Growing Mom's Check in Week of May 24th

That photo is hilarious!! The irony of posting a pic of hot bodied women on a pregnancy thread, right? Yeah, we're all feeling that sexy...LOL

Susan, I remember being offered Motrin in the hospital, which I thought was strange since I was trying to breastfeed. Not sure why it's okay for the baby to ingest Motrin once it's "out," but taboo to take Motrin while it's "in." To keep it straight during pregnancy, I wrote a bit OKAY on the Tylenol bottle so I remember which I can take now. I need all the help I can get ;)

Augh -- I've been eating Cheese Balls like they are going out of style. My mom bought DD one of the HUGE tubs from Costco. I have accepted that I just can't have that stuff in the house!! Any tips for staying out of them? I could use any help I can get.

Jen, you're right -- any exercise makes me feel better. But I had just reached the point where I needed 15 lb. dumbbells, and my barbell was up to 35 lbs for squats (may not be much to some of you, but it was an accomplishment for me). I feel like I'm slacking now :p

Melanie, I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick. My girlfriend was sick her entire first trimester; she actually lost about 10 pounds (and she doesn't have 10 pounds to lose).

Anyone else getting hip pain from sleeping on the left side? I actually woke up on my stomach the other day! Not sure how I slept through that!
One idea for the pain in teh hip, we got a NovaForm Mattress topper from Costco. That helps a lot, it is memory foam. Also, sleep with a body pillow between your knees and wrapped around your side...
I have the snoogle/snoodle body pillow from Babies R Us, with a brand new mattress with a thin memory foam topper. Not helping me :(

I'm more comfortable this pregnancy than last, as we recently bought a king size mattress to replace the double that we had! DH is 6'1"; he didn't fit well in the double, so he'd angle himself in his sleep. That meant I lost bed! LOL This time, I can have all the pillows I want :)

I did Low Impact Step today; haven't done that in a while. It's a fun workout, for a lighter one. Felt silly using only the step platform, but that's what works for me these days. Also did my Pilates During Pregnancy DVD.
I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. Not beig able to get sleep is so awful. I have had a tough time as well. We had a new mattress (way too much money) and tried two different body pillows. The 3 inch memory foam did make a difference, although it was expensive (about 160 dollars). Don't laugh, but maybe you can try pregnancy accupucture? I have a friend who swears by it for her aches and pains (as well as nausea and constipation). Good job on Low Impact Step, I have not doen it in a while. I need to master that one better. Some of the high step compliations have easy to adapt cardio as well. I am going to try the Gabrielle Reese video tomorrow. I think i will not like it, but will try it. I hope you feel better, off to wash my son and get some zzzzzzz's.
Good morning everyone! Well the pregnancy aches and pains have officially started for me too! I have back pain from my upper back all the way down into my hamstrings. I actually slept last night but as soon as I get out of bed, I start aching. I took Tylenol and drank some coffee (caffeine) and am sitting on a heating pad at work now. I am praying that this is temporary because I am not going to enjoy this much if I continue to have all this pain. Whew! Thanks for letting me get that out!

No workout this morning. I thought I would give my body a break.
Allison- I do understand about feeling like you are slacking but you will be back to 35lbs squats in no time!

I'm sorry for everyone else's ailments right now too.

I had the coolest dream last night that I did an u/s on myself and saw that I was having a boy! I only see my dr next Thursday but I am hoping since I might be one of the last patients of the day that I can convince him to do a quick u/s to see what we are having and then we can schedule the one that insurance covers. (He did it for us at 7 weeks to reassure me that everything was fine after previous ectopic). DH says I'm pushing my luck but I always say you don't know until you ask. :)

I'll check back later for personals!
Allison - I have a king size bed to fit my 6'3" DH and I love all the room I have to wiggle around because I cannot get comfortable. I am eyeing the giant pregnancy pillows myself.

Jen - The only thing that has been helping my back pain is yoga. And with just a little belly I cannot twist nearly as well as a couple of months ago. Yoga has probably brought home to me more than anything how much my body is changing right now.

Melanie - At least you are getting contagious comments at work. I have a friend who had a coworker try to do an intervention for her obvious alcoholism (coming in with a hangover every morning) when she was preggo! :eek:
Hi everyone,

Allison, I haven't had cheese balls in a while but let me tell you I just can't keep away from sweets. I had a key lime pie and a candy bar yesterday and the only thing that seemed appealing to me for lunch was cheese pizza with jalapenos. Bad bad!

