Growing Belly's Check in Week of June 7th

Melanie- Girl, you crack me up! It is sad but I picture exactly what you are talking about. You are great with details! Hooray for the day off! Maybe this friend will clean your house for you???? ;) Wishful thinking, right?

Priscilla- Glad to hear from you! There was one week where all I ate was turkey dogs with chili and didn't even think about the nitrates. I was told that as long as they were hot....Oh well. Everything in moderation. My pains come and go so no, I didn't talk to my doctor. It's just an over all achy feeling, hard to describe. It gets better as the day goes on. I relate this to an older person (over 60) who has a hard time getting their body moving in the AM. :)

Christine- I am so jealous of your workouts! I long to run again but its been 4 months, I think I will wait to start slowly again after baby is born.

Wendy- Sorry to hear that you threw up. I smile every time I can bend over and pick things up cause I know it won't be long until I will just leave it on the floor. I already do that when I am cooking so the dogs can clean it up.

Kristine- I had an awful time waking up in the AM during my first trimester. I would sleep pretty good, wake up tired, be tired all day, and go to bed early. I noticed on the days that I at least walked on the TM that I did get a little burst of energy. Good luck at your appointment! Can't wait to hear about it!

Hi to Cee, Allison and Dawn and any other preggo I missed!
Melanie- PLEASE!!! I'm eating my Chocolate Fudge Poptarts right now and I have this picture in my head of you know what and the two just don't go well together! Besides, I find myself actually hoping you become constipated again! LOL!

Jen- your dogs are going to hate it when you're not pregnant. I guess by then it won't be long and you'll have a little one throwing food on the floor for them.

Kristine - I have always been totally exhausted when pregnant. Unfortunately, I don't think it matters if you get 8 hours of sleep or 12.

Anyone else having trouble with heartburn?
Morning Jen! Our dog, Bubbles, is our floor cleaner in the kitchen too!
Wendy- with Haley I had the worst heartburn the last 2 months. Im hoping I don't get it this time. btw..I love choc fudge poptarts!!!!
Wendy!!!! Do not wish constipation on me!!! PLEASE!! You must have missed that week when I had to resort to physical manipulation. LOL BTW, it is so unfair to be throwing up this late in your pg. :(

About the picking up stuff. I normally get to a point in my pg where i just soccer sidekick items from the floor to the outer perimeter. Poor DH,...I wonder if he remembers picking everything up?

Kristine~my fatigue is much much better. Hang in there!
Melanie- yet another visual - what am I going to do with you!?!?! (And trust me I wouldn't wish constipation on anyone) Which reminds me that when I was pregnant w/ my DD my husband told me that giving birth really wouldn't be any different than being constipated for a few days then finally being able to go. I asked, " When was the last time you took an 8lb. s###?" His reply, "I know I've come pretty close." Isn't that a typical man?:)

But, your son's comment - absolutely hysterical!!!
Whew, y'all have been chatty this week :)

All this talk about hot dogs and lunch meat -- you must be channeling my brain waves. I had a turkey dog today, because it just sounded great. And I've been trying to get to Costco for the Dietz and Watson Light Turkey Breast, which I am absolutely in love with. I hadn't considered the nitrate issue, but have been trying to only buy it every couple of weeks because DH and I eat the entire package within 3 or 4 days. It's sooooo good!

Susan, you look amazing! A cute pregnant lady :) We are going to the beach at the end of the month. I have NO intention of sporting a bathing suit. LOL I'm sorry DD had a bad dream about the baby, but it's so sweet that she was comforted by rubbing your stomach. What's your "recipe" for the protein pancakes? I love cottage cheese and oats -- would like to try them. Are they good with blueberries thrown in too?

Jen, sorry to hear all your aches are continuing. I never thought about Gatorade; glad your friend was able to pass along that tip. Was the lasagna a throw-together, or did you follow a recipe you can share? Lasagna sounds good -- all baked pasta sounds better than usual (gooey cheese, meat, sauce, veggies, carbs -- how can you miss?!?!).

Kristine, augh on the nausea. And the fatigue. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are not fun, are they? Bah! Is this your first baby?

