Cathe and her crew. Anyway, it's all water under the bridge, so please continue to visit and post. Suzanne
Step Crazy-I am a lurker and don't get involved much in conversation but it took a lot of guts for you to come back here and I hope everyone recognizes that and accepts your apology. Keep coming back-there is so much useful information to be found here.

Step Crazy-I am a lurker and don't get involved much in conversation but it took a lot of guts for you to come back here and I hope everyone recognizes that and accepts your apology. Keep coming back-there is so much useful information to be found here.

The written word is easily misinterpreted, and I'm sure there was plenty of misunderstanding on both sides. Please stay with us!

As far as I can see, I have forgotten any worng impression I may have had from your post. Please don't feel like you can't post here. We can all learn from eachother, and support eachother.


Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Don't leave. Everybody is a right to an opinion. Friends do not have to agree. I think we all learned from this experience. It made me think about my own opinions and biases.

The members of this board are very supportive of one another. Part of what makes this forum special is the wide range of people who participate. Please do not be afraid to post in the future. I would feel a loss if you leave.


Hey! This caught my attention-- I missed your post! I had to go and read it! We all have our differences in opinions--the beauty of having an open mind! This site is known for ala Cathe style of "take it or leave it" suggestions ! You unknowingly touched a nerve and took heat for it! You can't please everyone all the time! Chalk it up as a bad experience ---You made up for it by posting this apology rebuttle!Stay and keep sharing!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: Stay!


I agree with everyone else here that it was really awesome of you to come back and post like that. It did take a lot of guts!! I agree that the other post did seem to get very heated but the others are right in saying it was all alot of misunderstanding on both sides. Hopefully you will decide to hang around. We all promise to be nice next time!!:):)

And thank you for the apology. Even though I don't think you owed one to me, personally!!:)

RE: Stay!

It sounds like you would have a lot to contribute. And believe it or not, this board is fun! Please consider staying.
RE: Stay!

StepCrazy, you should definitely stick around and I would like to apologize for being harsh and sarcastic in my responses to you. I wasn't kidding when I said I was PMSY and I felt a little guilty which means, of course, I should have tempered my words with kindness and consideration. My mother always said you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar! So stick around and share your experience.

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule! B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif bbi
RE: Stay!

I will remember your example the next time I find myself in a sticky situation! I hope everyone accepts your apology. It was so courageous of you to post this. Hope to see you on the board more in the future!
Don't worry about it!

I understand everything you just said- you post something without thinking it's a mean thing, but it gets blown out of proportion. It's happened to me- people just interpret things differently.

This is a place where everyone has their opinions and should feel free to write them. I think it's more of a problem when people start writing back somewhat rude replies. Then it starts into something it shouldn't and nothing good becomes of it. It can be tough to get across what you're trying to say without it sounding harsh or different than you'd like.

So, please stay- you're opinions are very welcome here and like I said, I think it's much worse when people reply nasty little comments. I think (well, hope) we're all old enough to forget this and move on. I'm sorry this got blown into such a big thing-you're definately not a bad person! We all love Cathe and fitness and that's why we're here!
Hey Stepcrazy:Its too bad that some things were said that were blown out of portion,but it was very nice of you to apologize.If you are afraid to frequent this board you could always change your username.But I think it would be great having someone on the board that works out on a regular basis with a personal trainer.I did for a short time and enjoyed the experience.Maybe you can give us some tips that you learn from your P.T.~Linda~

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