Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check in for August 2017

Deb, lol on your cat bringing a mole into your workout space. I am afraid i would have squealed and trying to get it out of there.. I dont know how you kept going with your workou. My dogs used to bring me squirrels. They would bring them to the door and drop them at my feet when i would open it to let them in. I remember putting a bicket over one and getting a snow shovel to scoop it up. Oh, and birds yoo. One of my dogs would catch birds mid air and i had a few of those that were still alive. Once I grabbed a dead squirrel when my dog dropped it and it was almost dark. I just thoughtbit was something she was carrying around from the yard. I was surprised when i felt it.
Roselyn, nice work. Are you doing STS as a rotation or just adding it in? Is the live metabolic workout weight oriented? I don't think I have done that one.
Today I did not workout, I got up and out early and went to the chiropractor. MY low back has been bothering me again so I am addressing it before it gets really bad. I feel so much better today! My Chiropractor told me that I had 16 vertebrae out and my entire neck was out like a whip lash pattern??? He said that I tolerate pain exceptionally well and that also leads to stress without even knowing it. Makes sense. My body was screaming for attention I guess. My husband promised me he would workout every Sunday on his day off if it makes me feel better. I told him, "yes it would"!

For the next couple of days I am just going to walk to give my low back a break. God knows, my legs could use it!

Debbie, nice job listening to your body. My dog always brings in rats and birds. I hate it because he always leaves it for me to clean up. It is funny how they want to be praised for their kill!!!

Diane Sue, I will give my stress up to God! I have always had a hard time with it but something has to give. I have so much going on in my life right now it really can consume you if you let it. Thanks for he words of encouragement.

Roselyn, Have a nice workout.
Jolie, I hope you can relax a bit. It is good that your husband says he will workout when he can if it makes you feel better. Yes, sometimes things just become so overwhelming at times.
I swear I thought I had posted earlier today. Today's workout was either cardio of choice or Cycle Fit. I was really not wanting to do Cycle Fit but did the entire workout this morning. It is not my favorite, but sure makes my legs tired. I am hoping it doesn't make RWH Lower body circuit really hard to do tomorrow. At one point on a climb I had the tension so tight I finally had to lower because I couldn't get my right foot to push the pedal forward any longer. Anyway, Cycle Fit 53 minutes, 380 calories, 12.10 miles, 3,152 steps, heart rate average 125, heart rate max 160. I had set up my rebounder thinking I would do some after Cycle Fit but was tired so I did 21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga instead, 32 minutes, 53 calories. Total time was 85 minutes, 433 calories. Those push downs I did for my legs add on the other day from Fit Tower Total Body have left my glutes so sore!!
Today I did RWH Circuit Lower Body, 47 minutes, 339 calories, heart rate average 126, max 156, I used Cathe's weights for most of it, a couple of places opting for 25's. 2,575 steps. RWH bonus abs 1 was on the schedule, 10 minutes, 31 calories, I also did Fit Tower bonus abs, 12 minutes, 31 calories. I ended with Barre Amped Power Stretch, 23 minutes, 37 calories. I got lower calories on everything than usual today. Maybe because my Fit BIt Battery was getting lower or that my resting heart rate has been lower this week. Total time was 92 minutes, calories burned 438.
Today I am back to working out, but taking it easy. My back is sore and I hurt my knee, I hit the kitchen cabinet so it hurts too. But, I got out for a nice walk this morning 5.6 miles, 1 hour and 40 minutes, average heart rate was 98 and max was 150. I burned 644 calories. I have already hit my 10k steps and its only 10 am. It is only going to be 80 degrees today, nice and cool, just the way I like it.

Diane Sue, nice workout and calorie burn yesterday!

Have a wonderful Sunday!
It was a rest day and family birthdays today.

Jolie, nice calorie burn and steps today. I am sorry you hurt your knee and that your back is sore.
Today I did a Cardio Coach Mix that I made up and it was fun. I was going to start the Pure Strength series today my upper back is still a bit sore. I think I'll be good to go tomorrow, just didn't want to chance hurting it again.

Workout was 50 minutes, ran 3.33 miles, burned 327 calories (TM said 483) and I went 6853 steps.

Diane Sue - I only stopped to put that mole under my step topper so my DH could dispose of it. Other than that, I kept doing my workout. LOL! I think I was just walking on the treadmill anyways, so it was no big deal. Nice workout on Saturday.

