Growing Mom's Check in Week of May 24th

I was told that it can be from teh cervix during the first few months... Sometimes there is old blood as the cervix adn the mucous plug get situated. I know it sounds a little gross, but that is possible. Also, sometimes there are blood clots behind implantation that bleed out a bit. I have a high implantation at the top of my uterus, is there a chance that your implantation is closer to the base? Have you met with a specialist? It does not seem like your OB is concerned, but you know your body better than anyone. If you are worried, then your doctor should be too... Feel better!
My dr doesn't know where it's coming from. He would prefer that I didn't have it at all,....and that it should be ending "soon".

My next appt I plan on finding out where the closest perinatologist's office is & setting up a Level 2 u/s.... we do not plan on having an amniocentesis. Since our twins are most likely identical, they run a slightly higher risk of problems (most noteably twin-twin transfusion syndrome) so I probably should visit one periodically throughout my pregnancy anyway. I'm hoping my ob/gyn can act as primary caregiver though.
Melanie- I noticed a big difference in my m/s around 10 weeks. It changed from all day to just evening and then at 11 weeks it disappeared. I still worried up until my next u/s at 12 weeks until I knew everything was ok.
Updated list:

PennStater/Allison - Sept. 20 (It's a boy!)
Dawncharlie/Dawn - Oct. 2 (It's a girl!)
Susank41/Susan - Oct. 16 (It's a girl!)
wendybdh - Oct. 25
Sweetpea1/Jen - Nov. 9
melanalyus/Melanie - Dec 15th (twins!)
23jimbeam - Dec. 15th
Christie! Have I calculated my pg incorrectly? I have down that I'm starting my 11th week? Am I a week off? Our due dates are the same?!?! Cool beans!

I'm not quite as tired today. AFter throwing up this AM, I took a 3 hr nap,...then woke up to some pizza (i have yet to vomit pizza). Then I took a zofran b/c I was feeling nauseated. Just drank two strawberry milk shakes & feel nauseated again (dairy)...but it sounded good.

Anyone have trouble doing laundry? Dirty laundry stinks. Clean laundry stinks. Just can't do any of it!!!! Ewwww. I'm usually not behind on my laundry. :(
You are right on your weeks. The same thing happened with my son. I measure big and have a very irregular cycle... Long story. My son originally had a due date of April 5, came out healthy and full term on March 14th. Right now I feel huge. I feel like one big boob. I do not remember this much discomfort last time.
I am so excited we are due at the same time. How nice to be on track! All my friends are due before and after me, so it is nice to be at the same pace as you! Although, I really hope you feel better.
Laundry stunk to me last pregnancy, so did Dove deodirant. Weird. Use Oxiclean with the clothes in the washer and any brand unscented detergent and unscented dryer sheets. I am so sorry. It does get better.
I am pooped. I coudl barely run today and have had burning eyes all day. I am hoping not to be getting what my son had. After a lot, and I mean a lot, of gummy bears, I had a brief reprieve, but am aching for my husband to get home later so I can sleep.
Feel great everyone!
NO joke. I am tempted to weigh my boobs. They are ridiculous. I would like to please give the milk cafeteria back for the next year.
I think Im a bit late today...oops and I sent that by accident too early.
I have been packing and organizing for Florida today. I havent had much energy either. I have been packing, resting, organizing, resting. Just been in a blah today. Feeling a bit better tonight. Tomorrow is a new day. I did workout this morning thats good.

