Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check-in for March 2018

Today’s workout, HiiT 30/30 And STS back & triceps. After my last back ex my nephew called had to rush out my house; drop him at Southpoint Emergency, he’s okay he need meds. Anywho going to take bath and get started with my day, check back later.
Today's workout was Kelly Build and Burn premix Kickbox only , 16 minutes, 115 calories, met 6.5, heart rate average 134, max 172, 1,317 steps. I then did Z Cut (no warm up and one cool down at the end) disc 3 workouts 9 and 10, 115 average, 160 max heart rate, 1006 steps, 202 calories, 35 minutes, met 5.5. I finished off with Kelly's Body Shop workout 2 which I meant to do a couple of weeks ago. This was 32 minutes, heart rate average 105, max 149, 134 calories, met 3.8, 328 steps. Total time was 83 minutes, 451 calories.
Z Cut workout disc 3 workout 10
4 rounds
10 squat hops 10,s 1 round 12's 3 rounds
10 inverted push press with high step(she uses a chair) body weight
10 push press 10's 1 round 12's 3 rounds
10 competition burpees
disc 3 workout 11
12 lunge curls w/ side lunge 12's
20 plank pulls 15# db (this is much different than anticipated as you reach forward and pull the dumbbell toward you then walk backwards and repeat the other side when you run out of room you turn around and go the other way till you get 20 reps)
12 triceps plank leg lifts (doing leg lifts and holding the triceps push position low, if that makes sense)
20 dynamic burpees (she takes a break after 10) and this is the bonus after the 4 rounds are done
Body Shop
lat pulldowns 12# dbs 2 sets
plies 15# dbs 2 sets
combo lat pulldown and plié 12# dbs 1 set
cross chop biceps curl 15# db right and then 15# left 2 sets
single curtsies 15# dbs 2 sets
curtsies with hammer curls 12# dbs
no dumbbell lunge backs (low)
lateral raises 8# dbs 3 sets single arm all right then all left
triceps overhead extension pull down to knee 10# 3 sets right then left
no dumbbells step over the barrel
butt blaster (pizza press) 8# dumbbell behind knee 3 sets 8 reps then 4th set 8 and 8 pulses
abs, various crunches, oblique crunches, reverse crunches

Doz, I hope your nephew is going to be okay. At least you got your workout in.

Debbie, nice workout with the weights today. You are doing well with the ribs hurting.
Today I did a total body workout, 2 rounds of the circuit and no cardio today. Workout was about 40 minutes and I burned 241 calories.

STS Warmup

Incline Bench Press- 25's# x 12
Incline Flies- 20# x 12
Narrow Grip Pull Downs- 70# x 12
1 Arm Horizontal Rows- 20# x 12
Seated Overhead Press- 20# x 12
Incline Front Raise 2 arms- 8# x 12
W Bicep Curls- 14# x 12
Hammer Curl with a twist- 15# x 12
Lying Triceps Ext.- 15# x 12
Cross Body Triceps Ext- 12# x 12
Leg Ext- 60# x 17
Leg Curls- 22.5# x 16
Abs x 30

Loved it again! I went to the Chiropractor and feel awesome. Since I have compacted disc in my lower back I hung up side down at the end and he adjusted me! Wow it was great. I am going to buy an inversion system that I hang from my hips to relieve the pain in my lower back. If I do it for 3 minutes a day my back pain can go away. I tried the Cannabis ointment on my back today and liked it. It really helps with the pain and inflammation. I just purchased some Hemp oil on Amazon to try and it says its good for sleep and anxiety too.

You all had some great workouts today. Its 80 degrees here this week so I plan on walking outside this week before my ski trip. I am laying off the weights till I get back later next week. I don't want to hurt myself and then be in pain on my vacation.

Have a lovely day!
Jolie, the inversion system sounds like a good idea. What are you going to do with the hemp oil? Internal or external use? I use hemp seeds in some of my smoothie bowls and salads. It is probably a good idea to lay off the weights for now.

Roselyn, nice work with the live workout.
Today I did Run Fit by Candace and had a great workout. Haven't done this one in a long time and I did great with it. My calves are really tight lately, I need to start doing some extra stretching.