Jolie - Sounds to me like you might need to take a break from the workouts. Maybe a week totally off? Your body sounds like it's screaming to give it some time off. Just a suggestion. Hope you are feeling better today!! And where does your dog get rats from? Yuck!!! LOL!! I think I'd kill my cat if he brought rats and birds in the house!

Roselyn - Hope you had a great weekend!!!
Today I did Kelly Coffey Athletic Step Blast, 34 minutes, 225 calories, heart rate average 138, max 168, 3,260 steps. I followed this with PHA which is the workout on my rotation for this week, 45 minutes, heart rate 11 average, 134 max, 222 calories, 1,226 steps. Total time was 79 minutes, calories burned 447. This week is more weight oriented. It has all 3 Ripped with Hiit weight workouts in it. I didn't go quite as heavy as I sometimes do. Mostly Cathe's weights since I have RWH back, shoulders, and biceps tomorrow. I checked and the only repetitive move is the pull overs which I will be doing again tomorrow. I think tomorrows shoulders are more delt based moves. This weeks cardios are Cardio Slam and RWH low impact 2. So, not a lot of cardio. Some is involved in lower body though I have done that one without the jumping cardio type moves before.
Weights today all done in 12 reps
done in 3 rounds
squat off the end 15#, 15#,15#
overhead press 15's,15's, 15's
upright row 15's, 15's, 15's
step ups 15's,15's, 15's
release push ups 12 reps
second 3 rounds
cross back lunges 15#,15#,15#
biceps curls 15's,15's, 15's
deadlifts 25's, 25's ,25's
pullovers 15's, 15's 15's
standing squats 20's 20's, 20's
lying extensions 12's 12's,12's

Debbie, nice workout on the treadmill and great step count. It is always best to be a bit cautious. My knee is a bit achey oon the back of it after today's workout. I am glad that legs is not till later in the week. I had a siamese cat when I was growing up that would bring birds up on the door step as her prize. My mother always made me get rid of it since it was my cat!! It was gross.

Jolie, did you mean mice that your dog brings up? The only place I have ever seen rats in the US is the pet store. I used to see them in England when I was a kid though. I would mostly find them dead. They are creepy.
NO they are not mice,we have rats all over the place in California!!!! Yuck! They are small and black but they are real pests! My dog loves kill the so we don't have any in our yard! I have a Carin Terrier, Toto from the Wizard of Oz, and that is what he was bread to do. Kill the rats in the castles of Scotland.

I feel good today. I did Muscle Meltdown Biceps and Triceps. I am only going to lift light this week and walk. My knee is still sore but I iced it and it feels much better. I wacked it a good one on the corner of the cabinet because I was rushing to get the trash out before the trash truck arrived. Muscle Meltdown is a Giant Set repeated 3 times with no rest between exercise.

Standing Bicep Curls DB-
15# x 12, x 12, x 12

Hammer Curls -
15# x 12, x 12, x 12

Preacher Curls DB-
12# x 12, x 12, x 12

Incline Hammer Curls-
15# x 12
12# x 12, x 12

Conc. Curls-
15# x 12, x 12, x 12


Lying Triceps Ext. DB-
15# x 12, x 12, x 12

Cross Body Ext.-
12# x 12, x 12, x 12

Triceps Cable Pull downs-
30# x 12, x 12, x 12

1 Arm Kick Backs-
10# x 12, x 12, x 12

Narrow Grip Chest Press DB-
15# x 12, x 12, x 12

Workout was 40 minutes, 109 average heart rate, 168 max ( that is ridiculous) and I burned 254 Calories

Diane Sue, Nice workout! That was really long and what a good calorie burn too! That PHA workout is tough. Your rotation that you put together for this week looks great. Way to go on the weights you are lifting!

Debbie, good job on the cardio today. I am going to really keep it easy this week, mostly walking if my knee feels better. I might even try a stretching dvd of Cathe's from way back when! Remember when you were only doing yoga and I think cardio? That stretching really helps after years of weight lifting. The problem I have is my right big toe cant bend so it is hard to do some of the moves. I am going to stretch tonight while I watch a football game.

Roselyn, I hope you have a great workout.

Are you watching the Solar Eclipse today? 1:30pm our time.

