Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check-in for March 2018

Yesterday was chest and back today I did Yvette Bachman Hiit and core hers are mostly so far cardio/strength based. I really do love the workouts they are long, I usually do them on the weekend when I have time, and maybe one during the week. She is on youtube

Have fun DOZ with kickboxing I did a kickboxing bootcamp on friday with her loved it
Today was my rest day. Family brunch. It was a smaller group today since my son and his wife went to Ireland and some of the family had other plans for the day.

DOZ, nice job on the workouts. You really are jumping right in there with them :) A soak sounds like a good idea.

Roselyn, for some reason lately I seem to have more pressing things on weekends and they are not good for a long workout. It used to be that Saturdays was the day to not have so many things to take care of. I usually get in over an hour a day during the week though.
Today I did a total body workout, the one that Jolie did before she got hurt. Had fun, this one was tough and I was sweating tons. LOVED IT!!

Did 3 circuits of 8 reps, last circuit 8 reps was failure on one of the exercises. I warmed up with GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps.

Barbell Chest Press - 70#
Chest Flies - 25's
Barbell Rows - 50#
Bent Over Lat Raise - 15's
Arnold Press - 20's (did 8, 8, 7 reps)
Upright Rows - 20's
Barbell Curls - 35#
Hammer Curls - 20's
Close Grip Barbell Press - 60#
Lying Triceps Extension - 15's
Dumbbell Squats - 20's

Workout was 34 minutes, burned 262 calories. Avg HR was 142 and Max was 189.

Then I walked very fast and on an incline of 3% on my treadmill. Worked up another good sweat. Did that for 20 minutes, went 1.02 miles, burned 130 calories and went 2504 steps. Avg HR was 124 and Max was 133.

I feel very bloated today, we celebrated my birthday this weekend and I ate a lot of bad foods. I will be good this week. Had fun, though! My DH gave me a 32" flat screen TV and a DVD player for my workout room. Now I will be able to stream workouts from Cathe and Kelly and others!! Woo hoo!!!!

I'm sorry, I have no time for personals, but you all had great workouts this weekend!! Have a great day!!!
I did workout this weekend, it just forgot to post!!!

Saturday, Treadmill uphill, 6.5 incline and I walked for 3.25 miles, 60 minutes and I burned 501 calories.

Sunday, Treadmill uphill, 7.0 incline and I walked 2.5 miles, 45 minutes. Then I jumped on my elliptical for 10 minutes and traveled 1 mile. Total calorie burn was 647 calories.

Today I am going to lift some weights and do a total body workout. I will check back in and post later.
Hey guys

Today, STS #7 chest shoulders & biceps MIS abs. On my way out taking my puppy btw his name is Jacob ❤️ to his first grooming; I REALLY hope this goes well, he’s so afraid of everything, I may have to hang around Pet Smart a bit or the entire process. I’ll check back later
This morning I did Z Cut Power 5Strength disc 2, workouts 5 and 8(chose ones that do not have burpees) 50 minutes, heart rate 109 average, 140 max, 248 calories, met 4.5, 965 steps. I then did Fit Split Metabolic only timesaver skipping the warm up, 25 minutes, heart rate average 107, max 148, 478 steps, met 4.0. Total time was 75 minutes and calories burned 358.
Metabolic Fit Split Cathe's weights
Z Cut
3 rounds
20 reps alternating step ups (used 5 risers and high step instead of chair) 15# dbs
10 reps push up renegade rows 10# dbs
10 reps 5 each leg deep knee lunge off step 15# dbs
20 reps alternating dumbbell swings 20# kettlebell (they use a dumbbell)
3 rounds
30 reps 15 each leg 1 leg chair stand ups 10dbs 1 set 8's 2 sets
20 reps 1 leg deadlift 10 each 15# dbs
12 reps bent over rows 10's 1 set 15's 2 sets
10 elevated plank chair step downs (used the high step) body weight 10 reps each side

I will be back to post. Daughter and grandchildren are coming over to go shopping.
OMG!!! Wow was this a great workout. I did my total body workout Week # 7 and I added two segments of cardio to kick it up a notch. Holy smokes it made it hard but I loved it. I did 2 rounds of the circuit with no rest at all and I burned 456 calories. Workout was 1 hour. I used DB's and machines.

