Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/8

Charlotte - we are very much alike - I have to MAKE myself workout before cleaning or else I will get carried away with the cleaning...like today. Clean house - no workout yet. I'll get it in though - probably not Low Max b/c my knee is bothering me and tomorrow is legs. I don't want to screw that up. I save tons of money in therapy just by cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning. One can immediately tell my mental state by the amount of cleaning I do, and how freaky I get with it :D

Shana: I WISH I would clean for therapy. Drat! I just usually want to eat. I am definitely conquering that coping mechanism, but man, replacing it with cleaning would be...beneficial. My kitchen floor is always a wreck.

I choose this workout because I thought it would be more steady state and be easier.:p:p:p!

Linda: That's funny! KPC kicks my butt every single time! I try to LIE to myself prior to doing it and say oh, it won't be bad. BUT IT IS. :)

Time for bed- exhausting day. I have to get the little people down first though.
Done - I decided on one of my new Runervals. That was fun. 3.5 miles (I walked about half since I really don't run...but I ran more than probably ever!), 450 calories burned, max HR184, avg HR 142.

For you HRM problem people - well, people with HRM problems, that is - mine crapped out on me again. I soaked it in soap and water for over 24 hours and it is now working right again. Guess I will start doing that now too. (I have the F11)

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