Just starting our thread. Where is everyone? Wake up sleepy heads!
Last rest day. Tomorrow I start back!
Last rest day. Tomorrow I start back!
Hi Char - you posted as I was typing. Glad you are getting the garden inNothing like home grown veggies. Awesome workout. You should do that Oxygen abs routine that I do. No need to double up on that one. I posted it a while back and will get it to you if you are interested. The first time I did it, I felt it for a few days.
Patti, Enjoy your rest day and I hope your knee gets better for Meso 2I am taking a rest day darn it. My knee is killing me! It was fine when I went to bed but in the middle of the night I noticed it was hurting.Oh well. I must rest it because I don't want to not be able to do the leg work in Meso 2.
Got alot planned for today as I plan on getting my veggie garden in FINIALLY! I want to clean some too and have another Reiki Healing for this morning...raising my vibrations yet again!!! lol. So yesterday I did this:
Meowracer, I would love to add a stepmill to my equipment. You are so lucky. Glad everything turned out, you were able to fix the stepmill and do Meso 3/abs. Good for you. A true Hardcore Mania. If you don't mind, could you send me the Oxygen ab routine as well? I'll keep trying to find your post on it, but it's looking grim.Good Morning Everyone! Yesterday, when I got home, the new piece for my stepmill was in the mail. They claimed it was an easy fix, and it really was, but it took an hour and I just could not leave it alone! I knew I was in trouble when I saw it in the mailbox b/c I had other things that needed doing. There were no instructions but I got it done, put together, and there was no power to the monitor thing. Took it apart again to see that a plug had come undone inside the thing on the main board thing and fortunately, it was easy to hook back in. It came apart when I lost my balance and nearlyl fell of the thing! Anyway, that hour was supposed to be my leg workout for Meso 3. I was going to skip but really, really wanted it DONE so I finished just after 10. Went up the 5% from last week and all was well. AND, I am happily saying *ouch* this morning!My abs are a bit tender as well from the Oxygen abs that I like so much.
Diane Sue, Job well done anyway, even if you didn't do cardio. Not like it will hurt you in anyway.I shortened up my workout this morning before I took the children to school. I did STS Mesocycle 2 Back and Biceps along with the extended stretch. I burned 408 calories. No cardio today. I just don't have the energy. We have lots of things to go do today anyway. We have to go over our papers for the house and I have to pick up grandchildren this afternoon. We also need to check out new appliances.
Megadoo, I'll have to read back why you are so stressed out. What ever it is, I hope things get better. Sorry that I'm a little behind the news. Lean Circuit 2 sounds great.Thanks everyone for the thoughts. I didn't get my workout in afterall. This has been stressful and has worn me right down. SO tonight is a new night. Lean Circuit 2, hopefully extra cardio too.
I don't know when I posted it. Better yet, I will try to get somebody to scan it at work. That would be easiest. I'll go get it now so I don't forget![]()
Hello Maniacs -
This morning I did David Kirsch's Power Body from 7 Day Rx followed by Kettlebell dynamics Workout 1 and then a Leslie Walk video with a toning band. I wore my 10 pound weight vest and used hand weights for intensity. She also used 2 bands at it was a decent workout. Workout was about 1.5 hours and I burned 744 calories. I also did David's Restorative Stretch 1/2 hour.
Have a great day everyone. I've got some running around to do. It's my 21st wedding anniversary - so I'll probably go to the jewelry store and dinner later???
Linda - Nice workout. Wow, how long have you been doing Tabata? I think I did it for 7 weeks. You got some good results, too, didn't you? I lost 4# with it so that was great for me! Are Pace Weights magnetic?
Debbie - This is week 6 for me and I wasn't completely healthy for the first part so the Tabata was a push, but I was determined to finish. Yes, I've lost at least 4# if not more and if I could get the rest of it off I think there will be some killer arm definition going on. Yes, Pace Weights are 1/2# magnets. I have a set of 18 so you can increase each DB by 4.5# or more if you are using only one DB, and of course you can stick them all over your BB plates.