Hardcore Premix Update 9/20/04

So many great ideas already! Here are some more:

Imax 3: I love the options you did for imax 2 but I would LOVE to have a premix option of the step portions only (no blast, no recovery). I do this on my own by pushing "skip" but have always thought it would be great as a premix. It comes into about 30 min. which is great for the time crunched days as well as adding on to something else!

Muscle Max: I would like to see a shorter version (as you did with ME). Of course the usual lower, upper, and body part premixes.

CoreMax: I don't know if this is one of the workouts you thought couldn't use premixes, but I would like to see a premix (or more) where you combine the three different styles of ab work. A little of the traditional, a little of the stability ball, and a little of the medicine ball. I wouldn't want these premixes to be too long- perhaps just 10 minutes each.

Hardcore Extreme: I think I had read somewhere that you planned on only doing three premixed workouts on this DVD. I'm hoping for more! Since the normal workouts aren't doubled up on one DVD (thus eliminating the combination of those two workouts being premixed like in the BODY BLASTS) I want to see more premix workouts to end the pouting I have been doing since that was announced!;) I would love to see some workouts come in at around 60 min., some longer than 60 min. and some shorter. I would LOVE to see premixes that are cardio only, weights only and of course, circuits!!

And, while I'm at it, is it possible to add some premixes of two workouts on a regular DVD? It is a shame there may not be any total body premixes of the Gym Style workouts (like a time crunched premix). I have really enjoyed the SJP/SB and LG/KPC premixes (where the two workouts are combined). I would love to see some of that on a regular DVD!!! I guess I'm still pouting!! :p :) ;-)

Thanks Cathe! I think you are really amazing. You are with me almost every morning! I appreciate what you do for me!
Yeah! That's great news...my winter will be Hardcore!

I don't have any specific suggestions, but I can tell you what my favorite premixes are:

Terminator (especially Gauntlet)
KPC+circuit legs and abs premix
Upper body and lower body splits
Intervals only from IMAX 2
SB+SJP weights circuit
BC cardio+legs

Honestly I like them all, but those are the ones I reach for routinely. I'm absolutely certain I will like any premix you put together...just be true to the Hardcore title!:D

Hi Cathe!!

I love all your workouts!! Concerning the premixes I'm so happy you are going to have them on this new series. I would love for you to have premixes on your core max. Your ab hits dvd was terrific with the different combined routines and I would love to see that in the new series. Will any of the other workouts have ab or core work included as part as the workout? You always have great ab/core routines and I want to see more of them. Your routines on the body fusion and step circuit I do all the time now.
Sorry for rambling!
Thanks for letting me give my $0.02!
Not sure how this premix would fit in with the current Hardcore plan but a total body premix using only the exercises that use your own body weight (if there are any of these type of exercises in this series). Would be nice for a non-yoga full body alternative while on vacation or something.
I love the circuit workouts (I'm glad a circuit is included in the series), so I vote for a premix that takes parts from the cardio, strength and core workouts and creates another circuit! Glad to see the high step also!
>Hi again.
>Another thought for the premixes. Since it seems like most of
>the cardio/step workouts are workouts that either incorporate
>weights or some type of interval it would be nice for lighter
>cardio days to have those step segments as a shorter premix
>like you did in cardio and weights. I use that step only
>premix in cardio and weights alot. It would have been nice in
>Imax 2 to have the little step segments, before the blasts,
>also combined as a shorter step workout to add to the cardio
>and weights step only workout. It would be fantastic if you
>could possibly do that with imax3.
>Kristie Schultz

I think this is a great idea, Cathe. I often use C&W's cardio only premix on days where I do 1/2 strength and 1/2 cardio.
As Stacy said, a no-equipment strength premix would be awesome! The new options band work will provide for travel workouts are also very exciting!

My votes, in addition to the above, are:

Premixes that recombine the gym style (and/or Muscle Max) into chest/back, bi/tri/shoulders, lower/abs (or wherever abs fit best).

Upper body split, lower body split are also very useful (for gym style).

"Shorty" premixes! I'm talking about under 59 minutes. I love longer ones in theory, but I rarely get the opportunity to actually use them. --All the fun of CTX!

Providing the time, in minutes, of each premix! I always use the times available for quick reference. I keep them in an indexed binder with all my spreadsheets and workout log sheets.

If any premix includes an abs section, posting that.

Looking so much forward to these workouts! Thank you, Cathe, for making it happen!

I found this website ~3 - 4 months ago, and have since converted from The Firm to all-Cathe workouts. I only have 4 DVDs so far (RS/MIC/IMAX1, PH/MIS/BM, KP&C/L&G, and PUB/PUL), but have pre-ordered the entire Hardcore series. I LOVE the premixes (especially KP&C/L&G). Thank you so much for including them in the new series!!