Make it a great day!
Jolie, I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am not really watching the eclipse. I have my curtains open and right now it is starting to look a little like it would look outside in the sun if I had sunglasses on. Sort of eerie looking. We didn't get glasses to view it and you cant take pictures without a filter on your cell phone. My daughter went to her son's school to take him out to view the eclipse and then check him back in today. He was really looking forward to it and their school had purchased the glasses to view , but they were recalled :( He would have been disappointed. Rats are revolting creatures. I don't remember rats when I lived in CA. just lizards and snakes. I did not put the rotation together this time. It was in the Strong and Sweaty manual. I was looking for something and thought it looked pretty intense and had good weight work in it. I am just adding a bit of cardio (not too much) and extra stretching and yoga to it. I am trying to increase my protein to 40% which is not easy without a lot of protein powder, and cut down on the fat. I am up to 17.9% on body fat now. That is with my Omron. Weight is okay though since I am 116.2 this morning. I don't check that often, but was doing some reading on allergies and also how to lose fat and build, not wanting to lose weight. Also trying to cut down on fruit because fruit sugar is supposed to be almost as bad as any other sugar. I like apples and dried blueberries or cherry cranberries in my salads. So, adjustments need to be made.
Just watched eclipse totally dark and the corona that showed up was beautiful!!

So anyway, today was sts chest, shoulders, tris yesterday I did back and bis, tomorrow will be cardio
Roselyn, it did not get totally dark here. It just looked like it would outside if I wore dark sunglasses. I think ours was about 85% coverage.
This week I want to do Pure Strength workouts. Today I did Chest & Tri's. I like this series and should add it in more with my workouts. Had fun with hit, it was great to use my workout bench again. Watched the solar eclipse yesterday, we only had partial coverage over the sun but it was still amazing to see.

Push-Ups: 2 sets/12 reps
Bench Press (warmup): 45# - 16 reps
Bench Press: 65# - 2 sets/10 reps
Incline Bench Press: 55# - 2 sets/10 reps
Inclined Dumbbell Press: 25's - 1 set/10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flies: 20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Incline Superset (Flies to Press): 20's - 1 set/7 reps (was 9 reps but I couldn't go anymore than 7.

Close Grip Dumbbell Press: 15's - Drop sets - 12/10/8 reps
Lying Tricep Extension: 12's - 2 sets/10 reps
Cross Body Extension: 10# - 2 sets/10 reps
Lying Tricep Extension: 12's - 12 reps
Weighted Dips: skipped because my upper back is still very sore, didn't want to chance it

Then I did a mile on my treadmill.

Total workout was 60 minutes, Avg. HR was 88 and Max was 128, burned 235 calories and went 3468 steps.

Jolie - Holy crap, I can't believe you guys just have rats running around out there. Yuck!! I don't mind moles and mice, but I draw the line at rats. OMG. LOL on your dog, I loved Toto!!! Yes, I remember when I was only doing yoga and cardio. What was I thinking? LOL!!! Yea, not for me although I did feel good while doing yoga. Need to incorporate it a bit but just never seem to do it.

Diane Sue - So are you following a specific rotation in that S&S booklet? If so, can you let me know which page. I might try it, I need something new. I'm planning on taking a week off during Labor Day week and then I want to come back with a good rotation to do.

Roselyn - I would have loved to see full coverage, I but that was really cool!!
Today I did Rock'm Sock'm timesaver blasts only to get a good warm up, 22 minutes, 140 calories, heart rate average 133 max 166, 1,863 steps. I then went on to do Ripped With Hiit Back, shoulders , Biceps which is on my rotation. This was 64 minutes (actual workout 53) 172 calories, heart rate average 97 max 137, 1,466 steps. I finished off with Yoga Tune Up 10 minute quick fix neck and 10 minute quick fix shoulders, 20 minutes, 33 calories, 131 steps . Total time was 1 hour and 46 minutes and total calories was 345 calories.
Weights today
One arm row 30,30,30 x 12,12,12 reps
finisher barbell rows and band power pulls 35# barbesll
pull overs 35,35,35# x 12,12,12 reps
finisher barbell row 35# supine band pulls
one arm angled row 25#,25,25, x 12,12,12 reps
finisher one arm seated band pulls
rear delt flys 15's,15's,15's x 12,12,12 reps
finisher 1 arm band pulls
prone rear delts 5's,5's,5's x 12,12,12 reps I usually use the 8's but with my neck issues I kept it lighter
finisher seated tea band pulls
biceps curls barbell 40#, 35#,35# x 12,12,12 narrow, standard, wide
finisher W curls 10's 20 reps
concentration curls 20,20,20 # x 12,10,10 reps
finisher barbell crazy eights 30#, 24 reps
simultaneous hammer curls standing 15's,15's, 15's x 12,12,12 reps
finisher barbell crazy 8's 25# 24 reps