Christine-my boobies are huge too! I have had to go up 2 cup sizes...they hurt too..but not quite as bad as they did. Im leaking colustrum some too.
Melanie-just say NO to shakes next time! Bless your heart. I am such a wuss I would not be able to make it through one of your days. You are a rock!
Sorry, I cannot remember everything I wanted to write..grr. I will catch up tomorrow!
headed to watch Deadliest Catch!
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I am relieved to hear that about the colostrum. I have that already and never once with my first. I was all paranoid. I am concerned that it will be hard this time around, i have chosen not to breastfeed this time. I make lousy milk, a lot of it, and have nipples that make pencil erasers look huge (sorry TMI!). I suffered severe post partum last time around, so we are goign to try to get my hormones regulated. But I am already leaking and my boobs are HUGE! I want to give them back? Why do men think they are a playground? Yikes!
Hee Hee. My nipples are like pencil erasers too. My lactation consultant called them, "petite". LOL I thought that was so polite. Whenever I see videos of moms nursing their babies I think they are all GIGANTIC and they are going to gag their poor babies. LOL Alas, it's just because I've been looking at my own "petite" nipples my entire life. LOL
Melanie, um, back away from the shakes, girl! That sounds awful. I'm 36. My mom STILL talks about how the smell of clothes fresh out of the dryer made her sick the whole time she was pregnant with me. To this day, she still can't stand the smell. Pregnancy does weird things to us, doesn't it?

Glad I have you ladies to commiserate with on the big boobs front. I'm regularly a perky B cup. These big boobs HURT, and man, are they uncomfortable. 23jimbeam, my nipples are creeping me out!

Though I find the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth amazing, I do not really like being pregnant. I didn't like it last time either. I know it's temporary, and that's what is helping me get through it. My MIL had 7 kids in 7 years -- I could not think of anything more undesirable than being pregnant for 7 years in a row!! (and she later had 2 more...)

Susan, I love Deadliest Catch. I haven't seen all the episodes this season, but will catch tonight's episode when it airs later tonight. Right now I'm watching Rescue Me, which I think is such a fantastic show!

I didn't get a workout in today, so at 9 I did the total sculpt workout on Low Impact Step. I feel frustrated with weights, because I feel like I never have DOMS. But I know I need weights. Again, it's temporary, I guess. Can't wait to start STS in October!
Girls, my nipples are scary!! I nursed dd so long..that aint pretty. Think really BIG erasers!!! I am looking forward to nursing though..I just loved it!

Gonna get dd to school, workout, thenI will catch up with everyone.
Oh girls! My nipples are freaking me out too! My boobs have gotten so heavy also. Everyone says they are supposed to get larger when the milk comes in and I am scared of what that will look like. DH thinks they are a playground too and loves them but I don't feel very sexual with them.

Susan- Where in FL are you going? We should hook up and go for a 5 mile walk! ;)

Melanie- Strawberry shake sounds soooo good. I'm sorry it made you throw up. What about smoothies without the milk?

Allison- I am also frustrated about not working out with weights but I am just happy to be moving again. I don't know who said it on here about their run helping their depression but I feel that way with working out too. I feel so much better mentally even if I all I get in is cardio right now.

I got up and walked on the TM again this AM! I'm definitely not trying to brag but I am just so proud of myself! It just makes me feel better body image wise too. Now if I can control my eating of sweets!

Hello to everyone! I'll be back later!
Wow. Look at all that happens when I miss a few days.

- Cee due Nov 18
- I had not heard of the nuchal and am not getting the quad screen or amnio. My dr did order a cystic fibrosis (sp?) blood screening which I had not heard of as a standard prenatal screening before. I am not a carrier (yay).
- Have not had m/s, but only exersize helped the exhaustion.
- My boobs also feel very large and not playful, just mildly achy.
- My husband and I agree which hospital we are delivering at, but this weekend got a "you don't want to be THERE" type sentiment. so frustrating and with my doctor there is not a choice. Also let my pediatrician know I am coming to visit in a few months.
- Painted the nursery this weekend, I am really happy with how the colors that I picked came out. I will get pics up soon.
- I think I have spent more time on the phone in the last two weeks than I had in the past six months combined, and all we talk about is the baby. I am not a phone person so I am really ready for someone to change the subject. (It is somehow not as bad reading/writing on the internet).

Hello to all of my pregnant Cathe friends!
Just got done with LIC.
m1-orange, pb/toast

Jen- we are going to Bradenton to see my dad. We'll be there until the 5th then we go to Jacksonville to see my aunt for 2 days..then home. You are in Orlando, right? One day we are going to Busch Gardens I think...if its hot I may pass on that one....the heat/sun wear me out these days and standing out in it...does not sound like fun. Im looking forward to to hanging out by the pool. Great job on your a.m. workouts!

