It is really nice outside here today. i went out and got some outside stuff done while I had the chance
Today's workout was AOS Kettlebell Way 2 Empire State doing the multi joint moves first, then I did the manmaker segment, I followed with aos Newport Rnds 2,3,&4. Then I did Tracey Staehle's Core Blast standing segments, Butts and Guts abs, Amy Bento's 10 minute solution Tone trouble zones abs and stretch and finished with the foam roller.
Workout went like this:
W/up round mountain climbers no weight,russian twist 15#, chest press 2 15's
round 1 swings 20#,half get up 15#, suitcase row 2 20's
round 2 lunge cocktail 25#, side plank no weight, super plank no weight
round 3 squat 20# I used 2 kb's, bottom windmill 15#, crush curl 25#
round 4 1 leg deadlift to row 2 20's, janda sit up no weight, tricep extension 25#
round 5 overhead lunge 15#, figure 8 hold 25#, clean and press 15#
6 suitcase deadlift 2 20#, punch matrix no weight, side snatch 15#
7 hand to hand sumo 35#, pullover to sit up get up 25#, hot potato 15#
8 super burpee 15#, banana roll no weight, tricep push ups no weight
bonus round 4 minutes snatch
Manmaker segment I used two 15# kettlebells for the manmaker
active rest is an up dog move to a down dog
Swings for 2 minutes 20#
Crush Curls like in providence where you do the full tricep bicep move, then biceps, then triceps, then full again. I used 25#
active rest
Newport rounds went like this
rnd 2 squat press 20# alternated with 1 arm swings 20# double leg raise
rnd 3 2 handed swing 20# alternated with hot potato 15#, twisting crunch rnd
4 punch matrix no wt alternated with plank no wt, single leg raise
Butts and Guts abs 5# anle weights and 8 and 12# dumbbells
Core blast standing segments 10# med ball and 8# dumbbells
Patti, get that workout in. I am sure it will help the stress level. I hope everything turns out ok with the CAT scan.
Today's workout was AOS Kettlebell Way 2 Empire State doing the multi joint moves first, then I did the manmaker segment, I followed with aos Newport Rnds 2,3,&4. Then I did Tracey Staehle's Core Blast standing segments, Butts and Guts abs, Amy Bento's 10 minute solution Tone trouble zones abs and stretch and finished with the foam roller.
Workout went like this:
W/up round mountain climbers no weight,russian twist 15#, chest press 2 15's
round 1 swings 20#,half get up 15#, suitcase row 2 20's
round 2 lunge cocktail 25#, side plank no weight, super plank no weight
round 3 squat 20# I used 2 kb's, bottom windmill 15#, crush curl 25#
round 4 1 leg deadlift to row 2 20's, janda sit up no weight, tricep extension 25#
round 5 overhead lunge 15#, figure 8 hold 25#, clean and press 15#
6 suitcase deadlift 2 20#, punch matrix no weight, side snatch 15#
7 hand to hand sumo 35#, pullover to sit up get up 25#, hot potato 15#
8 super burpee 15#, banana roll no weight, tricep push ups no weight
bonus round 4 minutes snatch
Manmaker segment I used two 15# kettlebells for the manmaker
active rest is an up dog move to a down dog
Swings for 2 minutes 20#
Crush Curls like in providence where you do the full tricep bicep move, then biceps, then triceps, then full again. I used 25#
active rest
Newport rounds went like this
rnd 2 squat press 20# alternated with 1 arm swings 20# double leg raise
rnd 3 2 handed swing 20# alternated with hot potato 15#, twisting crunch rnd
4 punch matrix no wt alternated with plank no wt, single leg raise
Butts and Guts abs 5# anle weights and 8 and 12# dumbbells
Core blast standing segments 10# med ball and 8# dumbbells
Patti, get that workout in. I am sure it will help the stress level. I hope everything turns out ok with the CAT scan.
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