Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check in for August 2017

Today's workout was Ripped With Hiit Hiit Upper Circuit, 46 minutes, 304 calories, heart rate 122 average and 167 max, 1,932 steps. I kept the weights at Cathe's weights as this rotation has a lot of upper body work 3 days in a row. Tomorrow is Strong and Sweaty Boot Camp Followed by Ramped Up Upper on Wednesday. I have so much to do to get ready for company this weekend and am going to my daughters to help troubleshoot her printer not printing today. Lots of errands. I think workouts will have to be somewhat shorter as far as add ons this week.

Debbie, enjoy your recovery week. I hope things improve quickly. You have been doing a lot of variety in your weight workouts lately.
Yesterday I forgot to check in and log my workout. I walked outside 6 miles, 1 hour 50 minutes and I burned 648 calories. Today I did Muscle Meltdown back only, four rounds of Giant Sets. I burned 208 calories.

Four Rounds-

1 arm rows-
20# x 12

Pullovers DB's
12's x 12

1 Arm Horz. Rows-
20# x 12

Wide Grip Pull Downs-
50# x 12

Rear Flies-
10# x 12

Roselyn- That is so great about your daughter getting married!!!!!! How exciting!

Debbie, I feel like I need a break as well. I am going to lift really lite again this week and try to get in more walking. It is supposed to be really hot so I don't know if I can walk outside. I hope this break is just what your body needs.

Diane Sue,
nice workout! Also, I like how you plan a head, I kind of just make it up as I go...

Have a nice day.
Today was Strong and Sweaty Bootcamp, 46 minutes, 318 calories, heart rate average 123, max 160, 1932 steps. I added on Ice Bootcamp Circuit Blizzard blast, 12 minutes, 79 calories, heart rate average 118, max 140, 566 steps. Total time was 58 minutes, 397 calories. Lots to do today. I spent the whole day at my daughters yesterday. Skipped breakfast and lunch (my doing as I was offered lunch, just kept thinking I would find a solution sooner). I went to the bank and it closed at 4 on the way back. I was 7 minutes too late :( So, I stopped at Sprouts, extremely hungry and picked up a couple of things along with a Primal Kitchen Collagen protein bar and some kombucha tea and ate the bar driving the rest of the way to my house. So, today I have to go back out and try to get some baking and cleaning done

Jolie, nice workout and weights. I don't remember the wide grip pull downs.
Diane Sue, I add the wide grip pull downs in instead of the 1 arm pullovers. I like to use my workout equipment that I have at home if I can so I squeeze those exercises in if something doesn't appeal to me. Nice workout today! I am super busy today myself, I'm going to cook some healthy meals today since I am staying in the house due to the extreme heat. I am cooking a frittata and some chicken and steamed veggies.

Today I did ICE Muscle Meltdown Chest. I did 4 rounds of each Giant Set and did 12 reps for each set. I burned 201 calories. I love these workouts because the are short be oh so effective. I skipped the push ups because of my low back issue. I use DB's for the entire workout.

4 rounds

Chest Press-
20# x 12

Chest Flies-
15# x 12

Incline Chest Press-
20# x 12

Incline Chest Press-
15# x 12

I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Jolie, I kind of liked doing some of the moves that Cathe does as one arm or side at a time. I think it helps letting one side compensate more than the other for the move. I understand using the equipment though. I used to use my Bowflex lat tower instead of the tubing pull downs and pull ups a lot. I miss that part of it. I lucked out and had leftover grilled chicken from my birthday dinner so I have been using it. I need to make some more of the whole 30 dump ranch dressing so I can make salad with grilled chicken. It is nice having things ready to make a meal simpler to grab. I have some Paleo soups in the freezer if I don't have something else ready. I need to get started cooking. I went to the store and bank and was letting some cream cheese soften up.
Roselyn, nice work. I usually always used the other set of workouts for legs on Mesocycle 3. I don't think I have done Plyo legs all that much. It would be something to maybe work into a rotation sometime.
Hi everyone!! I am enjoying my week off, although I feel like I've rested enough already. I'm itching to get back into my workout room. I may do some cardio this weekend but we'll see.

Nice workouts everyone, kicking butt in here!!!
Today's workout on this rotation was Strong and Sweaty Ramped Up Upper, 51 minutes, 207 calories, heart rate 101 average, max 144 followed by Strong and Sweaty Bonus Abs, 13 minutes, 116 average heart rate, max 149, 61 calories. Total time 64 minutes, 268 calories.
Weights today were
1 arm row rt. 30# x 16 reps followed by 1 arm back fly rt. 10# 10 reps
1 arm row lt 30# x 16 followed by 1 arm back fly lt. 10# 10 reps
pullovers 35# x 10 reps; 35# x 10 reps
rear delt flys 10's x 10/10 reps; 10's x 10/10 reps
tband pulls 16/16 reps
chest flys 20's x 12 reps followed by push ups 12,10,8 reps chest flys 17.5's x 12 reps followed by push ups 4 sets of 1 half 1 count
close grip bench press 20's x 8 reps ; 20's x 12 reps
triceps dips 32/16 reps
triceps lying extension 12'sx 8; lying extensions 12's x 4 sets of 1 half 1 count; 12's x 8 reps
standing overhead triceps extensions 12's x 10 reps
triceps band kickback 8,7,7,8 reps
overhead presses 15's x 12 reps, front shoulder raise 15# x 12 reps, lateral raise 5's x 8,4partial, 8 reps
overhead presses 15's x 12 reps, front shoulder raise 15# x 12 reps, lateral raise 5's x 8,4partial, 4 reps
lateral band circles 32/32 reps
band kickbacks rear delts 32 reps
hammer curls 20's x 12 reps
sweeping curls 17.5's x 12 reps
isolation curls 12's
standing biceps curls 17.5's x 12 reps
crazy 8's with tubing 2 sets 24 reps each