23jimbean, We have one of those toppers too, it's been almost 2 years since we bought it and although it helps I do think that a body pillow would be a better idea. I'm getting one myself, my lower back is aching sometimes and my hips too

Melanie, let me tell you I picked that one on the picture b/c that's how I have been feeling lately, even though I don't look like her at all now LOL

Jen, I'm sorry about your constant pain. I may try yoga like Cee suggested. BTW, I hope you get to convince your Dr to do the U/S next week. I am gonna schedule mine after July 10th since my parents will be in town and it would be nice for them to see the little on eand find out the gender too.

Susan, are you gone already? Are you having lots of fun? I hope sooo

Check back later
How did I miss so much? LOL Today is my last day off of the big stretch I had. I feel like i"m getting stronger. I hate to even post this (don't want to taboo anything) but i had ZERO spotting yesterday. That just fills my heart with such joy!

My hips aren't sore,...but,...don't laugh at me,... my ear cartilage gets sore when I'm sleeping. A little painful and i have to trade sides. I remember occasionally this happening at other times in my life, but have never associated it with pregnancy. It's really no big deal, just strange.

I feel for you uncomfortable pg's!! Tylenol PM?...maybe that'll make you feel more dopey while your sleeping.

The ibuprofen is a no-no to take while pregnant b/c it interfers with the development of baby's heart valves later in pregnancy. It's actually more of a no-no in 3rd trimester. It also can interfere with blood clotting closer to delivery. Once baby is out,'s not an issue. It amazes me how many different medications you can take while nursing, which are complete no-no's while pregnant.

I also had a dream last night about the sex of my wee-ones. They are girls. :D It was vivid, most of my pg dreams are,....even the XXX rated ones. Oh man. AND NO SEX!?!? Unfair!!! I can feel my libido starting to climb up a bit....although I still don't like to be touched much.

Okay, off to get something to eat! Have a fun time, Susan!
The weight gain!

Yikes. I gained 10 lbs in a mos. :-( How did that happen? I thought I had been eating much better than in the first trimester. I have even been exercising more, too. Oh well . . . now where did I put that chocolate . . . :)
Hey Girls!
Im still here. We leave early Saturday morning.
DD is out of school so we made an early trip to Walmart to get a few odd and ins for the trip. When we got back I did Imax3 step blasts.

Im driving dh nuts with all the pillows I sleep with. Thanks goodness our bed is a king. I Have a body pillow..another pillow I use someotimes to put between my knees, a king size pillow I put behind my back...its a circus I tell ya! Sleeping on my side is really hurting my shoulders though...and Melanie-I have noticed the ear thing too!!!!

Jen-I have noticed that the aches come and go. Once your body gets used to the change they go away..then they come back etc. This morning I got up with the tightest back...grrrr. Hang in there! I really find that stretching helps a great deal.
I hope you get your u/s!!

Melanie-hooray for no spotting!!! keep that up! When do you go back to work??
So are you not to have sex the entire pregnancy?? Maybe next dr's visit he will re-evaluate.

Pricilla-hi!! Have you been craving jalapenos!!Oh I have!! You have been so sick just eat what sounds good!!

Hi Cee, Allison, Christine, Wendy, Dawn!!!

DD brought home tadpoles the other day so she and dh have been taking care of them. Look what we found this morning at the edge of our tadpole pool in the birdbath.


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I always had one month where I gained 10lbs. Don't remember the month....just remember feeling bad,...even though I shouldn't have felt bad! Look how much your baby grew this month!!!
Melanie- I had the ear thing this AM too! Keep up the NO SPOTTING! I am so happy for you! I'm glad you are feeling better too!

Susan- My shoulders are starting to bother me when I sleep too. I really hope my body gets used to all this. It's not that I can't sleep at night, its all the aches I have when I am awake from sleeping in all these weird positions.

Priscilla- I am happy to hear that you are eating real food again!

Dawn- I have a feeling I will be up 10 lbs by next week, just you wait! I agree with everyone, it all evens out!
Jen-I too wake up kinda stiff and achey. Working out really works out the kinks far anyway. Im concerned not being able to really workout while in Fla. Maybe some long walks and swimming. Im not a big swimmer though. I like the pool to cool off and frollick around in!!

DD is painting and I have been balancing the checkbook..always fun!

Susan, where do you live again? I really enjoyed our FL vacation in March. Alot. It was so much fun. I'm so glad we went. :D

Really,...other people have sore ear cartilige? LOL
Everything is healthy, going to look again next week at the sex, little one was close legged...
I tried to attach the ultrasound, but am not too good, so hope it works...:D


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Christine-your little one is adorable!!!!!

Melanie-I live in Arkansas. I noticed my ears a couple weeks ago. Didn't really pay much attention to it..but when you brought it up I was like..hey I have that too!

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