I know everyone is really into STS now (as am I) but I just wanted to post about my last GS rotation. I did a 3 on, 1 off rotation with GS for a month and really pushed myself to go as heavy as I could each time. I finished about a week ago, and have been noticing that I can see some results. My biceps and triceps are definitely bigger and more cut. My legs are too fat to show much, but I've noticed when I have my hand on my thigh that I can definitely feel a difference. I can feel the cuts between the parts of the quad muscles (which sounds kind of gross, but I'm betting it would look good if you could see it!).
This is my second rotation with GS, and I saw really good results the first time too. Just thought I would pass this on ...
This is my second rotation with GS, and I saw really good results the first time too. Just thought I would pass this on ...