Debbie, that is great that you are feeling rested already. :)
Today I did Arms. I put together a workout alternating Biceps and Triceps, no rest, 3 sets per superset. This is a great way to get a lot of exercises and reps in, in a short period of time.

DB Biceps Curls- 15# x 12, x 12, x 12
Super Set
Lying Triceps Ext.- 12# x 12, x 12, x 12

Hammer Curls- 15# x 12, x 12, x 12
Super Set
Cross Body Ext.- 12# x 12, x 12, x 12

Preacher Curls DB- 12# x 12, x 12, x 12
Super Set
1 Arm Kickbacks- 10# x 12, x 12, x 12

Incline Hammer Curls- 12# x 12, x 12, x 12 (could have gone heavier)
Super Set
Triceps Pull downs- 30# x 12, x 12, x 12

Conc. Curls- 15# x 12. x 12, x 12
Super set
Lying Tricep Ext- 10# x 12, x 12, x 12
(with a 2 count pause at the bottom of the move)

I loved this workout, I will be doing it again. My arms are so pumped and they feel great. I stretched at the end of the workout. I found a lower back stretch on YouTube that has been helping my back so much! Workout was 40 minutes and I burned 245 Calories. Average heart rate was 105 and max was 171! That is so wrong I don't know why that came up with that number. I was sweating but not out of breath.

Debbie, I am happy you are enjoying your rest week. I have a hard time no working out, I at least have to walk each day otherwise I don't sleep well.

Diane Sue, nice workout today! I want to do that workout soon, it looks fun. I made a lot of food yesterday so I have food on hand when I am hungry instead of reaching for junk! I am starting to loose some weight due to my meal prepping.

Roselyn, nice job on Plyo legs. That one is too high impact for me, I did the heavy leg workout instead. Good job on getting through all of the mesocyles!

Hot and humid here today! It will be about 110 today. How about the poor people of Texas! I feel so bad for them. I cleaned out all of our closets yesterday and I will be taking all of the cloths and bedding to the Red Cross this week. Hopefully I can help somebody in need.

Have a wonderful day!
Jolie, that is a nice workout that you put together. Really quick and effective sounding. I am liking this rotation. Meal prep really does help. I have been losing some weight because I keep forgetting to eat till mid late afternoon and I have also been trying to change up some of my fat and protein ratios. I am not intentionally trying to lose though. I just want to lose some fat.
We have relatives in Texas around Beaumont area. I have a cousin there that said this is the first time him and his children has had to prepare for this.
Today's workout was supposed to be the Strong and Sweaty Cycle dvd or other cardio. I did this the last time and had no desire for it so I did Party Rockin Step 1, 54 minutes, heart rate average 134, max 171, 357 calories, 5,019 steps. I really tried to put a lot into this and am surprised at the burn for the heart rate. Oh, well, that is the way it is. My heart rate was only 59 when I started and it drops back so fast. I have to hit the bank, pay bills, get some eye allergy drops, and go to the dentist today. Also more guest pre like putting the locks on my workout room for the little ones. I pre-ordered the new workouts this morning. I couldn't get it to go through without error messages with Explorer so changed to Chrome and it worked fine. I don't get why that is. I know Chrome seems faster. But, then Chrome has it's problems as well. Like why do the emoticons blink on Cathe's and then disappear?
Today's workout was Ripped With Hiit Circuit Legs, 48 minutes, 371 calories, heart rate average 132 max 170, 2,683 steps. I added on Ice Lower Body Blast Biizzard, 17 minutes, 133 calories, heart rate average 130, max 160,795 steps. Total time was 65 minutes, 504 calories.
Yesterday was my rest day. Today I did Shoulders, I put a Giant Set together and repeated it for 4 rounds. Each set was 12 reps with no rest between sets. At the end I did my low back stretch and I have to say it is working really well. Workout was 32 minutes and I burned 208 calories. Average heart rate was 107 and max was 159. I am tired today, it is so hot here! 110 degrees yesterday and it is barely getting below 80 degrees at night. I wake up tired and hot and don't feel like doing any cardio. I am up early and out taking my dog for a walk since it is the only time to go, otherwise the ground gets too hot for his feet.

