Shana: I did Low Max this week and although it isn't my favorite workout, I loved seeing that I burned over 700 calories.
Patti - I KNEW somebody had posted an amazing calorie burn - it was you! That's what got me to pondering the Low Max!
Hey Maniacs!!!
Just finished doing lowmax. Now I have to get the house cleaned. Ya'll should be proud of me doing my workout today FIRST!
Bobby is doing better as I haven't heard him cough as much today. He did get some sleep last night. He is pretty worn out and says his head hurts from all the coughing.
Charlotte - we are very much alike - I have to MAKE myself workout before cleaning or else I will get carried away with the today. Clean house - no workout yet. I'll get it in though - probably not Low Max b/c my knee is bothering me and tomorrow is legs. I don't want to screw that up. I save tons of money in therapy just by cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning. One can immediately tell my mental state by the amount of cleaning I do, and how freaky I get with it
Shana - Now I think I'm going to order some new Spinervals thanks to you.

So is San Antonia huge? Doesn't it have like a million people? DH was talking about moving there but I don't think he knows how big it is. Of course I would LOVE that! But he wouldn't like that many people. He likes Texas a lot. I would love a warmer climate!!! I always hear about floods and tornados in Texas. Is that true?
Oooo, which ones are you going to get??? Glad to be of service,
San Antonio is pretty big but not freakishly so. I'm not terribly familiar with the city. My brother just got back from there - he loves it there. The River Walk is amazing - people who have lived there for years still enjoy that. I think the traffic situation is ok. What makes him want to move there? I live just outside of Houston, but you would never really know you left Houston and came into Sugar Land (where we live), aside from a city limit sign. But, we are like suburb basically and right next to some small towns. It isn't like a crowded city here. Sort of in the country. The warmer climate would surely be a nice change for you!!! Well, except for summer

I've never been in a Tornado and lived in Texas all of my life. I saw one in the sky once but it did not touch down. We will have small twisters now and again but nothing like the central states where devastion is horrid. Often, we aren't sure if it was a big wind or a little tornado. Living in Houston, and the hurricanes that are possible, I've never seen a flood. Parts will flood from a little cloud but that is poor planning on the road builders' part, and is in Houston. I would not put either tornados or floods into the equation of deciding to move here or not...I would more consider the heat.
OK - so I have had BFFM for a long time but never even opened it b/c I didn't want to read it on the computer. Then - aha - my brain worked and I put it on a flash drive this afternoon and already have it here, bound, ready to read! Still considering PN too, or at least the cookbook. I have got to do something. New year - new eating habits. Suz, Hermia - let's band together! (Although I'm not as skinny as you little minnies!) Mostly, I need to eat more in order to build more muscle.
I also got itrains for the year - I'll download them all just to have them - mostly looking forward to the stair climbers, rowers, and bike...for the price though ($120), it was cheaper to do that than to do separate purchases. Also, got some Runervals to try - not for running though. We'll see.