Welcome to our new forum home! I am sending you Heather hugs and birthday blessings. I love the pretty blues, and I am having fun visiting friends and playing with all the new features. It will take me a few days to get my private messages under control so I can send and receive new ones. *wink* My inbox runneth over! LOL!
I appreciate all the time and energy you dedicate to creating, filming, and editing fun workouts as well as launching a new line of fitness toys and preparing for the Road Trips. Thank you so much for providing these forums and hosting Road Trips. I treasure the friends I am blessed with as a result of your forums and the 2007 Road Trip, and I am very grateful. I started my fitness journey afresh and anew on the 4th of July this year, and I am looking forward to sharing the rest of my journey with everyone in this new place. Joy!
Please take a well-deserved break from the office and computer to rest, relax, have fun with your friends and family, and celebrate life. Enjoy your special day, Miss Cathe, and eat a yummy piece of birthday cake!
Thank you for all the precious inspiration, support, and encouragement you have given me and for making fitness fun. You are a gift from God, and I am asking Him to bless you beyond measure. Have a blessed, healthy, and happy day and year! As always, you are in my prayers. Your birthday hug is packed for the July Road Trip. See you Friday morning! Happy birthday and beyond!
Heather B.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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