Workout was 52 minutes, went 3.75 miles, burned 440 calories (TM said 490) and went 7495 steps. Avg. HR 141 and Max 192.

Does anyone know what illness Candace has? I need to go to her website and see. On this workout she says she has a condition with worsening symptoms and pain and I know she's not making workouts anymore. So sad.

DOZ - Yes, I still do Cardio Coach and I still love them. I miss Sean too, such a shame all that happened. Nice job on your workouts!!

Jolie - Nice job on your workout. My DH has an inversion table and he loves it. He has back issues and that really helps him when he uses it. I tried it but hated how the blood rushed to my head, it made me dizzy and nauseous so that is not for me.

Diane Sue - You are killing it with those workouts, nice job. My ribs only hurt with certain exercises, it's really weird. I'm definitely getting them x-rayed next week, I already have an order in to get it done.

Roselyn - Nice job on your workout!! Kicking butt and taking names!

Today’s workout, Cardio Coach “press play & MIS Abs. Headed out to Walmart to find a kettlebell that weigh less than 15 lbs. Tomorrow I have Art of Strength on rotation, and 15 lbers a bit to heavy, got to build up to that. 1 week left of Meso 1, moving on I vowed that I was going to complete all three cycles.

Debbie - Candances, nice work.

Roselyn, Jolie and Diane Sue, hello, I will check back later.
Today I woke up feeling really good, first time in a while. I walked outside, 5.5 miles, 1 hour 40 minutes and I burned 891 calories. I walked fast the entire time and got a kick butt workout in for my legs. I love walking hills.

good job on the running today! I cant wait to order my inversion system, hopefully that will help in the long run.

Diane Sue, I ordered the Hemp drops that go under your tongue. I will also order the ointment to rub on my lower back, my dad is going to try it for his shoulder pain as well.

DOZ, nice job on the cardio workout today! TJMAXX has good deals on kettlebells.

Roselyn, I hope you have a great workout today.

Have a nice day.
Went to Kohl’s in Macedonia found some nice deals Then Walmart brought everything I needed for my grandkids and things I didn’t need. How the heck I leave without a kettlebell; didn’t think about it until I was on the freeway headed back home, that’s was the main reason I went, duh Now I got to use the 15 lber,

Jolie- I LOVE walking can’t wait until Ohio weather change. Nice workout, and nice calorie burn.

Roselyn - hello now I got go investigate Cathe’s Metabolic workout lol. Nice job I’m sure it was a doozy.

Enjoy your day everyone, got 2 grands 3 small dogs over, and 3 more grands coming tomorrow
This morning I did Cardio Shred, cardio only mix, I was going to do a Z cut cardio, really wanted something that was quick and I knew exactly how long it was going to take. The Z Cuts are taking a bit of time as I write down some notes on each that I am tucking in the holders with each. So, after the first round I stop and make notes. I will do the cardio another day. Maybe tomorrow with a strength. That depends on my energy levels :)

DOZ, I forgot to mention that I have 4 of the AOS kettlebell workouts. They are good workouts. Sorry that you forgot the kettlebell. I have two of several of the weight increments in my kettlebells and one 10#because I have a cardio kettlebell workout that is fast paced and it just works best for that, and one 35# It seems I use the 20 and 25# ones the most. It depends on what move I am doing with it. When I do Kelly Coffey's Build and Burn Kickbox Kettlebell Fusion I generally wear 1.5# gloves and use a 15# kettlebell. I am sure that you will have fun with the grandchildren this weekend. My family is all coming over on Sunday after church. I am cooking and preparing for it and the Easter goodies :)

Debbie, it really does sound like it would be a good idea to get the ribs x rayed. At least you would know what it is and maybe give insight on how to deal with it.

Jolie, great calorie burn for that walk.

Roselyn, I hope you had a good workout today.
Today I did a total body workout, I had an excellent workout and love this one!!

Did 3 circuits of 8 reps. I warmed up with GS Chest & Triceps.