DH is loving my bigger boobies...but I don't find them sexual AT ALL right now...leave my boobs alone! I even thought with my nipples being larger from nusring before that I would choke this poor baby...but my friend who has nursed 4 assures me all will be fine.

Wendy-a 30 min drive wouldnt be too bad if you felt more comfortable at that hospital. You'll make the right decision. know I was supposed to start DH school this fall? Well, I spoke with the Dean and he's putting my enrollment on hold until the fall of 2010. I am so releived and HAPPY!!

Chirstine-I too had spotting and my dr blamed it on "cervical changes".

Melanie-how ya feelig so far???

Hi Cee, Dawn, Allison!!
Susan, that's great news on DH enrollment. Yeah! Now you get to have your cake & eat it too.

Just rolling out of bed. I seem to feel better in AMs when I can sleep in a bit. I hope to get some housework done b4 my nausea kicks in. Wish me luck!!!

My boobs are sore, but not really that much bigger. I'm normally a "B" when not pg but went up to a D+ when nursing my last baby. I have pictures. I look like Betty Boop (except with petite nipples). :D

OMG I can't believe how much I've missed in these few days. It took me a while to read all the post. I think I'm gonna start posting from my job bc by the time I get home I don't feel like using my computer.

My Due date is Dec 5th and will find gender in 6-7 weeks

Melanie, my m/s is still there but not as bad. I noticed that I can't have orange juice for breakfast, I guess is the acid in it but it makes me throw up even if I took Zofran.

Jen, go ahead and brag, that's OK. I can't imagine waking up that early to work out these days. Not even the wonderful, peaceful and sexy voice of Cardio Coach would make that happen LOL But I have decided to start walking at least 30-40 mins inthe afternoons, let see how that goes.

Susan, AHHHH Florida. I love it! I used to live in Tampa close to Clearwater, soooo beautiful. I hope you guys have a lot of fun!

23jimbeam, I was talking to my assistances about boobs during pregnancy and they all laughed when I said that I hope they got back to normal after the baby. I guess they are never the same after having a baby but I'm hoping to nurse for few months if possible.

Allison, I can honestly say that I haven't enjoyed pregnancy so far. I love the fact that I'm having a baby but feeling sick for so long is not fun. I want 2 kids but seriously I have even thought about adoption. Of course, it may all change when I have my baby in my arms :0)

Cee, do you know already what you're having? Waiting on the pics..

Hi to Wendy, Dawn and all the preggers!
My friend is coming over with a pot of dinner for me.... I joke-ingly call her my "sterile" friend to DH b/c her house is sooooo spotless & clean. She is a clean freak. Well, needless to say, my house is not sterile....and I've been having a heck of a time just keeping up with basic household tasks. My house is downright gross!

Anywho, since she is coming over I spent the last hour vacuuming & straightening up. I feel really sick now & need to take a nap. :( I think I overdid it. I only cleaned the Great Room & the Dining Room....she is NOT getting past those rooms,....even if she has to use the bathroom!!!!!!!!! LOL

So, I have some steel oats simmering on the stove. I hope they settle well with my tummy. :)

Precilla, nice to hear from you. I totally know where you are coming from. With all the m/s and such,...I told DH that there would NOT be another pregnancy the other day. He chuckled and wondered if he could get that in writing. I"m serious though. I've never been so sick in my life (and it makes me sad to think some people are sick like this everyday of their lives,...and they don't get a baby out of it).

I AM excited about having babies though!!!! I also know it'll all be worth it when I'm holding TWO perfect babies in my arms!!! It makes me feel guilty for even whining & complaining when we TTC'd for over 3 years. I told myself I would NOT whine if I ever was blessed with a it seems like all I write about. :(

My friend is bringing me stuffed meatballs. Anyone ever have those?

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