Debbie, this rotation is in Strong and Sweaty Manual and is page 9. I know you don't usually do the circuit workouts, but on the weeks with the circuits you could maybe do them skipping the cardio circuits. I think there might be a premix for that. There is only one week with both RWH circuits in it and one that has just the lower body one. I like the variety in this one.
Debbie, even if you do the circuit workouts minus the cardio blasts they are still over 30 minute weight workouts.

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Today I did cardio. I started out with Powerstrike 6 punches only using 1 lb weighted gloves, I burned 136 Calories. This is a good way to burn some calories fast. Then I jumped on the Treadmill for 40 minutes, 2.25 miles at a 6.5 incline. Total workout was 52 minutes and I burned 546 calories. My knee seems to be fine now, at least for walking. I am not sure I will kick box this week because I do not want to aggravate it. I hit 10K steps while on the treadmill because I took my dog for a long walk before I worked out.

nice job on the weights. I haven't done that workout in years! There is no way that was your calorie burn! I would get that just walking on the TM.

Diane Sue, Boy that was a long workout today! I cant believe your calorie burn either, that seems low. I am not sure why I burn more calories than you gals? I love that Bicep workout, it is one of my favorites.

Roselyn, I love STS Meso 2! I always do shoulders on their own day and I add more exercise than what Cathe does. I add front raises and upright rows and then I feel like I really worked them. Shoulders are my favorite body part to work.

This week I am going to do one body part per day, and add in some walking on the TM or outside. I am going to lift lighter so I probably will do ICE Muscle Meltdown for each body part. I like to add the walking so I can get a higher calorie burn.

Have a nice day!
Jolie, I think you get your heart rate up much higher than Debbie and I do. My Fit Bit does not give me much for my workouts unless I get my heart rate way up there. I know I figured what the met value would have been with with the calories I burned for the weight workout and it would have been a 3. That is like workout manager has for yoga! The thing is I even bounce around and jog for a bit if I have a break while lifting weights. I add extra hops and arm swings etc. during cardio, and I still can't get the calorie burns up there. Cathe's workout manager had a met value of 7 and 402 calories for RWH back, shoulders, and biceps. But, if I gave myself too many more calories I would would probably pack on some pounds. You should try the 4 sets option on the Muscle Meltdowns. That always really seems to fatigue me by that 4th set. I read on some of the Fit Bit information on how it tracks your VO2 max and they suggest you run for 10 minutes and it helps it pick up this more accurately. I am not one to go outside and run and I don't think the tread climber would work because it says not on hills do it flat.

I have been reading about what exercises to do and not to do to protect the neck. It seems the lat pull downs and things similar that goes behind the head are bad for the neck. I was a bit worried about the pull overs today. I did not let my arms go back that far and tried to concentrate it on the back. I remember Sagi mentioning not to go back to far or you could hurt your neck.
Today I did Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs, but only did biceps and abs. Had a really good workout, the biceps part is tough. I like to ab workout but almost too much with the crunches. I felt it, though.

Barbell Curl:
35# - 2 sets/10 reps
Seated Alternate Hammer Curls: 15's - 20 reps
Seated Sweep Curls: 15's - 24 reps
Negative Curls: 30# - 2 sets/10 reps
Concentration Curls: 15# – 2 sets/12 reps

I walked on my treadmill for 1.25 miles. :)

Total workout was 58 minutes, average HR was 90, Max was 127, I burned 232 calories and went 3531 steps.

Jolie - I'm ecstatic when I burn over 83 calories with a workout. LOL!!! I don't get my low calories burns either. Oh well, I'm cut and defined so I must be doing something right. Nice job on your workout and hitting 10k steps so early. I love when that happens!!!

Diane Sue - I will check out that rotation, I can always use premixes to cut down on the time with lifting. I love lifting for more than a half hour but then I don't get my steps in. It's really hard for me to get my 10K steps in if I don't walk at least a mile during my workouts. Maybe I just need to start earlier?? Excellent workout for you yesterday, nice job!!!

Have great workouts everyone!!

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