Barbell Shoulder Press - 35#
Front Arch Raises - 10's
Incline Dumbbell Chest Press - 30's
Incline Flies - 25's
Alternate Dumbbell Curl w/Twist - 20's
Hammer Curls - 17's
Deadlifts - 25's
Lying Barbell Triceps Extension - 35#
Overhead Triceps Extention - 30#
T-Bar Rows - 50#
Reverse Flies - 12's

Workout was 35 minutes, burned 229 calories. Avg HR was 122 and Max was 169.

Then yesterday when I was searching for information on Candace Grasso, I found she has workouts on Youtube. I seen one called Ripped Abs II and did this workout with my new TV that streams awesomely! It was a tough workout but probably only because I haven't done abs in a while. This was 6 minutes long. She has a Ripped Abs I out there as well but it was 14 minutes and I didn't want to do it just yet, maybe next week. Fun stuff, you all should look it up and do it, it was a great ab workout.

Then I walked on my treadmill at an incline of 2%. Did that for 40 minutes, went 2 miles, burned 219 calories and went 4879 steps. Avg HR was 86 and Max was 136.

Nice workouts yesterday everyone! I don't have time for personals today as I have a lot to do before church at 3. Hopoe you all have a very blessed Easter!!

This morn, 20 minutes slow steady run and The Art of Strengh, Providence. Absolutely loved this workout and honestly guys, glad I didn’t get the lesser kettlebell 15 was just find could’ve reached for the 20 on a few of the routines. I didn’t move as fast as he; but I kept up pretty good All the same.

The workout consisted of 15 routines 2 minutes each, with 1 min break; very well rounded workout. I’ll check back in a bit, gotta start breakfasts for the kids
Today I started with Z Cut power cardio disc 1 workout #3 with the warm up, 21 minutes, 140 calories, met 6.1, heart rate average 118, max 153, 664 steps. I then did Z Cut Power Strength workout disc 3 workout #11 with the stretch, 26 minutes, met 5.5, 158 calories, 672 steps, heart rate average 106, max 142. I finished off with Ice Metabolic Total Body using weights slightly higher on most moves and skipping the warm up, 41 minutes, 283 calories, met 5.3, 283 calories, 1,198 steps. Total time was 88 minutes, 581 calories.
Z cut power cardio
3 rounds
10 lateral jumps (over a box and I used a child's step to reach things)and burpees
10 mule kicks
20 crab kicks
10 ab splitters (done 2 rounds only, 3 moves count as 1 rep )
Z Cut Power Strength no warm up 3 rounds
30 elevated lunges 15# dbs 15 reps each leg
10 clap push ups burpees (3 clap push ups 1 burpee counts as 1 rep and push ups are done on the knees)
20 sit up twists 15# db 1 rnd, 12# 2 rnd

Deb, nice workout today. I will have to check Candace out on youtube.

Doz, nice job on Providence.
Hi guys, finally a break; with my grands, it goes from breakfast, cleaning then lunch never ends....rest repeat

Diane Sue - Nice work, So much energy.

Debbie - Nice work ☺️

Have a great day everyone.
This morning I did Body Max 2 premix cardio blast (without the weights), 63 minutes, heart rate average 145, max 180,452 calories, 5,356 steps., met 6.5. I followed it with the abs from the same workout, 9 minutes, 30 calories, 36 steps. I finished off with Z Cut Power yoga, bonus abs, warrior series , and cooldown, 15 minutes, 50 calories, met 3.0, 103 steps. Total time was 87 minutes, 532 calories.

Roselyn, you seem to be really liking the Yvette Bachman workouts :)

Doz, do you watch your grandchildren every day? I used to do that and run them to and from school. I would get up very early to workout and do all of the transporting and taking care of the small ones. Now I just keep them occasionally. One daughter is homeschooling. Most of the grandchildren are driving and graduated or graduating this year. I have 3 younger ones. Two are home schooled. My daughter was teaching and stopped and has been homeschooling since her little one was born almost 4 years ago. She may go back into some sort of teaching job soon. I watch my 7 year old grandson summers when school is out.
Today was my rest day and family day. Church then family gathering and dinner.

Doz, that was a long workout :) I remember Reebok Step with Gin Miller. It was fun.

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