Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2023

This morning I just walked on my treadmill because I can't do any strenuous workouts before my thermal imaging appointment. I walked for 30 minutes, burned 264 calories, went 1.45 miles, did 3486 steps and HR was 136/163.

Diane - Ouch on the ingrown toenail. Those hurt. I hope it heals fast for you. That is great news that the thyroid is smaller than last time you had it checked. I hope she can give me some insight on my blood work. And I read my results wrong, it's my RED blood cells that are low, not my white. So now that's a whole new can of worms. :rolleyes:

Jolie - Thanks about the B complex, I'll see what my homeopathic doctor says today. I read my test results wrong, it's my RED blood cells that are low, not white. Not sure how I misread that. I'll see what says about it today. Hope it cools off for you. It's gotten hot here now as well but is only going to last 3 days. Then it goes back down to the lower 80's.

Belinda - Hope the new PT exercises help. It always amazed me how well those exercises do help.

Hope you all have a great day!!
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Today I did a 4 mile walk outside before the heat kicked up and I was worn out by the time I got home and so was the pup. It is so humid this summer, it is killing me! Walk was 1 hour 16 minutes walking as fast as I could with the dog and burned 769 calories. I hope I can get some weight work in this weekend, hopefully my husband can help with the dogs.

I walked and did Body Parts Biceps this morning. I also did my PT exercises.

Diane - sorry about your ingrown nail. I was very confused yesterday, lol. It‘s all good. I will catch up tomorrow. The PT exercises they have me doing is strengthen my quads like leg lifts without any weights laying down and sitting. Constantly tighten my quads while doing those exercises. Lots of stretching too. Great job on your back yesterday.

Debbie - those PT exercises do help. They have me do a lot of knee/quads exercises. I hope you get through the bottom of your red blood counts soon. Sorry you are going through this. Good luck with your appointment.

Jolie - yeah, the heat is kicking my butt too. I try to walk early, it‘s still hot. Great job on your walk.

Have a great day and workout.
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Today I did STS 2.0 Body Part Chest + bonus, 47 minutes, heart rate 84/114, 90 calories. I also used my Withings App at the same time and it gave me 104 calories. Not far off I guess. The Withings app is linked to MFP. I then did STS 2 Mobility 2 + the foam rolling upper body, 40 minutes, 52 calories Garmin and Withings at 126 calories. That one is a big difference considering what it is. Total time today was 87 minutes, 142 calories. I won't compare that much although I am wondering why I cannot seem to eat enough to get my weight back up. I dropped a pound when I was starting to think maybe things were turning around. I never thought I would have to check calories to make sure I have enough.
I made Awesome sauce yesterday and had the Bad Ass Bowl yesterday and today for dinner.
looked on line to see if medical site said I needed to not workout and they all said nothing strenuous, no jumping or running and one podiatrist one said to have foot elevated the first few days and do not go to they gym and lift weights. :oops: o_O It doesn't hurt but I suppose it is so it can heal right. To late now. I have been out working in the yard and cleaning etc.

STS 2.0 Chest
warm up uses 10,12,15# dumbbells bench press and push-ups (I used 8, 10,12#)
Flat Bench Press #1 15# dbs 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #2 15# dbs 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #3 15# dbs 10 reps(down 3 up 1)
Flat Chest Fly #1 10# dbs 10 reps dropped 2#
Flat Chest Fly #2 12# dbs 10
Flat Chest Fly Pinkie In 12# dbs 10 reps
Incline bench press 12# dbs
Incline close grip bench press 12# dbs 10 reps
Incline unilateral bench press 12# dbs alternating 8 reps
Incline bench press/close grip combo 12# dbs 6 reps
incline chest fly with pause 10# dbs 8 reps
incline chest fly with 2 pauses 10# dbs 6 reps
Incline unilateral chest fly 10# dbs 6 reps alternating
banded low/high chest fly light red tubing 10 rep using the 40# dumbbell anchor with the tubing option
Banded mid chest fly tubing red light 12 reps used the dumbbell anchor with tubing option again.
Push ups 10 reps skipped the band and did on my knees to prevent pressure on my toe
Bonus (I went light as I mainly wanted to check out the moves)
Bench Press Drop set 8/10/12 lbs 8 reps each
Chest Fly Hips and legs raised 12# dbs 12 reps
Bench press hips raised 12# dbs 12 reps

Debbie, I hope things went well at your appointment today. Nice work on the Treadmill walk this morning. I really do not know what low red count would mean. I always read my blood work over as I get it done every 5 months at the arthritis doctor and then when I go for my well visit. I print it out so I can compare. They always have things marked that are low or high and put the percentages and notes on the arthritis report which is handy.

Roselyn, nice work with Biceps and Triceps today.

