Have to Apologize

Hi StepCrazy! Please keep posting and sticking around here on this board. Like everyone else said we can learn from each other. I knew you were a nice person from the very beginning. Apology accepted. Stick around!! Kathy

What a beautifully written, wonderful, heartfelt message!

Add me to the ever-growing list of people asking you not to go. You are very welcome here!

I too would like to add my voice to the chorus and ask that you reconsider leaving the forums entirely. Fitness can be a lonely business, even among the experienced, and any good-natured, well-intentioned voice here is welcome, for sharing information, sharing encouragement, and asking for information as well. I think you've seen that many of us are experienced (in fact, Cathe directs her products to "the educated crowd" and the "seasoned exerciser", as you've seen); I think you've also seen that we can all learn from each other as well as support each other.

Forums where flame wars aren't the norm are precious few and far between. I'd like to thank you for stepping up so courageously, and like many others I look forward to hearing more from you and about you.

Annette Q. Aquajock
Don't go away. What a lovely note. I think everyone has worked out with Cathe's team for so many years that they seem like friends.
Don't go beating yourself up.Life is to short.Stick around and have some fun.You know that you are going to soon have to chat with us when those new videos come out.No one will understand the pain you are going trough like us...lol
Apology accepted! Do stick around because we newbies need all the experienced exercisers we can get, to learn from.
StepCrazy, I lurked on the previous thread, and as a poster who has been known to rub people the wrong way, I think you should stay! Even though most people shy away from controversy and conflict, there is often much to be learned from those with whom we disagree.

Ya should see the slams I take on one of the other boards--just ask Aquajock, who frequently has to remind me that I can't let the flamers get to me!

Hang in there!
We DO accept your apology, Step Crazy.

Just a hint to anyone who feels they are unjustly criticized for their posts: We are a very loyal bunch and are as a rule very kind to each other. We respect Cathe and acknowledge that these are HER forums, and this is HER site. The "Ask Cathe" forum, in particular, is meant to be questions for Cathe to answer herself, and she has asked several times that we reserve that forum for her answers (except for times like now when she is very busy with making her new DVDs/videos).

It's not always the message that's offensive, it's how it's delivered and worded.

Just Do It! :)
I think the whole thing is wacky, and you shouldn't HAVE to apologize. I don't think you said anything wrong, and people seemed to put words in your mouth. Maybe instead of telling you to word things differently, everyone should have calmed down and tried to interperet things differently. Why is this your fault??? I think the people who attacked YOU should be apologizing! (I know that some did.) I was horrified at that thread--not by what you said, but by the way you were reacted to. Sometimes people on this site go a little overboard! I should probably post this under a different name so I don't get slaughtered! Wow. This really bothered me!
Anyway, apology not needed, but acepted! :)

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