Hardcore Fitness Hottie Maniacs January 14, 2009

It is really nice outside here today. i went out and got some outside stuff done while I had the chance:)
Today's workout was AOS Kettlebell Way 2 Empire State doing the multi joint moves first, then I did the manmaker segment, I followed with aos Newport Rnds 2,3,&4. Then I did Tracey Staehle's Core Blast standing segments, Butts and Guts abs, Amy Bento's 10 minute solution Tone trouble zones abs and stretch and finished with the foam roller.
Workout went like this:
W/up round mountain climbers no weight,russian twist 15#, chest press 2 15's
round 1 swings 20#,half get up 15#, suitcase row 2 20's
round 2 lunge cocktail 25#, side plank no weight, super plank no weight
round 3 squat 20# I used 2 kb's, bottom windmill 15#, crush curl 25#
round 4 1 leg deadlift to row 2 20's, janda sit up no weight, tricep extension 25#
round 5 overhead lunge 15#, figure 8 hold 25#, clean and press 15#
6 suitcase deadlift 2 20#, punch matrix no weight, side snatch 15#
7 hand to hand sumo 35#, pullover to sit up get up 25#, hot potato 15#
8 super burpee 15#, banana roll no weight, tricep push ups no weight
bonus round 4 minutes snatch
Manmaker segment I used two 15# kettlebells for the manmaker
active rest is an up dog move to a down dog
Swings for 2 minutes 20#
Crush Curls like in providence where you do the full tricep bicep move, then biceps, then triceps, then full again. I used 25#
active rest
Newport rounds went like this
rnd 2 squat press 20# alternated with 1 arm swings 20# double leg raise
rnd 3 2 handed swing 20# alternated with hot potato 15#, twisting crunch rnd
4 punch matrix no wt alternated with plank no wt, single leg raise
Butts and Guts abs 5# anle weights and 8 and 12# dumbbells
Core blast standing segments 10# med ball and 8# dumbbells

Patti, get that workout in. I am sure it will help the stress level. I hope everything turns out ok with the CAT scan.
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Debbie- you don't have to be able to see the TV as long as you can hear it - I have to use my laptop b/c we don't have a DVD player where my TM is and I end up just listening mostly anyway...just nice to refer to the screen mostly for the time but he is always calling that out anyway. You could even use them as an mp3 file if you had a way to record them and then transfer them to your player. I just like having something different.
Debbie- you don't have to be able to see the TV as long as you can hear it - I have to use my laptop b/c we don't have a DVD player where my TM is and I end up just listening mostly anyway...just nice to refer to the screen mostly for the time but he is always calling that out anyway. You could even use them as an mp3 file if you had a way to record them and then transfer them to your player. I just like having something different.

Ok, thanks Shana! I may order one just to see if I like it.
Boy, I feel like I have missed something today. # pages of post and I am just now getting here!

- Hope your DH is okay. I am an emotional eater too, so I can completely relate. So I mean this in the nice way .... Move away from the food and get out of the kitchen!!

Superset A
Bulgarian Split Squat
8/8/8 - 26's
Dips w/ Knees up
8/8/12 - ***On the last set I assisted by lightly putting my toes on a step trying to shift my weight back to my triceps and away from the front of my shoulders***

Superset B
Chin ups w/ Knee ups
DB Step ups
8/8/8 - 31's

Superset C

Hanging Knee Raises
8/8/8 ***These were suppose to be SB Jackknifes, but I am so tired of doing that exercise****
X-Body Mountain Climbers
Side Plank w/ Leg Raise

10/10/10 each side

Then interval cardio at 60/60 ratio for 6 rounds using Bootcamp. Then I started the Flexibility for Beginner's from Tamilee Webb's stretch DVD, but it was longer than I thought and I had to stop. So I did about 20 minutes of the 30. Then did a few extra stretches for the shoulder as I made DS breakfast.
Shana, I was picked on quite a bit in HS too. My hair is naturally a white blonde and I use to get called names about it all the time. One girl on my bus tried to burn the ends of my hair and one girl colored it with permenant marker. I didn't know about it until I got home because my hair was long and I didn't feel anyone messing with it. Too cool on how you kicked that guy! YOU GO!! Wish I had the nerve to do that, I was such a chicken. Now if anyone gets in my way I don't hesitate to stick up for myself. :D Bring it on!!! :eek:


I had no idea. You never told me any of this. I had it rough too in school. Really bad. I was pushed down the stairs once by a girl. Always laughed at in gym and called Snow White cause I was very faired skin. It was terrible. Not anymore though.