STS warm up

Elliptical- 10 minutes (2 minute intervals, 125 calories and 1 mile each time ) 2 rounds of this circuit
Chest Press- 25# x 12
Chest Flies- 20# x 12
Wide Grip Pull Downs- 60# x 12
1 Arm Rows- 25# x 12
1 Arm Lateral Raise- 12# x 12
Upright Rows- 15# x 12
Bicep Curls- 15# x 12
Hammer Curls- 15# x 12
Lying Triceps Ext- 15# x 12
Close Grip Chest Press- 20# x 12
Leg Ext.- 60# x 17
Leg Curls- 22.5# x 16
ABS- Bicycles- x 30

This was tough but good!

great job on the STS! Those are hands down my favorite workouts especially Meso 2. I think I have done them 1,000 times lol!

Diane Sue, that looks like an awesome workout you did today. I hope you had a nice day with your family this weekend.

good job on the total body workout. Try adding some cardio in there and you will be amazed the calorie burn you will get and how tired you will be!!!

Have a great day. I have to go back to the Chiropractor Wed for a follow up and then I should be good. Also, next Monday I leave for my ski trip to Mammoth. I cant wait. I am taking my mom with me now so I will ski one day with my son and his friend and then spend one day with my mom.
Debbie, nice workout today. Awesome birthday presents !! I know you are going to really enjoy it. I am hoping I can keep my eating in check. We will probably be going out for dinner tomorrow night, as it is our 45th anniversary.

Jolie, nice workout today. I am sure you will be happy to have everything cleared with the chiropractor. That will be fun having your mother there with you and your son and his friend. I bet you are really looking forward to it.

Doz, I hope the visit to Pets Mart went well with your pup and his first grooming. I have seen them grooming dogs in Pet Co since they were right up front in a window. I always wondered how they got those dogs to be so comfortable with it. I guess I just think of my lab, which is a large dog. She is good about bathing though. She will run in and stand in the shower for me and seems to enjoy the attention. Also she gets her doggie cookies when we are done ;) That MIS ab work is a good one.
Today I did two cardio workouts and had a blast. However, my ribs are still hurting. I really think I need to get the x-rayed. I might, I have a couple days off next week so I might do that.

The first workout I did was Cardio Pump Kickboxing by Kelly. Love this workout, I think I like this one better than the one on Build & Burn. It's fun, but this is what made my ribs start to hurt again. I think it was the uppercuts and hooks.

Workout was 30 minutes, I burned 242 calories. Avg HR was 145 and Max was 190.

Then I got on my treadmill and did another workout I custom made from the Treadmill app I have called Mountain Hike. This one was tough but I did well with it. Fun workout.

This was also 30 minutes, went 2.18 miles, burned 256 calories (TM said 298) and went 4386 steps. Avg HR was 142 and Max was 188.

Total steps so far this morning is 8290!!! Woo hoo!

Diane Sue - Yes, I can't wait until it's in my workout room. Probably this weekend my DH will install it. You are kicking butt with the Z Cut workouts!! And Happy Anniversary! Wow, 45 years!!! That is awesome!!! Hope you guys have fun!

Jolie - So how did you incorporate the treadmill in your workouts? Did you do it between each exercise or just in the beginning? Nice job!!

DOZ - Great job with STS! That is a tough series! You are hitting the ground running, girl!

Roselyn - I really need to check out those workouts you are doing.
Debbie, nice work on the steps! Build and Burn kickbox does hit the core quite a bit, so I would imagine it would make your ribs hurt. I wonder what a doctor would do if you fractured a rib or something? It might be a good idea to get an xray if it keeps up.
No workout today, yesterdays workout kicked my butt! Also, I worked out hard for the last four days so I need some time off.

I incorporated the elliptical into my workout, I did 10 minutes of interval training at the beginning of each circuit. I traveled 1 mile each time and also burned 125 calories each time. I want to burn some fat before summer so I might have to add that extra cardio into each workout if I have enough energy. Great job on the cardio workouts today! If your ribs are broken, there is nothing they can do for you. It just takes time to heal. My kids have had them broken in football and they went through the same thing.

Diane Sue, I will check back later to look at your post. Have a nice workout!

DOZ, great job on your workout today!

Roselyn, I hope you have a nice workout today!

