Today I did Coffey fit Raw Slim Sculpt, 28:52 minutes as it took a bit longer since I wrote down the moves, 108 calories, heart rate 109/144, 1,242 steps. I then did a short part of Cathe Lite metabolic stopping after the first weight segment when she does snatches, 7:27 minutes, 21 calories, heart rate 101/114. I changed and did Cathe Perfect Pump premix lower body, bands, and core. I did two of the core moves only as I did not want to stress my neck. This was 33:30 minutes, heart rate 100/119, 1,036 steps, 102 calories. Total time was 62 minutes, 231 calories, 2,278 steps. My neck feels a little better today as long as I don't look down more than a quick moment. I need to get in bed. My granddaughter will be here at 6 in the morning. Tomorrow will be a rest day. I did not get much sleep again last night due to the storms. The loud claps of thunder and then the power went out around 5 am as my husband had just came home. I could not go back to sleep and I had went to bed at midnight. Kelly does go quite a bit heavier than I did on this workout.
Raw Slim Sculpt
Kelly uses 15's for heavy most of the time
Bent over row /curl heavy 10's
step knee/reverse lunge right
followed by overhead press/ upper cut right
repeat left I used 3# dbs
chops across body 5's (they do this with heavy weights)
power up on step lifting arms right followed by
5# dbs (light) swings /kickback /hook
repeat on left side
heavy dumbbell pass(toss db overhead hand to hand, I used 8# and went slow handing to the other hand
step kick side lateral leg raise
light weights 3# dbs curl /cross right then repeat both moves on left
curl up/monkey row heavy I used 10#curtsy lunge off step right
light dumbbells 3# dbs pec dec/punch
repeat on left side
Raw Slim Sculpt
Kelly uses 15's for heavy most of the time
Bent over row /curl heavy 10's
step knee/reverse lunge right
followed by overhead press/ upper cut right
repeat left I used 3# dbs
chops across body 5's (they do this with heavy weights)
power up on step lifting arms right followed by
5# dbs (light) swings /kickback /hook
repeat on left side
heavy dumbbell pass(toss db overhead hand to hand, I used 8# and went slow handing to the other hand
step kick side lateral leg raise
light weights 3# dbs curl /cross right then repeat both moves on left
curl up/monkey row heavy I used 10#curtsy lunge off step right
light dumbbells 3# dbs pec dec/punch
repeat on left side