Jolie, I can understand you being tired by the time you got home after walking as fast as you could. Nice job. Humidity always makes it more miserable. Th B Complex I am using is Integrative Therapeutics Active B Complex. Before that I was using B12 from Life Extension. They do have good products. My primary doctor has stand ups recommending Thorne Products. I have not really found anything noticeable helping me with Thorne products that I have tried. I am still having a problem with the Jarrow Bone Up. I quit taking it and took Ancient Nutrition Eggshell calcium and gastric distress or whatever you call it stopped. I decided to try the Bone Up again and 2 weeks in the problems started again. The Bone Up has such a good profile of ingredients. since I am trying to help bone density. Ancient Nutrition is expensive and needs to be repurchased once a month.

Belinda, I probably did not give much of an explanation on the toe thing. It is not a pleasant thing to talk about LOL. My daughter asked how it looked and I told her I did not look at it to close. She says she does not like doing that procedure and does not think she even has the tools in her office. Funny she says it makes her nauseous and yet she cuts out cancers and stuff. She explained why, but I won't go into it. My doctor explained each thing she did as she had a PA student there with her to learn.
I am glad the exercises help you. I think the PT I had this time would be good at that sort of thing. I will use him again if I ever need to. I watched him working with other patients. I find it interesting.
Today I did Gym Style Chest & Triceps and did the Superset Premix. How fun!! I had a great workout and lifted pretty heavy on chest.

Superset #1
Dumbbell Press - 20's/12 reps
Dumbbell Flies - 15's/12 reps

Superset #2
Dumbbell Lying Extensions - 8's/8 reps (slow rep count, killer!)
Seated Overhead Extensions - 15#/12 reps

Superset #3
Drop Set Push-Ups - 8/6/4/2 reps
Dumbbell Flies - 15's/12 reps

Superset #4
Cross-Body Extensions - 8#/12 reps
One Arm Kickbacks - 8#/10 reps

Superset #5
Incline Dumbbell Press - 20's/12 reps
Incline Flies - 15's/12 reps

Superset #6
Triceps Dips - 24 reps (I crashed at 18)
Band Kickbacks - Skipped

Workout was 38 minutes, burned 193 calories and HR was 108/156.

I also got on my Max Trainer for 9 minutes, burned 61 calories, did 641 steps and HR was 120/139. My Garmin clocks my HR so much better on this thing than my FB ever thought to do.

Roselyn - It's hot everywhere it seems. Even here finally. Not liking it much. Next week is supposed to be better for us, hope it is for everyone else as well! We are supposed to hit 100 tomorrow.

Jolie - Good job on your walk! Hot hot hot!!

Belinda - Great job on your walk and biceps work yesterday. I want to get those body part DVD's but not quite sure when I will.

Diane - Excellent workout yesterday, that chest one looks good!! Nice job! And if the toe doesn't hurt, I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe just keep it wrapped.

Where's Doreen, Cam and Roxie??

So my appointment yesterday with my holistic doctor went well. She is not worried about the low red cell counts, said it might have something to do with my surgery, although I'm not so sure of that since it was almost 6 months ago. She said everything else looked good and said to continue to add a bit a sodium to my diet. It is leveling out now I think. I go back in 4 months to get another blood test so she can make sure the numbers are ok. I felt good after I left there, she is a really good doctor.

Have a great day everyone! I'm going to lunch with my step daughter.
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Today I was up and out by 6:00am and it was still hot at the end of my walk with my dog. Walk was 1 hour 18 minutes, traveled 4.1 miles and burned 773 calories. Hopefully this weekend I can get a weight workout in, my husband told me he is off both Saturday and Sunday.

Debbie, great job on the Gym Style workout today, I love that series. Way to go at the doctor's appointment yesterday, things look good for you.

Belinda, nice job on the walk and the weight workout yesterday.

Diane Sue, ouch on the toenail issue, that my really hurt. I put cotton under the corner of the nail till it grows out and it really helps. I do not see why working out would affect your toenail?

Roselyn, great job on the Biceps and Triceps workout yesterday.

Is Doreen posting and I am not seeing it? I wonder where she is?

Make it a great day. Off to get my dogs groomed, they need their summer haircuts so they do not get so hot walking each day.

Today I did Body Parts Triceps and yoga. Too hot to walk today. Hopefully tomorrow.

Debbie - nicely done with GS today.I am glad things are looking good for you health wise.

Diane - yikes, on your toenail. That is funny that makes her nauseous. I am alone in PT. I prefer it. Great job on your workout.

Jolie - great job on your walk today. Any plans this weekend?