I had no idea. You never told me any of this. I had it rough too in school. Really bad. I was pushed down the stairs once by a girl. Always laughed at in gym and called Snow White cause I was very faired skin. It was terrible. Not anymore though.

Yep, not anymore for me either. BRING IT ON!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Shana, you are a sweet heart :) Thank you:)

Sean sent me the download and I put a donation in the mail box. Will Press Play soon:eek: The weather is BAD, leaving a bit early I'll talk too you guys soon. Have a wonderful evening all :rolleyes:
Man, I don't think I can keep up here today. Ya'll are gabbers.:p

I'll just ask one question to Diane Sue- How do you like Newport? Is it as hard as people say?

Oh! and to Patty- Hope the CAT scan goes well and that you got the workout in and feel somewhat better.:)

Oh! One more! To Teddy and her new flat-screens all over the house.:p

Ok. One more! To you kickassers....ROCK ON!

I have got to get off this computer! I've been reading threads all-over everywhere and in between and have not accomplished a thing!:eek:
Thanks guys! I really needed a kick in the pants. I knew posting here would make me want to go get it done!

I love working back so this was a fun one for me. Plus, I really pushed myself and I feel like I keep inching my weights up bit by bit and that makes me happy (and uh, my arms are shaking so yeah, it's working). I burned 564 calories with this weight workout.

Dumbbell Pullover:

Double Arm Rows:

Then up only and I increased my weights:

Gym Style:
T-Back Squeeze w/Band: Green band
This felt terrific!


Hammer Curls: 11.25's/13.25's/15's/13.25's/11.25's
Traditional Curls: 11.25's/13.25's/15's/13.25's/11.25's

Repeated again but up pyramid only. Used same weights.
--This was a weight increase for me and it about killed me. Seriously. :eek:

Gym Style:
Curl Up/Reverse Downs: 13.25's


Rear Flies: 7's/8's/10's/8's/7's for all
Lateral Raise:
Front Raise:
---Repeated again but up pyramid only. Dropped to 6's/7's/8's since I felt like it was hurting my elbow joints and my form was getting weird. Odd.

Gym Style:
Overhead Press: 16.25's / 15's on last set - I was dying.

Then I did Rhythmic Step to make up for some of my emotional eating today and to burn some stress. I burned 700 calories with it! Whoa, didn't think of it as a huge calorie burner but it is my new favorite. :)

I apologize for no personals yet but I have to go get dinner on the table. I just had to report my good behavior. I feel 200% better. Ahhh, endorphins. :) I'll BBL.
Dallys, I have not done all of Newport yet. I am just taking it a few rounds at a time. I think it is harder but still doable. I probably chose the easier rounds:p I will tell you though that even the non weighted ab segments can be tough. I have previewed it twice checking out what I am in for:) The rounds are much longer. Around 5 minutes total. 4 minutes with the first couple of moves and then you do 1 minute of abs. One of the rounds that I did today was all core and abs. He did the planks alternated with the punch matrix. That is a move that is in P90X+ but has a different name(scorpion plank?). You are in a plank position and you lift your leg up and over behind and to the side if that makes sense. By the time I get through this and then do the single leg raise I was feeling it. My side are kind of sore this afternoon:D
Diane Sue- Thanks! I read over on the AOS site (might of been one of his videos), that it's a great one for sports conditioning. I'm guessing it's even more endurance based than the others. Anyway, it's still frightening.:D

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