It is going to be 80 degrees here today and breezy! Spring has sprung!
Today's workout was Z Cut Power Cardio disc 1 workout 2, 28 minutes, met 6.0, 185 calories, followed by the bonus abs, 12 minutes (with demos which I did without demos it is 9 minutes)50 calories, met 3.8, heart rate average 104, max 139. I then did Kelly Coffey's Step Boxing workout # 1 wearing 1.5# gloves, 33 minutes, 218 calories, met 6.0 heat rate 139 average max, 168. I did not get the heart rate from workout 1 because I somehow stopped my Fit Bit. I used Map My Fitness which is pretty good with cardio. Fit Bit was about 5 more that MMF on Kelly's workout.. Total time was 73 minutes, 453 calories.
I was going to do 2 Z cuts, but I started coughing and wretching at the end, stepped on my dog's foot trying to run for the bathroom. Once the coughing was settled I was okay though. So far I am liking the power strength more than the cardio, but then I have only done two of the cardio workouts, so it is too early to say.
Z Cut cardio time challenge
10 prisoner get ups (had a tough time keeping my hands behind my head)
20 sumo squat jumps
30 side lunge jumps
40 skaters (she touches down to the floor with these)
50 pendulums
60 high knee jumps to planks (she does these in groups of 20 with brief rest and this is where I started really losing it and had to take a bit longer break before the last 20)
70 Plyo jumps (easy after the 60 knee and plank segment)
I did not stretch here because I planned on more cardio
Z Cut abs 2 rounds 4 exercises
5 ab splitters (really 3 moves as a V sit touch toes, V sit with legs split reach through, and knees in touch toes counts as 1)
20 feet elevated on chair knee in and out to side alternating sides
20 competitive sit ups
20 side plank toe touch 10 right and 10 left

I am going to the store in a bit to get some Mediterranean oil. I need to get this coughing under control. We are going out later. I have family dinner tomorrow and a funeral of one of our dear friends on Thursday. I don't want this to keep up.
DOZ, nice work today. It has been quite awhile since I have done Kick Punch Crunch. You are pulling out some good ones :)

Jolie, enjoy your rest day. I keep trying to incorporate more cardio so I can burn some extra fat too. I need to work on my diet a bit and I know that would help. That was my same thoughts on the broken ribs. Some things just have to heal and takes a lot more time.
Jolie - How fast do you run to do a mile in 10 Minutes? That's insane. Maybe I am not really a runner. Also, I know they can't do anything for broken ribs, I just want to know. Enjoy your rest! Oh, I see you used the elliptical. Still, that is awesome!
Busy morning, decided to finally wash my hair; it was way overdue sometimes I dread it because so much work. I still have loc’s 11 years now. Even tho, I sit under my dryer for 1.5 when I take the rollers out, my hair is still damp, up in a ponytail it goes

Last night, watched some workout videos that I’m going to add to my weekly regimen. Do anyone remember The Art of Strength kettlebell workouts? I have two and I watched them both, and, man oh man, one hell of a workout; have to work up to them, for sure. Almost 3:00 and I still haven’t eaten, dang! Enjoy your day everyone

Jolie - enjoy your rest day

Diane Sue - heck of a workout. Nice Do you still have pictures on this forum or did Cathe do away with that. I’m still learning how to navigate my way around.

Debbie - Do you still have any Cardio Coach workouts? I still miss him Love your workout combo,
nice work

Roselyn- Legs & Glutes never gets old lol still a tough workout. Nice! Are you doing STS?
Roselyn, here is a link to Zuzka Light's website. She does streaming now. You may find some of her Z Cut through Amazon or some other seller like ebay. She has some workouts on YouTube. I am doing her dvds. A fitness friend here on the forums gave me these. I had an abs one and her Power Yoga 1 Z Cut which is pretty intense and active. https://zuzkalight.com/

DOZ, no, there is no sections to upload pictures and have folders etc.. I guess they dropped all of that. You can post pictures of things to the forums via the upload a file at the bottom, but you need to resize them to around 200-300 pixels or they come out huge. I have posted some straight from the Tapatalk app and they were really big. After posting though you can click on them and if they are thumbnails you can view them bigger if that makes sense. It is a learning process.
Today I did a total body workout, loved this one. These go by so fast because there is hardly any rest in them. Love it, and like Jolie said, no dread factor!

Did 3 circuits of 8 reps, last circuit 8 reps was failure on one of the exercises. I warmed up with GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps.

Chin Ups - Assisted
Pullovers - 30# on stability ball
Leg Press Station - 145#
Alternate Dumbbell Press - 15's/15's/16's
Lateral Raise - 12's
Incline Barbell Press - 65#/70#/70#
Pushups - These killed my ribs, not good
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 15's/16's/16's on stability ball
Barbell Reverse Curls - 30# - should have went up
Triceps Pushups - These didn't hurt my ribs because my arms were close to my side
Kickbacks - 8's

Workout was 33 minutes, burned 185 calories. Avg HR was 116 and Max was 169. Not real high today.

Then I did the Tabata workout on my treadmill and then jogged until I reached a mile. Walked to cool down. 20 minutes, went 1.31 miles, burned 131 calories and went 2745 steps. Avg HR was 113 and Max was 160.

I am late for work, I will be back for personals.

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