Good night.
I did not sleep much last night; I was up at 2:30 am because after I started to fall asleep I remembered I did not get the trash can out for trash day. This weekend may be a little off too. I plan on doing STS biceps tomorrow. Today I got a late start after putting together a Walmart delivery order. I just did STS 2.0 abs using all of the workouts and skipping lunge moves and planks. I also did STS 2 Total Body Stretch. Abs was 30 minutes and 85 calories. Stretch 21 minutes and 28 calories.
I think with the toe they do not want anything to happen that might hurt it and throw off the way they cut it and made a path for the nail so it will grow back correctly. I am being careful with it and still getting some work in.

Debbie, nice work on Gym Styles Chest and Triceps Supersets. I am glad that your appointment with the holistic doctor was positive, and things look good.

Jolie, great calorie burn today with the morning walk. I have had the problem with the toenail for a long time and putting cotton under the corner and soaking it along with antibiotic ointment has not been effective. Plus it was hard to identify the arthritis pain in the toe with the pain from the nail. It got infected. I decided I had enough of messing with it and not wanting to put on shoes. I am just trying to work out without using my foot too much. Next week I will put back in some light cardio with the weight work.

Belinda, nice job with Body Parts Triceps and Yoga today. I liked it when I was alone in PT. At least other than the PT person and the receptionist.
Today I did Butts & Guts. OMG, I forgot how good this workout was!! I couldn't find my workout sheet for this workout for some odd reason so I just did it without knowing what was coming up. Holy smokes did my legs burn!! I didn't write the exercises down because I didn't have much time to workout, I have to take my mom to a doctor appointment. So anyways, I did the standing part only plus the Firewalkers. Really felt it!!

Workout was 53 minutes, burned 350 calories and HR was 123/152.

I need to make a workout sheet for this one, I even looked on my computer and its not there. Weird.

No time for personals, hope you all have a great weekend and workouts!!
Today I did a 4 mile walk outside before the heat kicked up and I was worn out by the time I got home and so was the pup. It is so humid this summer, it is killing me! Walk was 1 hour 16 minutes walking as fast as I could with the dog and burned 769 calories. I hope I can get some weight work in this weekend, hopefully my husband can help with the dogs.
What kind of dogs do you have?Besides workout DVDs,dogs are my obsession!I have a Shepherd/Lab mix rescue and a Boston Terrier
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Walk outside and Body Parts Legs + bonus is done. I also did my PT exercises.

Debbie - great job on G+B. I haven‘t done that one in ages.

Roselyn - great job on STS Trisets.

Diane - sorry about the sleep and toe. Hopefully it will heal soon. Great job on the stretch and abs.

Good night.
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Good Evening,

I haven’t posted because I have become extremely lazy when it comes to working out just can’t get into an now my weight is reflecting that. I got a promotion at work this week I am a Prestige Beauty Advisor for the fragrance department which means I got a raise and my hours are changing. I did Bodi Country Heat Country Swing this morning new I had to get my ass moving.

Jolie-we can’t get our dog to go outside anymore we have to carry her or drag her out

Debbie-it has become extremely hot here we are in the 100’s. I have been thinking about seeing a holistic doctor but my insurance won’t cover it
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Today I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Biceps + bonus, 45 minutes, heart rate 102-128, 129 calories. I then did CDorner Neck Stretch that she did this week, 19 minutes, 28 calories followed by STS 2 Floor yoga, 23 minutes, 36 calories. Total time was 87 minutes, 193 calories.

warm up uses light tubing, 5# dumbbells, and 10# dumbbells
stability ball needed for some exercises
Barbell Curls #1 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curls #2 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curl Pause reps 30# 8 reps
Kneeling alternating sweeper curls 15# dbs I think 16 reps
kneeling double arm sweeper curls 15# 10 reps
hammer curls 15# dbs 8 reps
crossbody curls 12# dbs 8 reps each side
kneeling hammer/crossbody curls 12# dbs 6 reps
incline curls #1 (uses stability ball) 12# dbs 10 reps
incline curls #2 12# dbs 10 reps (raised weight)
single arm preacher curls #1 (stability ball) R/L 12# db 8 reps
single arm preacher curls #2 (stability ball) R/L 15# db 8 reps ( I raised it here and did okay with it)
banded dumbbell curls blue medium tubing + 5# dbs
reverse curls #1 12# dbs 12 reps
Reverse Curls #2 10# dbs 12 reps
Biceps Curl drop set 15,12,10# dumbbells 8 reps each
Kneeling clutch curl 15# 10 reps
Waiter curl 20# db 10 reps (next time I will use my dumbbell bars with plates to see if it is easier to hold
last exercise in main workout:
Barbell Wrist curls #1 (not sure why #! as there is no #2) 25# bb 16 reps

Roselyn, nice work today on STS 2 trisets total body.

