Debbie - Thanks for the Oxygen thing - super, super awesome!!! I was a shy girl in HS (well, all my life). I was too skinny, so people teased me for that. They will tease for anything. You know how some people say there are some times in your life that just change you? Well, there were these guys who would walk behind girls and pinch their rear in a rather sexual way. I HATED that. I mean, HATED it. And it would be funny to them and the girls that hung with them. I got so mad one day - me and my tiny self - that I reared back and kicked one of them, completely nailing him. Everyone in his group laughed at him and I just glared him down for a second or two, then went on. I had no idea where that power came from, but I felt like - " huh - there you have it. That was me, yeah, I did that." From then on, never once did any of them ever touch me again. That was a big point for me - not only did they respect me in some weird way, I guess, but I started to respect myself more. I was certainly never athletic in HS, or much afterwards, but I am amazed at what I can do now.
And about the shoulder thing - I am so glad I asked that. For so long, I thought I wouldn't ask b/c maybe I was missing something. Live and learn

Now I know to do them the traditional way - feels better and makes more sense.