Melanie, I'm glad your systems are more effective these days. Your descriptions sound like something my 10 year old stepson would like LOL Would it be mean to say I went 3 times yesterday, and twice today? But I had a couple days last week that didn't produce any results -- very uncomfortable. I'm with 23jimbeam -- I know to get my stool softener before going to the hospital this time! Fortunately, the nurses gave it to me last time. I sent DH to the store as soon as we got home for my own bottle :p

Hello to everyone else! I have to go start dinner. BBL.

Hi ladies!
Been kind of a boring day. Haley and I have just been hanging out. We go to vbs in a bit.

Hi Allison! Thanks so much for the sweet comment. If I can get into a swimsuit anybody can! Not pregnant I hate them! The pancakes are great. I will give you my recipe..but some add a little sugar or splenda, cinnamon, vanilla etc. I think bluberries would be great too!
This is the recipe for 1 batch..I usually make 3 at a time

1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup oatmeal
6 egg whites
1/4 t vanilla
Throw all in a blender until smooth. Cook just like pancakes. I use either a 1/2 or 1/4 cup measruing cup..depends on how big I want them that day. They freeze really well. I microwave them and toast them..both very good. Enjoy!

Hope everyone is having a nice day!
Thanks Susan! No, I haven't told my youngest boys yet. They haven't said anything. I don't want to jinx anything, we lost our last baby at 14 weeks. Maybe I"ll feel stronger after my appt on Monday,...after the 14 week mark.

How bout the rest of you mommies? When did you tell your toddlers?
Thanks, Susan. I'll have to make those this week. I recently found another protein pancake recipe from Oxygen magazine to try also (I think I found it on the forums, actually...). I'm not much of a breakfast eater, so I would like to try some new things :)

Melanie, you look so cute! Hey, when you've got two in there, you've got to assume you're going to have your biggest belly ever :) That's a lot of babies to grow ;) We told DD (who is 3) about the baby when I was 21 weeks. We were going to a family function with DH's family, the first since we'd let my in-laws to tell the family. We knew it would come up, and we wanted DD to hear it from us, not from someone else.
Ladies, we've set a record - 10 posts, I repeat....10 posts where noone has mentioned poop, constipation or anything referring to such!!!!!<<<<<<Applause>>>>>>

Melanie - I agree - you look adorable and only 27 weeks to go! I agree w/ Jen - you're going to be all belly. I told my DD right away because I wanted her to understand why I was vomiting, tired, etc. I don't think she really understood but I guess it made me feel better that she didn't think I was just a slacking mom.
Just a quick post to say...

Melanie, you're showing big time for 13 weeks. That's awesome, you look really cute. I'm 14 1/2 weeks and nobosy at my job has ask me yet if I'm pregnant (the staff knows of course). I want it to be noticeable!!!
My dr did not look surprised about me not gaining weight for the past 3 months. I'm sure that's not gonna be the story in 4 weeks though

Susan, do you use syrup with your pancakes?

Off to bed
Sweet dreams to all the pretty preggos!!
Pricilla you'll wake up one morning and bam..there will be a belly!
Nope, don't use syrup...I like them plain.

One more night of vbs...whew. Its fun, but Im ready to wrap it up. Got my belly all greased up, dd is in bed, gonna go watch some tv with dh then hit the sack. Night!
Allison- I followed a recipe this time and it turned out awesome! I'm at work now and the recipe is at home so I will post it tonight. It made so much too! I think I will make this a few weeks before baby's birth and freeze it. And I had leftover sauce so I froze that so I can make ziti or something next week.

Wendy- Way to go for noticing the no poop conversation but guess what? YOU brought it up! ;P

Susan- You do such a great job at eating clean! I wish I enjoyed pancakes like that. Unfortunately I just refrain from eating the "real" stuff and eat other clean foods.

Not a whole lot new to report here. My back and lower abs have been more achy yesterday and today and my belly looks like it has REALLY popped! So I guess that is why. DH says I don't look pregnant from the back (which I LOVE to hear from him!) but we will see as time goes on.

Hope all the wonderful preggos have a great day!

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