As for recommendations - I really like the shorter workouts for mornings when I'm in a rush, and also love the longer workouts (like L&G extreme), when I feel like a real weekend challenge.
Cathe, YOU'RE THE GREATEST !!! I find myself relying heavily on your premixes due to time constraints. This is truly a wonderful decision :D ! Thank you so much for listening to us.
Lots of great ideas here. I definitely use longer pre-mixes, absolutele faves being LG Extreme and Terminator mixes. I chime in on longer kick-butt workouts (shorter ones are good in theory, but I tend to do the longer, intense ones).

I love the mixing and moshing of various workouts, and create my own Cathe Terminatrix workouts in my 5dvd player, and I use the Terminator dvd along with 4 others to have the widest possible selection. So having a disc that has segments from a wide variety of workouts would give me so much more to really mix and mosh on my own--esp the more hardcore, intense, athletic segments. (I rarely use hi lo--not fun or as challenging as step or kickbox). If you can put a lot of cardio segments on one disk, that so expands the home-based mixing that your devotees can do!

Also long weight workouts that totally shred muscles. A lot of variety, ways of mixing and confusing the muscles.

I think pre-mixes on the stretches would be very useful, giving us far more variety than just as-is. That's the beauty of what you do with your dvd's--you give us so much more than the original workout. I often use your pre-mixes or put 5 disks in and create my own mix, so having as much as I can on one disk to mix with your workouts from previous years (and future years!) would give me far more than whatever premixes you devise for us!

Thanks so much for all your hard work and consideration of your audience!
A small suggestion most of the ways you do your premixes are great anyway, however I also do chest and back from p90X so I was wondering if you could keep the shoulders, tris, and bi's together. That would be great!!! I love your workouts and your workout style, thanks Cathe.

I am so glad to hear about your premix decision! I love using them and was worried when there was a questions as to their presence on the new series. Thank you!

My suggestions are:

Give us premixes that would take us a lot of programing to create ourselves (i.e. scrambling workouts, combining workouts, circuit only, cardio only, upper/lower only, etc... ) This would be the most useful to me.

I am hearing a lot about shorter workouts and this is something we can easily create ourselves. With CTX and TS we have a dozen already, or we can just do the first half of a workout and then cool down on our own or choose the cool down from the chaptered list. I'd prefer to see 60 minute mish moshes that would take us a lot of programing or interupt our workouts to create.

Also, the one body part stretch that combine the section from each of the 3 stretches would be useful too.

Thank for caring about our opinions! I am sure the new series will leave me dripping as usual! Have a great day.

Nancy :9
Great news!! Here are my ideas for premixes:

Core Max - "Ab blaster" mix that is about 20-25 min of the hardest parts of the 3 original workouts

Muscle Max - Upper only and Lower only, maybe arranged in an order that is different from the original to keep it fresh

Stretch Max - 10-15 minute mixes of original 3 for Upper only and Lower only

Kick Max - kick only combo, punch only combo

IMAX3 - blasts only, step only, 2 shorter combos with warmup and cooldown/stretch, but instead of intervals 1-5 and 6-10, put the 5 hardest intervals together and 5 easiest intervals together.

Low Max - blasts only, all step/other but blasts, and 2 shorter combos like mentioned above for IMAX3

High Step Challenge - all cardio, cardio+lower circuit, cardio+upper circuit

Gym Styles - maybe just a mix for each body part with the time for each body part listed so you could easily do a 1-body part per day rotation. Oh, and split the legs into mixes of floor and standing and/or with weights and without weights.

Hardcore Extreme -
1. chest/back split with parts from Muscle Max, Gym Style, and HS Challenge and long stretch for those body parts from Stretch Max

2. bi/tri/shoulder split with parts from Muscle Max, Gym Style, and HS Challenge and long stretch for those body parts from Stretch Max

3. Super step mix of alternating pieces of non-blast sections of IMAX3 and Low Max, maybe even add some Kick Max cardio to make a really long cardio workout (a la MIC)

4. Long mix of Kick Max, Muscle Max, Low Max blasts, and HS Challenge to make a "Bootcamp 2" (only using HS and hi/low)

5. Long mix of Muscle Max, gym style weights, Low Max step and IMAX3 blasts to make a "IMAX extreme 2" (only using full step)

Yes, I have too much time on my hands right now. I am on vacation.:+
Just wanted to add my vote for a upper body only and a lower body only pre-mix on the stretch DVD. I like to use a video to stretch after my run and a 10 minute lower body stretch would be great.

Also enjoy the shorter pre-mixes.

Love the music louder option.

Thanks for asking for our suggestions.
Thank you so much for adding Premixes! I use them all the time. Some suggestions are:

Gym style and Muscle Max: offer a choice of number of sets (similar to SS premixes).
Muscle Max: offer Upper body workout and Lower body workouts.
Kick Max, IMAX3 and Low Max: have LONGER workouts available. If there are “blasts” have a premix of those.

Even though each workout is on a separate DVD, would if be possible to offer mixed workouts together? (ex. BC/ME and LG/KPC) I would love to have a Premix of Kick Max with IMAX3 and Low Max with IMAX3.
Susan C.M.

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