Seated Overhead Press DB- (could go heavier next time. I wish I had 18 pound DB's)
15# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 12

Upright Rows DB-
15# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 12

1 Arm Lat Raise DB-
12# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 12

Incline 2 Arm Front Raise DB-
8# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 12

Rear Delt Flies seated-
10# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 12

Diane Sue, Good job on the workouts the last couple of days. I hope everything turned out ok at the dentist. I hate going because there is always something major that needs to be done and it is so expensive. What are your plans for the Labor Day weekend? I have not plans because my kids have football on Sat and on Monday as well. Maybe we could BBQ on Sunday but I think it will be too hot. Potato salad sounds so good with some deviled eggs and some pickles! I love traditional Labor Day food even though it might not be so good for me!

Roselyn, I hope you are getting your workouts in, I am sure you are but have little time to post them.

Debbie, I hope you are enjoying your rest week. I basically did the same by just working one body part per day with no cardio. I hit my right knee and it is very sore. I hit the knee cap and I think it is out of alignment. I am icing it today to see if that helps.

Enjoy your holiday weekend! I have a football game tonight so I may not workout tomorrow since I will be wiped out!
Jolie, nice workout today. I am glad the stretches are helping. I feel that way when I use my Upper Body Yoga Tune up dvd and the therapy balls. I am not real sure why it has yoga in the title because it is basically stretching and movement with a finishing of using the balls on the areas to finish. I always feel so much better and if I continue things get back to normal fairly quickly.
My niece with her husband and children are coming from Nebraska to visit. I have been cooking ahead and shopping so I can enjoy their visit. Sunday is my youngest daughter's birthday and my other daughter's anniversary. We are having a family gathering at my youngest daughter's house Sunday. I made two cheesecakes. One is a marble one and one is white chocolate with circus animal decoration on it, pink and white. This will be our big get together before my niece leaves on Monday. They thought they were going to have to cancel because her husband was told they might be heading to Texas to help as he is military. The plans changed and he gets to come after all.
I am not a fan of potato salad. I like deviled eggs though. I am making a roast tomorrow with new potatoes and I baked cookies. My neice has two small children, 3 and a little over a year.
Do you use air conditioning? I remember a lot of places we lived and family in southern California not using air most of the time. Their houses would be opened up and they would hang out in a pool or something.

My husband was off today and we took a motorcycle ride out to a small city not too far away and had barbecue for lunch. The weather was finally bearable to go for a ride. Not so hot.
Keeping up with workouts, going out of town saturday for the day so quick cardio in the morning and will do STS tomorrow some time have a great holiday weekend
Today's workout was Ripped with Hiit Plyo Hiit #1, 28 minutes, 194 calories, heart rate 134 average, 166 max. Also on the rotation was RWH abs #1 10 minutes, 49 calories and I added on the bonus abs from Fit Tower Advanced, 12 minutes, 32 calories. Workout was 50 minutes, calories 275 total. Waiting for our company to arrive. Some of my family will be coming over for dinner.

Has anyone done the Beach Body Corp de Force. I think I have the right name.
So I'm itching to get back to my workouts. I walked 3 miles on my treadmill today and tomorrow I'm going to start that full body rotation by Chad Waterbury I like doing at least once a year. I'm looking forward to it. I'm working out on Sunday so I can take Monday off. Me and my DH have plans so I won't have time.

Diane Sue - I watched the clip of Core de Force and it looks like fun but too much cardio for me. I wish Body Beast would do a new workout series. Glad you had a chance to ride, it's been too cold here to ride. Monday it's supposed to get up into the 80's so my DH and I will take out bikes up to the lake. I can't wait. Not many more days to ride this year. :(

Jolie - I can't believe it is so hot where you are. Our high today was 60 degrees!! I've been cold all day. It's more like fall here now.
Debbe, I would probably end up adding a bit of solid weight work if I were to get Core de Force. I like Jericho in the other workouts that I have with her in them. I noticed I called it Corp instead of Core LOL I think I had the title a bit mixed up with the one that Tony Horton put out that looked like a lot of hiit work that was sort of military based. Someone needs to come out with a good solid strength bodybuilding workout like STS and Body Beast. The thing I loved about Body Beast is the variety of training methods. Cathe has come out with some good ones with Giant sets though. Enjoy your day off tomorrow.
Hi everyone! I am back and had a great workout this morning.

I started the Chad Waterbury Full Body Rotation again. I had an excellent workout and had energy like I couldn't believe. I could have gone heavier and sort of wish I did. But this is what I did?

3 sets/5 reps with 1 minute rest - warmed up with Pyramid Upper Body

Barbell Bench Press - 75#
Wide Grip Pull-ups - Assisted
Leg Press Station - 155#
Arnold Press - 20's
Barbell Curl - 25's
Close Grip Triceps Press - 60# (this was so easy it was ridiculous)

I also jogged/ran for 2 miles. Got it done in 20 minutes.

Total workout was 1 hr. 7 min. Avg. HR was 102, Max was 181. I burned 338 calories and went 4860 steps.

Diane Sue - I agree, someone needs to put out more bodybuilding workouts. I'm tired of the same old cardio and weights that Cathe does. Wish BodyBeach would come out with something. Let me know how you like Core de Force. It looks cool but again, too much cardio for me.

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