Debbie, great job on Butts and Guts. I don't know that I have the work sheets on that one. At least not on my computer as I am missing a lot of things with computer change overs. Maybe on my external drive. I always liked that one.

Belinda, great job on getting in Parts Legs, a walk outside along with PT exercises.

Roxie, congrats on the promotion at work. Nice work on getting a workout in today.
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Whew- back from vacation - we went to Steamboat Springs - about 4 hours away. Lots of kayaking, biking, paddleboarding. I should have taken an extra day off before heading back to work! Our internet has been down too - I'd switch but its so expensive - I think we might be due for a new modem though.
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Good morning,

Walk and Body Parts Shoulder is done.

Diane - great job on your Body Parts Biceps and stretch.

Dorren - glad you enjoyed your vacation. Sorry about the internet.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.
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I forgot to post my walk yesterday, I got my carpets cleaned and the day just go away from me. Yesterday I only walked 2.7 miles and burned 505 calories. I had to hurry my walk due to the carpet cleaning and it is so humid out it is exhausting to walk even early in the morning. Today, since my gym room was piled high with everything that had to come out of the rooms with the carpet, I opted for a TM walk uphill with the garage door up and the breeze blowing in keeping it a little cooler. Walk was 1 hour, traveled 3.4 miles, incline was 4.0 to 6.0 and I burned 661 calories. I miss my TM walks; I love the incline workout. I noticed since I have been walking outside my legs have gotten a little out of shape vs. when I walk on the incline.

FlemingCol56, I have two Cairn Terriers, one is 16 years young and the other is 7 months. The pup can really walk fast and for long distance even though he is only 12 pounds.

Debbie, great job on the workouts this past week, you are really pulling out some good ones! I loved Butts and Gutts, I should do that one to some time! I will hopefully be lifting more going forward, I will just have to do it after walking each day. Boy, that will be some long workout, 1 hour of walking and then weights.

Doreen, welcome back and your vacation sounds amazing! I want to go to Aspen in the summer, I bet it is beautiful!

Belinda, great job on the walk and body parts workout today. Boy, I think the whole US is going to have an intense heat wave this week, I hope we do not have black outs and no air conditioning! If so, I am going to the beach every day and swimming in the ocean :) How is Sadie doing with the summer heat? My dogs are getting groomed next Wed, to help them stay cool.

Diane Sue, great job on the Body Parts Biceps workout yesterday, impressive weights!

Make it a great day. Stay cool my friends :) I am going to move my weights and benches into the house for workouts this week, we are in for a bad heatwave.
I forgot to post my walk yesterday, I got my carpets cleaned and the day just go away from me. Yesterday I only walked 2.7 miles and burned 505 calories. I had to hurry my walk due to the carpet cleaning and it is so humid out it is exhausting to walk even early in the morning. Today, since my gym room was piled high with everything that had to come out of the rooms with the carpet, I opted for a TM walk uphill with the garage door up and the breeze blowing in keeping it a little cooler. Walk was 1 hour, traveled 3.4 miles, incline was 4.0 to 6.0 and I burned 661 calories. I miss my TM walks; I love the incline workout. I noticed since I have been walking outside my legs have gotten a little out of shape vs. when I walk on the incline.

FlemingCol56, I have two Cairn Terriers, one is 16 years young and the other is 7 months. The pup can really walk fast and for long distance even though he is only 12 pounds.

Debbie, great job on the workouts this past week, you are really pulling out some good ones! I loved Butts and Gutts, I should do that one to some time! I will hopefully be lifting more going forward, I will just have to do it after walking each day. Boy, that will be some long workout, 1 hour of walking and then weights.

Doreen, welcome back and your vacation sounds amazing! I want to go to Aspen in the summer, I bet it is beautiful!

Belinda, great job on the walk and body parts workout today. Boy, I think the whole US is going to have an intense heat wave this week, I hope we do not have black outs and no air conditioning! If so, I am going to the beach every day and swimming in the ocean :) How is Sadie doing with the summer heat? My dogs are getting groomed next Wed, to help them stay cool.

Diane Sue, great job on the Body Parts Biceps workout yesterday, impressive weights!

Make it a great day. Stay cool my friends :) I am going to move my weights and benches into the house for workouts this week, we are in for a bad heatwave.
Ohh-love Cairn Terriers!!I use Butts&Guts the most out of all Cathe’s lower body workouts-I usually do the stability ball leg raises and ball roll ins as well as mat segment with ankle weights and abs as an add on to one of her upper body ones-today I did her Perfect 30 upper-love this one!and several Beach Babe lower body segments and abs
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caroline iron legs today

bad storms here AGAIN my husband is gone for a week fishing in canada he left yesterday and of course there are limbs and crap all over

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