Hi again, further to my earlier post just to say that its now 3 weeks and still no DVDS here in the UK for me

The tracking number also has still not been updated since it was shipped on Oct 24th either. Should I contact customer services again or just wait or what?
My fear is that it has either got caught up in customs and there will be a fee to pay or it has been lost in the post

I've only ordered from Cathe's site directly twice before and each time I got duties slapped on my parcels (the biggest customs fee was about £60!! so I don't really want that again!!

But I agree with what others are saying re Total Fitness DVDs - I've placed some big value orders from Mary many times and I ALWAYS receive them within a week and I've NEVER ever had a customs charge! I have also ordered from Jen from Advanced workouts a few times with no problems.
It is just frustrating and disappointing because I have been longing for this series ever since May and to not know whats happened to it is worrying. Even if the tracking could be updated to show where it is that would be something - but nothing!
The problem is, if its been lost what then? Would they send out a replacement (honouring the pre-order price)? Or would I have to cancel and re-order from somewhere else? Mary's prices are awesome, but she is only selling the low impact series individually so obviously wouldn't be able to match the special pre-order offer or anything.....