Growing Mom's Check in Week of May 24th

I haven't had it done in my last 4 pregnancies...must not be a Minnesota-thing. ;) Wow! You learn the sex? What is it? I just did some quick "research" on it and there are quite a few "false positives" with them? Does it involve large needles going inside you?

Is anyone considering an amnio?
I had a more advanced nuchel trans....a reg one is done about 12 weeks..I had to wait til 19 to get mine. Everyone I know here has gotten one routinly.

Christine Im sure it will turn out great.

Melanie-if I my u/s had come back with any markers I would of gotten the amnio done on the same day. I know even with no markers there is still a chance of downs. Dr explained it this way. If 100 women were pregnant with a downs baby..30% of them would not get any markers...70% would. I know at my age there is a big risk..but we opted against the amnio. I have actually been thinking about it....the genetic nurse told me that the risk of m/c from amnio is less chance than me having a baby with downs. So there are risks..but minimal. Not sure what do. I have a few more weeks where its optional.
Susan, I opted to do the same thing you did when I got positive triple test (I think it's a quad test). I did genetic counseling & Level 2 u/s. The only way to know 100 percent was an amniocentesis....which carried a larger risk of m/c than the down's syndrome risk. So,....we plodded forward. And prayed alot.
I'm not planning on an amniocentesis,....
I did not have it with my son either. I think it became state law in the past year here. It is not 100% effectively accurate, but gives you a risk level on a scale of 1-10 and then from there, you choose next course of action. I am hoping it will all be good!
One funny thing, as a friend put it... If they can measure between vertebrae for Down's, surely they can tell a penis from a vagina. Too true!
Christine~ I can't wait to see your u/s pics!!! I'm sure everything will be smooth. Honestly though, I didn't think the vagina/penis thing was deceipherable until closer to 18 weeks?!?!? Has anyone else heard of this?

As of yet, I have not been offered any special tests....besides routine u/s's. My next appt in mid-June will be at 13 weeks, hopefully it'll be downhill from there!!!!

Is everyone playing?
I was disappointed my OB didn't mention the nuchal translucency test to me. It's my understanding that it's a newer test. I didn't realize it had to be done so early, so when I did my research re: genetic testing prior to my 16 week appt, I realized I was too late!

My friend had it done at 11 weeks. It's an ultrasound. The doc told her it was a boy that early!!

Low key day here in Philly. It's muggy (yuck), and DH hasn't cleaned our A/C unit yet so we've just got the ceiling fans buzzing away. I wanted to do a good workout, but knew I'd get too hot too fast (humidity and I are NOT friends ;)). I'll do a Pilates DVD in a few minutes, so at least I can say I did something!

Had planned to do burgers on the grill for dinner, but remembered about an hour ago that we're out of propane. :p So, I'm trying a Cooking Light recipe called Spicy Soba Noodles with Chicken in Peanut Sauce. Sounds delicious to me!
Okay, the pregnant check-in list so far, in order by due date...

PennStater/Allison - Sept. 20 (It's a boy!)
Susank41/Susan - Oct. 16 (It's a girl!)
Sweetpea1/Jen - Nov. 9
melanalyus/Melanie - Dec 15th (twins!)

I'll update as others request to be added :)
Allison, does this mean I have to stop calling you Penstarter? LOL

So the u/s test basically just looks for Down's Syndrome markers? Do they use a level 2 u/s or a routine?
Dinner is done...ribs, corn on cob, baked beans, potato salad, was gooood!
Melanie-as I understand the level 2 which we had is different than the nuchal trans....I may be wrong though. Level 2 is way more detailed. speaking of's a pic of my baby's foot! I love baby feet! The pic of the hands it hard to see.

Allison I hear ya about humid. Try Arkansas in July!


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My doc has the 3D, it is awesome. He send you home with a disk of images after every appt. I will upload this week. LAst time he or she looked a lot like a cashew.
Due October 25- gender-it's a 50/50 shot:)

I've never heard of the nuchal? I've also opted against an amniocentesis b/c of the risk of miscarriage and since I'm high risk anyway my OB didn't advise it.

My DH and I just realized that we disagree on where I'll deliver. I plan on delivering at a different hospital than our local one. Our small community hospital is not equipped for any complications due to my blood disorder and thus the blood thinners I am on. However, my DH thinks I should deliver b/c it's close to our home (5 min away) and its where we had my DD (but I wasn't on blood thinners then!) My OB will deliver at both. I'm sure that when I see the perinatologist next week he'll agree that I should be at the larger hospital which is only 30 minutes away. I just thought we were already in agreement on this. UGGGH! Just had to vent.
Hi Allison,

Thanks for compiling the list:

I'm Dawn, 36, from Maryland. Having a girl due October 2.

Have a great day!
Wow! You ladies were chatty on Memorial Day!

Susan- I don't know what the stride length is for my elliptical. I don't think we even knew that much about them when we bought it about 4 years ago. It was around $500 I think if that tells you how simple it is. I want a nice gym size one.

Melanie- I think we might get a 3d u/s later on. I've been researching them and pricing them. I think it would be really cool to see features if we can.

Well, I got my butt out of bed at 5:30 am to get on the TM with Coach Sean. I am so very proud of myself. I have never been an early morning exerciser but I am too tired by the end of the day and make too many excuses so I thought I would try the AM. I also think that once the baby is born the only quiet time I will have later on is in the early AM so I might as well train my body now. I don't feel too tired but I will check back around 1pm (if I'm not snoring at my desk) :)

Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Wendy~ That's frustrating about the hospital deision,.but you will make the right decision. Here's my closest option is 2 hours away, it's a Level 2 hospital, which means if the babies come sooner than 35 weeks or so, my neonates will be shipped to a different hosptial then their mommy. :( The other option is Fargo which is 5 hours away and is Level 2 hospital,...and is able to handle neonates much younger,...which insures that we'd stay at the same hospital.

I'm normally in labor for 8 hours or so before I even go to hospital. So,.....hmmmmmmm. We have time!

Yesterday I felt great, little/no nausea. Which scares the beep out of me. It's too soon, at 10 weeks for morning sickness to be gone, right? I was tired though!

Jen~ Good job on workout

Susan~ 3Ds in MN are about $50

Christie~ getting back into swing of things?
Melanie- My nausea dissappeared at 10 weeks, every now and then I get a little, but it vaporized. Oddly, I had some spotting around the same time, I was told by my OB that is common. So, crossing my fingers for you!
Jen- Awesome motivation on working out early. I can barely get out of bed when my son wakes up! I did no exercise yesterday and am going to go running today...
Susan- Many baby magazines have ads for 3 and 4D ultrasounds for 50 dollars. They are really fun. Maks it all seem so vivid and are really clear. With my son, I was able to see eyebrows, everything!
Wendy- That is a hard decision. I think that proximity to your home is much less important than the risk of life or death. You always have an option to be induced... I was induced wiht my son, and he and I turned out fine! Plus, labor is longer than 30 minutes in most cases, so you will have time!!! It might be helpful if your husband speaks to the perinatologist, if he has not all ready.
I am off to go on a run with my son, who is FINALLY back to himself. What a hard week and a half. It was like having a colicky baby all over again! Then off to the park and for a swim with my healthy bug!
No fear. Just vomited. :D Poor DH (and my friends). I want a break from vomiting,....then when I get it I worry that the babies aren't well. A person just can't win!!! LOL

I don't know if I can wait another 3 weeks before another u/s. That seems like forever. And where is my persistent spotting coming from? I've been spotting more or less for past 6 weeks. Maybe a more high definition u/s could pinpoint the bleeding source? I know, I know, I just need to relax!!!

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